Anna Sukhareva


Hello. My name is Anna. By education I am a teacher. Specialty - teacher of English and foreign literature. I give private lessons in English.

For many years she worked as an instructor in hippotherapy (treatment with horses) - she helped children with various disabilities. It was related to Canistherapy (treatment by dogs). I think these techniques are quite effective.

Now I am on maternity leave. I bring up my daughter. I get to know her all over again. I believe that raising a child is a big job, but at the same time a great happiness.

The main role in the development and formation of personality is played by the family. Therefore, the family must do everything that depends on it in order to grow their crumbs worthy man. Parents should give the child all their warmth, love, care and, very importantly, a lot of attention.

Like all mommies, when faced with problems, I am gaining experience in the upbringing and development of children. I would be glad to share the accumulated knowledge and experience!

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