Phosphalugel for children: instructions for use


A drug called "Phosphalugel" is one of the antacids, so it is often used in the treatment of gastritis, reflux esophagitis, peptic ulcer and other gastrointestinal diseases. This medication also helps with food poisoning, rotavirus infection, various digestive disorders and so on.

One of its advantages is the possibility of use by children of different ages. But before giving “Fosfalugel” to a child, it is worth knowing about its effect on the digestive system and the dosages recommended for children.

    Release form

    "Fosfalyugel" is sold in portion bags (sticks or sachets), packaged in boxes of 6 or 20 pieces. One packet contains 16 or 20 grams of an orange-smelling white gel. It can exfoliate, but after mixing it becomes homogeneous.


    The main component of the drug is 20% aluminum phosphate gel. In sachets or sticks, which contain 16 grams of the drug, it is in the amount of 10.4 grams, which in terms of aluminum phosphate is 2.08 g. In 20 gram bags there is a little more than 12 grams of gel, which corresponds to the dosage of aluminum phosphate 2 48 g

    In order to maintain the desired consistency and give the product a pleasant smell, a solution of sorbitol, pectin, potassium sorbate, purified water, orange flavoring, agar-agar 800 and calcium sulfate are added to Phosphalugel.

    Operating principle

    Phosphalugel has a positive effect on the condition of the digestive system. due to such properties:

    • the gel neutralizes the excess acidity of the gastric juice, but does not alkalize the contents of the stomach, but maintains the physiological level of acidity;
    • the preparation has an enveloping effect and is capable of forming a protective layer on the surface of the gastric mucosa;
    • medication has the ability to reduce pepsin activity;
    • the drug also has an adsorbing effect, so its use helps to remove gases, toxins and harmful microorganisms from the gastrointestinal tract;
    • receiving "Phosphalugel" normalizes the speed of passage of the food lump in the intestine.

    Thanks to these effects, the gel is able to protect the digestive tract from various damaging effects, and also helps reduce pain and improve regeneration. In this case, the drug is not absorbed in the intestines and does not change the color of feces, like some other sorbents.

    The drug has an enveloping effect.
    Neutralizes excess acidity


    The drug is used in the treatment of various diseases of the digestive system, which manifest belching, heartburn, diarrhea, stomach pain and other discomfort symptoms. "Fosfalyugel" discharged:

    • in case of peptic ulcer, which has afflicted the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum;
    • with gastritis, when the secretory function is increased or normal;
    • with hernia of the diaphragm in the region of its esophageal opening;
    • by throwing the contents of the stomach into the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux) or inflammation, which provoked such a reflux (reflux esophagitis);
    • with dyspepsia of different genesis;
    • functional diseases of the colon;
    • in case of digestive disorders caused by drugs or some irritating substances;
    • with functional diarrhea.

    As a sorbent, "Phosphalugel" is in demand with elevated acetone, rotavirus, food poisoning and similar problems. In addition, the tool can be prescribed and prophylactically, for example, if you need to protect the patient's body from the absorption of radioactive elements.

    From what age is appointed?

    Doctors refer "Phosphalugel" to harmless drugs, therefore they are prescribed for children from birth. However, both the baby and the child 3-5 years old or older should be given this medicine only after a doctor’s examination to exclude possible negative effects.


    "Phosphalugel" can not be given to a child if he has:

    • there is a serious kidney disease that has an effect on the excretory function;
    • revealed hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the gel.

    For liver disease or severe heart disease, use of the drug should be monitored by a doctor.

    If a child has diabetes, Phosphalugel is not contraindicated.

    Side effects

    Some children develop constipation after taking Phosphalugel. To prevent this side effect, it is recommended to increase the amount of water a child consumes during the day.

    Instructions for use

    Before you open the bag of "Phosphalugel", it is recommended to rub your fingers so that the contents evenly mixed. It is necessary to open the medicine in a place that is marked in one corner of the sachet or on one side of the stick. Next, the drug is poured into a spoon and give a small patient to drink undiluted or diluted in a small amount of water.

