Spray "Lugol" for children: instructions for use


The drug called "Lyugol" refers to the group of antiseptics and is used for local or external treatment. This remedy treats diseases in the oral cavity and pharynx, as well as skin diseases. The drug is in demand in adults, but often discharged and children. So that it does not harm the little patients, it is worth learning more about its features and how to use the drug correctly.

Special features

At the present time, Lugol is represented by only one form of release, which is a solution poured into dark-colored glass bottles. Such bottles are equipped with a spray nozzle, thanks to which the medicament is applied in the form of a jet to the mucous membrane / skin by lightly pressing the mechanism.

The fluid itself is viscous and translucent. She has a pronounced smell of iodine and a bright reddish-brown color, sometimes with an orange tint. The volume of the drug in one bottle varies from different manufacturers and can be from 25 to 60 ml.


The action of "Lugol" is provided by iodine, which is the main ingredient of the spray and is presented in two concentrations - 1% and 1.25%. In 1% solution, the amount of iodine per gram is 10 mg, and 1 ml of the preparation with a concentration of 1.25% contains 12.5 mg of elemental iodine.

Additionally, there is glycerin in the preparation, so that iodine acts more gently. In addition, the composition of the "Lugol" included potassium iodide and purified water. Such auxiliary ingredients dissolve iodine better.

Operating principle

Molecular iodine present in Lugol has antiseptic properties, as it can destroy various pathogenic bacteria, as well as conditionally pathogenic microbes. It also affects disease-causing fungi, including candida. Due to the detrimental effect on pathogens, Lugol helps to stop the inflammatory process caused by the infection. At the same time, there is no addiction to the drug, which makes it more beneficial than topical antibiotics, and also allows you to use it as long as it takes.

Note that the spectrum of exposure to microbial and fungal cells of the drug is very wide - the spray affects a large number of different microorganisms, which allows it to be used in almost any infections of the skin or mucosa. At the same time, staphylococci have been noted to be relatively resistant to iodine, although with regular and sufficiently long treatment, “Lugol” can destroy such bacteria as well. But the drug has no effect on the blue pus bacillus.

Molecular iodine also has an irritant effect. The drug enhances the production of mucus, which can cause sneezing or coughing.

However, this effect is beneficial for infections of the mucous membranes, since, due to the large amount of mucus, pathogenic bacteria are washed off the membrane and die faster under the action of lysozyme and other active substances in the secretions.

It is worth noting that "Lugol" after treatment of affected tissues can be absorbed into the blood. If the preparation smears a small area, then the amount of iodine absorbed is not so significant and almost imperceptible. However, when spraying over a large area of ​​the mucous membrane or skin, iodine entering the blood will be large.It is important to take into account in childhood, when the barrier function of the skin is not as strong as in adults.


Processing "Lugol" applies:

  • with the defeat of bacteria or other pathogens of the pharynx or oral cavity, for example, with angina, pharyngitis or laryngitis;
  • with purulent otitis externa;
  • with boils, scratches suppuration, erysipelas and other skin infections;
  • for wounds on the skin;
  • with burns 1-2 degrees and in the case of complications (with their secondary infection).

Is it allowed to use in children?

"Lugol" is often prescribed to children, as pediatricians are considered safe in childhood. Usually in pediatric practice, it is used for angina and pharyngitis, as a drug for treating sore throat. In our country, he is discharged from birth, although in the instructions for the spray you can see the age restrictions (different manufacturers indicate in contraindications the age of 5 years or 12 years).

The widespread use of Lugol in children is associated with long-term observation of the effect of this solution on the children's body. Such a tool has been prescribed for many decades, and during this period pediatricians have been convinced that the medication is effective and harmless. However, there are many pediatricians, among whom is Dr. Komarovsky, who consider this drug obsolete. In their opinion, many more modern local remedies are being produced, which have fewer contraindications and side effects.

It is also important to note that splashing “Lugol” at an early age is not recommended, because the youngest patients cannot hold their breath upon request. For this reason, in infants and toddlers in 2-3 years, it is more expedient to apply the solution using a cotton swab.


Treatment with Lugol is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to iodine or other medication ingredients. If a child has been diagnosed with kidney disease, liver disease, or dermatitis herpetiformis, use the solution with caution.

Restrictions for the treatment of "Lugol" is for patients with diseases of the thyroid gland, since the excess iodine accumulates in this organ. Such children are not recommended to irrigate large areas. Adults do not prescribe the drug during the period of gestation and breastfeeding.

Side effects

The drug can provoke urticaria and other manifestations of allergies. If you use it too long, Lugol can cause increased tearing, acne, rhinitis, and other manifestations of the reaction called “iodism”.

Some children after treatment with Lugol of the mucous membranes complain of tingling, burning, sore throat and similar discomfort. They usually disappear within a few hours and are connected by the over-drying and irritating effects of iodine.

If such discomfort symptoms greatly disturb the child, gargling with softening herbal decoction, for example, from chamomile, is recommended. And you can also use lozenges or lozenges that will soften the mucosa.

In addition, it is important that the spray does not hit the child in the eye. If this happens by accident, immediately flush the conjunctiva with plenty of clean water.

