Viniline for children


"Viniline" is a popular medication for treating wounds in adults. This drug has another name - “Shostakovsky balm”. Many do not know whether it can be used in childhood, when the use of such a drug is justified and how it affects the mucous membranes and skin.

Release form

This is a light yellow thick liquid that does not dry out in air and has a specific smell. It does not dissolve in water. One bottle can contain both 50 gso and 100 g such a solution.


The action of "Vinilina" provides a component called polyvinox or polyvinyl butyl ether.

Operating principle

The drug belongs to antiseptics, because it affects microbes. Another "Vinilina" has the ability to accelerate regeneration processes. The use of drugs stimulates epithelization of wounds and their cleansing. In addition, the tool helps with pain, reducing pain in case of damage to the mucous membranes and skin.

Adopted medication envelops, reduces the severity of inflammation and has a bacteriostatic effect. During this treatment, the number of ulcers of the digestive tract is reduced, and the swelling and redness of the gastrointestinal mucosa passes. Under the influence of polyvinox, the development and growth of pathogenic microbes slows down.


Vinyline is applied:

  • When an infection of the skin or soft tissues - for example, with a furuncle or abscess.
  • For trophic ulcers of the skin.
  • With dermatitis.
  • With various injuries (for example, with abrasions and bruises).
  • With open wounds on the skin.
  • From diaper rash.
  • Chemical or thermal burns.
  • With post-traumatic infections.
  • With an anal fissure and hemorrhoids.
  • When chickenpox (to handle bubbles in the mouth).
  • With frostbite.
  • For angina, granular pharyngitis and other infections of the throat and tonsils.
  • For stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis and other lesions of the oral mucosa.

Inside the medicine is taken with acidity and heartburn (erosive or hyperacid gastritis), peptic ulcer disease or ulcerative colitis. The complex treatment of such diseases is necessary. Introduced using a proctoscope solution is used for colitis and dysentery.

At what age is it allowed to take?

Annotation to the balm contains information that in childhood it can not be appointed. However, in practice, many doctors prescribe "Viniline" kids, noting that improvements occur even in infants. At the same time, it is not recommended to treat the skin or mucous with “Vinyline” to a child under one year old without consulting a pediatrician.


The use of "Vinilina" is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to such a drug. The medicine is also not prescribed for kidney disease. Contraindications for internal use will also be pathologies of the gallbladder and liver, since in Polyvinox they have noted the property of enhancing bile formation.

Side effects

In some cases, treatment with "Vinylinum" appears allergic. It may be a rash, itchy skin or redness. Other side reactions to this medicine are usually absent, because its active substance is a high-molecular compound, unable to penetrate the cells and not breaking down into ions. There is no toxic effect.

Instructions for use and dosage

  • Places of lesions on the skin should be smeared with balsam, treating them with a napkin. The drug is also permissible to mix with vegetable oils and ointments.
  • During stomatitis, the baby can be applied to the nipple and then given to the infant. An older child has sores and aphthas smeared with a dot, applying the medicine on the inflamed areas with a clean gauze cloth. It can also be treated with a solution of the entire oral mucosa. Frequency of use - 3-4 times during the day. Balm is recommended to be applied later. 1.5-2 hours after meals. After drug lubrication, feeding is allowed at least after 40 minutes.
  • If the stomatitis has arisen at the schoolboy or the teenager, it is possible to do rinsings with "Vinilyn". For them, the child should take about 1 ml solution. So the drug is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the mouth.
  • When the mouth sores or wounds on the skin have healed, it is recommended to perform several more treatments with “Vinylinum” in order to consolidate the healing effect.
  • In case of sore throat, for applying “Vinyline” on the tonsils, use a clean stick and a cotton swab moistened with medicine. Lubrication perform 3-4 times a day, supplementing such treatment with the use of an antibiotic prescribed by the pediatrician.
  • If a small patient has a fracture in the anal zone or hemorrhoids, “Vinyline” is applied on a napkin, which is applied to the anus on 30 minutes. Such a compress is done before 4 times in a day (within 1-2 weeks).
  • Inside "Vinylinum" give before bedtime, half a teaspoon. Before using the medicine after a meal should take 4-5 hours. The duration of such treatment is 10 days or longer (depending on the pathology).

Overdose and compatibility with other drugs

The manufacturer does not provide information on the reaction to the overdose of the solution or incompatibility of "Vinylline" with other drugs.

Terms of sale

To buy "Vinilina" in a pharmacy, you do not need a prescription from a doctor, but when using the drug by children, you should not ignore the advice of a specialist. The price of a bottle of balsam can vary from 80 to 220 rubles (depending on the manufacturer and volume). Usually 50 g of this medicine costs 130 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

To keep "Vinyline" at home you need at a temperature below 25 degrees Celsius. The drug should be stored in a place hidden from the babies, and its bottle should always be tightly closed. Shelf life of the drug is 5 years.


Almost all mothers speak positively about “Vinilin”. The drug is praised for its high efficacy and confirms that healing after treatment with this balm occurs very quickly. The advantages of drugs are also the lack of taste, economical consumption, a wide range of applications and low cost. As for the drawbacks, they often complain about the high viscosity of the solution. According to parents, the drug is very sticky and washed off with difficulty.


Replacement of "Vinilina" is selected taking into account the pathology that needs to be cured. For example, if the medication is prescribed for stomatitis or sore throat, means such as «Hexalysis», «Lizobact», "Grammydin", «Imudon», «Yoks», «Ingalipt», «Hexasprey», «Lugol». For wounds, suppurations and other skin lesions, “Vinyline” can replace such antiseptics as «Dioxidine», «Miramistin», «Betadine», "Chlorhexidine" and other drugs.

It is best to learn about the indications, use and side effects of Shostakovsky balm from experts.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


