The rate of eosinophils in the blood in children


Leukocytes are important blood cells that protect the child’s body against various infections, toxins and other adverse factors. Such cells are heterogeneous and represented by different species. One of them are eosinophils. What is the significance of such leukocytes for the child's body, how many of them should be normal and what should parents do if the level of eosinophils exceeds the normal level or there are no eosinophils in the child’s blood?

Eosinophils are cells that protect the body from viruses, allergens and harmful substances.

The role of eosinophils

Such blood cells due to the presence of granules are referred to granulocytesas neutrophils with basophils. Eosinophilic leukocytes are formed together with other white bodies in the bone marrow. When they enter the bloodstream, they are located in small vessels, and also settle in different tissues (skin, intestines, respiratory organs and others).
The main task of eosinophils in the body of a child is to protect it from pathogens of infections, allergens and toxic substances. In addition, these cells are involved in the regulation of inflammatory processes (they suppress active inflammation). Eosinophils are able to move using the amebiodia method, “picking up” to a toxic substance, bacteria or other object that needs to be neutralized.
Eosinophils can absorb various foreign particles, as well as secrete active substances - prostaglandins, enzymes for the destruction of the membranes of parasites and other compounds. In addition, these leukocytes are able to capture histamine molecules and immune complexes, which were formed in the children's body during an infectious process or an allergic reaction.
The manifestation of allergic reactions in a child partially depends on eosinophils.

How to determine children

It is possible to estimate the content of eosinophils in the blood of a child using a general analysis, which is also called clinical. In order to determine the level of eosinophils, the leukocyte formula must be present in the analysis, that is, such cells are counted as a percentage of the total number of leukocytes.

The analysis is carried out on an empty stomach, using mainly blood from a finger for it, and if a child is a newborn, blood from the heel. To ensure that the level of eosinophils is reliable, the child should not eat and drink a lot before giving blood. (only a little water is allowed). You should also avoid physical exertion and emotional stress the day before.

In addition, you need to consider that in the morning due to the higher activity of the adrenal glands, the level of eosinophils is about 15% higher than normal.

We recommend watching a video in which a specialist from a Moscow clinic tells in detail what eosinophils are and how their research takes place in the laboratory:

Norm in children

Eosinophils in the peripheral blood are represented in a small percentage. Normally, in the leukogram of children, they constitute:

  • From 1% to 4% in the neonatal period.
  • From 1% to 5% in infancy up to a year.
  • From 1% to 4% in children older than 1 year.
At different ages, the number of eosinophils in children varies

Change in the number of eosinophils

Above normal

If the percentage of eosinophils exceeds the normal value, this condition is called "eosinophilia". She in childhood is most often a sign helminthic invasion or allergic reaction. These two causes are the most common factors that provoke a high level of eosinophils in children.

We recommend to see the release of the program of the famous doctor Komarovsky, which tells about the causes of helminthic invasion in babies:

Also elevated eosinophils can be detected at magnesium deficiency, systemic diseases, protozoa infection, mononucleosis, erythremia, bacterial infections, tumors, skin diseases, vasculitis, burns, hypothyroidism, and many other diseases.

In addition, an increased number of such white blood cells is provoked by the action of drugs, for example, hormonal agents or antibiotics.

If an eosinophil level is too high in a child, you should contact your pediatrician. The doctor will first prescribe a second blood test to rule out an error, after which he will send the child for an additional examination. After an examination of feces, biochemical analysis of blood, urine analysis, serological and other examinations according to indications, the child is diagnosed and appropriate therapy is prescribed. As soon as the main disease is cured, the level of eosinophils also normalizes.
To diagnose the disease, the pediatrician will order a second blood test for the baby.

Below normal

If the level of eosinophils in the child’s blood decreases, it is called eosinopenia. Since the lower limit of the norm for any age is 1% of such leukocytes, with eosinopenia, there are no eosinophils in the child’s blood at all or are detected in a single amount.

The reason for this situation may be:

  • Severe purulent infection, including sepsis.
  • Heavy metal poisoning.
  • Surgical pathology, for example, acute pancreatitis or appendicitis.
  • Long-term use of glucocorticoids.
  • The onset of an acute inflammatory process.
  • Chronic stress.
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands or thyroid.
  • Leukemia in advanced stage.

In the absence of eosinophils in the leukocyte formula of the child, the best solution would be to contact a pediatrician. Having passed the analysis again and making sure that the laboratory mistake is excluded, the doctor will examine the baby and order additional examinations to identify serious pathologies. As soon as the main disease that provoked a decrease in eosinophils is diagnosed, the child will be prescribed the necessary treatment, during which the level of eosinophilic leukocytes will return to normal.

You can learn more about eosinophils by watching the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