Instructions for use

The medicine is sprayed on the painful and inflamed areas until the patient's condition improves or he fully recovers. The recommended processing frequency is four to six times a day.

Holding the bottle vertically, the tube is directed to the desired area and press the dispenser once. Such pressing should not be long, because the spraying of the solution does not occur in the form of a cloud, but it is jetted. If it is necessary to process a large area or several areas, it is necessary to spray “Lugol” with several taps, irrigating the surface in parts.

At that moment, when the spray is sprayed on the mucous membrane of the mouth or throat, the patient must hold his breath.This will prevent the solution from entering the bronchi.

After applying the funds on the affected mucous membrane can not eat or drink anything for at least 30 minutes. During this period, the drug remains on the treated surface and exerts its therapeutic effect.

On the skin "Lugol" can be applied in different ways. The method of treatment depends on the severity of inflammation, for example, if the skin is inflamed in a limited area and this inflammation is not very pronounced, the wound is first cleaned of impurities, then sprinkled with “Lugol” and left for 15-30 minutes for better absorption. Then the skin can remain open or cover with a bandage. Such processing is performed 2-6 times a day until the inflammation has completely disappeared.

If the infection struck a large area (more than 5x5 cm) or the course of the disease is severe (the patient has many boils, infected burns, the suture was inflamed after the operation, and so on), then wipes moistened on the skin and periodically replaced with new ones are Lugol.


If a solution is accidentally swallowed in a small amount (during throat processing), there are usually no problems, since iodine will be partially excreted in the urine or transferred to the thyroid gland, which will take part in the synthesis of hormones. If a child swallows a large amount of medication, or the treatment is carried out too often, it can lead to negative symptoms.

For example, an excess of iodine will irritate the upper airways, which will cause bronchospasm or laryngism. Also, burns of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and bronchi are possible. If large amounts of Lugol enter the digestive tract, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract may occur. A very large dose of the drug can destroy red blood cells and cause hemoglobinuria.

As soon as an overdose is detected, it is necessary to immediately wash the stomach and call a doctor. Sodium thiosulfate is used to eliminate the negative effects of iodine. This compound is an antidote and is able to bind excess iodine, and then remove it from the body.

Interaction with other drugs

"Lugol" is incompatible with many other medicines. For example, such a solution can not be used with ammonia solutions, metal preparations or essential oils. If you treat Lugol with the skin at the same time as other means that may irritate it, then such a side effect will increase.

Terms of sale

"Lugol" refers to OTC drugs, so you can safely buy it in almost any pharmacy. The cost of the drug affects the volume of solution in the bottle, and the manufacturer. The average price of a 50 ml bottle is 100-110 rubles.

Storage conditions

To molecular iodine in the composition of the solution is not destroyed, the drug must be stored in a dark and cool place. If you keep the bottle under the rays of the sun or at temperatures above +40 degrees, the active ingredient will rapidly deteriorate and the effectiveness of the treatment, respectively, will decrease. The optimal temperature storage conditions "Lugol" is the range up to +25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the solution is usually 3 years.


About 80% of Lugol reviews are positive. They call the drug effective and note that the spray helped get rid of sore throat and accelerated recovery from acute respiratory infections. The advantages of this product are called ease of use and low cost, as well as a fairly quick therapeutic effect. Among its shortcomings are usually mentioned the appearance of symptoms of irritation of the mucous membrane and the unpleasant taste of the liquid. In negative reviews talk about side effects, for example, the development of bronchospasm.


Replace "Lugol" capable of other antiseptics, which are produced in the form of a spray.

  • «Yoks». As part of this medication is povidone-iodine, supplemented with allantoin, so it not only disinfects, but also accelerates the healing of the throat.In the form of a spray, it can be used from the age of eight.
  • Maksikold Lor. This drug acts on bacteria, fungi and many viruses due to hexatidine. It is allowed to spray children from the age of 3 in the oral cavity and can be replaced with other hexatidine preparations, for example, with a spray “Hexoral».
  • «Tantum Verde». The basis of this drug is benzydamine, which is also present in Oralsept. Both sprays can be used from the age of three and are prescribed for purulent tonsillitis, stomatitis and other diseases.
  • «Hexasprey». This aerosol contains biclotymol and helps to quickly get rid of sore throat. Children can be sprayed from 6 years.
  • «Kameton». The effect of this drug is due to a combination of camphor, menthol, chlorobutanol and equivalpt oil. All of these substances help kill germs and reduce the activity of inflammation. In the form of spray "Kameton" discharged from 5 years of age.
  • «Miramistin». This antiseptic is allowed at any age. It helps get rid of fungi, bacteria and virus particles, and also accelerates the regeneration of the mucous membrane. It can be used not only for hypertrophy of the tonsils, rhinitis, adenoids or stomatitis, but also for various skin lesions, conjunctivitis and many other pathologies.
  • «Proposol». Such a drug based on propolis can be used only as prescribed by a doctor, as it can cause an allergic reaction. It is in demand for stomatitis, tonsillitis and other diseases.

Reviews and instructions for use of the solution "Lugol" with glycerin, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


