Alexey Konovalov,

teacher of additional education

Good day. My name is Aleksey. In my spare time, I am engaged in raising my children - a son and daughter.

From an early age I loved the game of chess. Now this is a kind of hobby that brings me additional income. I teach this game my kids and everyone. Basically, of course, these are children of 7-12 years old, who achieve amazing results - they go to regional and Russian competitions.

I like to be engaged in repair: beginning from halls and finishing children's rooms. I experiment with design solutions - the results are stunning even me: everything turns out just fine. Some who wish to provide a 3D-model of the apartment before and after the repair work.

I, as an experienced repair specialist, give advice on finishing work in apartments. Contact us, I will always find a suitable solution for you, or together with you we will work out the necessary final version of the interior.

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