    For a child over six years old, a single dose is 1-2 bags of Phosphalugel, and the doctor prescribes the regimen according to the diagnosis. For example, with gastroesophageal reflux, the drug is taken 2-3 times a day after meals and at bedtime.

    If the child has vomiting, it is recommended to immediately take two sachets. If you repeat a vomiting attack or persist severe nausea, after 2 hours, you need to drink the gel again from 2 bags at once, and then take the medicine 1 bag every 3 hours.

    With strong diarrhea, medication is also given first in a high dose (2 sachets), and then 1 sachet after each bowel movement, if the stool is still liquid. If "Phosphalugel" is prescribed for a peptic ulcer, then the remedy is given after a meal in one to two hours, and also additionally with pain. With dyspepsia, medication is taken before meals, and for functional disorders of the large intestine - on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime in the evening.

    Small patients under 6 years old "Phosphalugel" is prescribed in reduced dosages:

    • babies up to 6 months, it is given in a teaspoon 6 times a day after feeding (1/4 sachet weighing 16 g);
    • children over 6 months to 6 years old are given 2 teaspoons of gel 4 times a day after meals (1/2 sachet weighing 16 g).

    The duration of receiving "Phosphalugel" is determined individually.

    Take medication for dyspepsia can be sporadically, until the digestion is completely normalized. If improvement is observed after the first dose, you should drink the drug for at least 1 day. In case of gastritis, the course of treatment usually lasts 7-14 days; in case of poisoning, the medication is given from 2-3 days.


    If you give a small patient an excessively large dose of Phosphalugel, then aluminum ions in significant amounts in its intestine will suppress peristalsis, which will lead to constipation. Given this action, laxatives are used to eliminate overdose.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Using the gel with other medicines may reduce their effectiveness. Therefore, if the child has taken "Phosphalugel", it is recommended to give him other medicines not earlier than in two hours.

    Terms of sale

    To purchase "Phosphalugel" at the pharmacy, you do not need to show a doctor's prescription, but a preliminary consultation with a pediatrician is desirable.For 6 sachets of 16 g of gel you need to pay about 180-220 rubles, and the price of a pack of 20 of the same sachet is about 400 rubles.

    Storage conditions

    Keep the bags "Fosfalyugel" at home should be hidden from children. Storage temperature should not be above +25 degrees. Shelf life of the drug - 3 years. If the date indicated on the package has passed, the use of the medication is prohibited.


    In most cases, the use of "Phosphalugel" in children respond positively. According to moms, this medicine helped with diarrhea, food poisoning, vomiting, heartburn, belching, nausea and other discomfort symptoms. The advantages of the medication include a fairly fast therapeutic effect, a pleasant taste, a convenient portioned form and the possibility of using it in small children.

    Among the shortcomings usually mention the high cost of medication. In addition, some patients have constipation after taking it, but most children tolerate such a drug well. The occurrence of allergies to "Phosphalugel" is extremely rare.

    Review of the drug "Phosphalugel" see below.


    Drugs with the same active ingredient as in "Fosfalyugel" are not manufactured, so in a situation when you need to replace this medicine with an analogue, The doctor usually prescribes another antacid medication, for example:

    • "Almagel" The composition of such antacid medication includes a combination of magnesium hydroxide and algaldrata. It is prescribed to patients over 10 years old.
    • "Gastal." These lozenges contain magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide-magnesium carbonate gel. They can be used in children over 6 years old.
    • Gaviscon. The effect of this tool is provided by sodium alginate, sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate. It is represented by a suspension that is given to patients over six years old, as well as chewable tablets used in the treatment of adolescents over 12 years old.
    • «Maalox». The ingredients of this medicine in suspension and tablets are the same as in the “Almagel”, but are presented in higher dosages. The drug is allowed from the age of 15, but some doctors may prescribe it and younger children.
    • "Renny." Antacid action of these chewable tablets provides a combination of calcium carbonate with magnesium carbonate. In children, their use is possible from 12 years.
    • "Antarite". Such antacid pills on the basis of Magaldrata also have a carminative effect due to the second active ingredient, simethicone. The drug is prescribed from the age of 12.
    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


