Treatment of conjunctivitis in children at home


Inflammatory eye diseases are common in pediatric ophthalmic practice. Even babies from the very first days after birth are subject to such dangerous diseases. The peak incidence of conjunctivitis occurs at the age of 2-7 years. Timely detection of the disease and the appointment of adequate treatment will help to quickly cope with the adverse symptoms of the disease.

The main causes of conjunctivitis

To date, scientists have more than a hundred different variants of inflammatory diseases of the conjunctiva. They are caused by various reasons. Appointment of the correct treatment is always carried out after establishing the external agent that caused the disease. Only in this case, the achievement of full recovery from the disease is guaranteed.

Among the most common causes that can cause inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye are the following:

  • Bacteria. In babies of the first years of life, the most frequent bacterial pathogens are streptococci and staphylococci. The rapid spread of such infections is characteristic of crowded groups. Toddlers who attend an educational institution have a higher risk of infection. Occur bacterial infections, as a rule, relatively hard and long. On average, the disease lasts from ten days to a couple of weeks. Such variants of the disease require the appointment of antibiotics.

  • Viruses. Most often conjunctivitis can be caused by adenoviruses or herpes viruses. The duration of the disease is 5-7 days. When joining a secondary bacterial infection - up to two or three weeks. For the treatment of such diseases, doctors prescribe special antiviral drugs.

  • Fungi. Infection is most common in babies with strong immunodeficiencies. Children who have recently had a cold or have many chronic pathologies are also susceptible to fungal conjunctivitis. The treatment is quite long. Various means are used, including tablets to stimulate immunity and eliminate unfavorable symptoms.

  • Allergy. Babies with food intolerance or an acute reaction to the flowering of plants also often develop conjunctivitis symptoms. For allergic forms of the disease is characterized by marked swelling of the eyelids and severe itching. When examining objects, visual disturbances and double vision may occur.

  • Congenital forms. Occur in the prenatal development of the baby. If the expectant mother gets some infectious disease during pregnancy, the baby can easily become infected as well. The spread of infection occurs through the blood. Most viruses are very small in size and easily penetrate the placental barrier, causing inflammation.

  • Traumatic injuries and hygiene violations. The mucous membrane of the eye in babies is very sensitive to various external influences. A child, actively exploring the world in taste and color, may accidentally injure himself. After any damage, inflammation increases very quickly. In such cases, a mandatory medical consultation is required.

Various causes, which can be sources of the disease, lead to the development of an inflammatory process on the conjunctiva of the eye.For infectious diseases is characterized by the presence of an incubation period. So for viral infections it usually takes 5-7 days. Bacterial conjunctivitis manifests itself after 6-10 days. The adverse symptoms of the disease in allergic and traumatic forms of the disease begin within a few hours from the moment of injury.

How does it manifest itself?

Regardless of the cause of the disease, the clinical manifestations of the disease in conjunctivitis are the following:

  • Red eyes. The blood vessels of the eyes due to inflammation swell and strongly protrude above the mucous membrane. In most cases, this symptom occurs immediately in both eyes. Sunlight causes increased redness and soreness.
  • Burning and itching. Most often occurs in allergic forms. This symptom brings pronounced discomfort to the baby. The child tries to open his eyes less or blink more often. Children of early age become whiny, capricious.
  • Swelling of the eyelids. With the development of severe inflammation, all the mucous membranes of the eye are damaged. Eyelids become swollen. The face of the baby gets frowned and sullen look. Due to severe edema, vision may be impaired. In such cases, when viewing closely spaced objects may appear a violation of the clarity of the image and even ghosting.
  • Severe tearing. Discharge from the eyes most often transparent. With a more unfavorable course of the disease, pus or even bloody discharge may appear. In this case, a secondary bacterial infection usually occurs. Tearing increases in the daytime or with active sunlight.
  • Violation of general well-being. A child may experience a fever, runny nose, or nasal congestion while breathing. Toddlers are becoming more lethargic. Habitual activities, active games that bring joy, do not cause them positive emotions. Kids become more sleepy, sleep a lot.

The similarity of clinical manifestations in various variants of the disease allows you to quickly suspect conjunctivitis and begin treatment. With the appearance of minor symptoms of the disease, it can be treated at home.

For a speedy recovery requires a whole range of therapeutic procedures.

Home treatment

In order to quickly cope with the adverse symptoms of conjunctivitis, compliance with a specific sequence of actions is required. It is important to remember that all hygiene procedures must be carried out with clean and processed hands! Before you drop the medical drops and wash the eyes of the child, the mother should wash her hands with antibacterial soap and dry them thoroughly with a clean, ironed towel.

It should also be remembered that all objects and hygiene products that touch the eyes and face of the child must be clean! In the acute period of illness, towels should be washed every day. Be sure to iron them before use with a hot iron on both sides. This will prevent additional secondary bacterial infection.

For the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the eyes apply numerous methods. Will help cure conjunctivitis:

Eye wash

At home, apply various decoctions of plants and antibacterial agents. You can safely use chamomile flowers, calendula, infusion of weak tea. In order to prepare a healing decoction of the plant: take one tablespoon of chopped raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water. Use for this glassware. Cover the container with the lid and leave for 40-60 minutes.

Treat the eyes with clean cotton pads. It is not necessary to use sterile. Try to keep them in a clean container.For each eye, be sure to use a separate cotton pad.

You can wash your eyes every 2-3 hours. Perform the procedure should be from the inner corner to the nose. In this case, the probability of introducing a bacterial infection or injury to the eye is minimal.

All decoctions and other medical solutions for eye treatment should not be hot. Before rinsing, be sure to cool them to a comfortable temperature. Excessively hot broths can additionally injure the mucous membrane of the eyes and increase inflammation.

The use of eye drops and medical ointments

The choice of such drugs is made by the attending physician.. Medical examination will allow you to accurately determine the causative agent of the disease, and therefore choose the right treatment. Today in the children's ophthalmic practice uses a huge range of different medical products. Most often for the treatment of conjunctivitis use medicinal ointment or eye drops.

For the treatment of viral diseases use drugs that have a detrimental effect on microorganisms. In viral variants of the disease is quite effective "Ophthalmoferon». It can be used up to 5-6 times a day for 1-2 a drop in every eye. This drug helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms of the disease, such as tearing and severe redness of the eye.

For the treatment of bacterial infections of the eyes in babies from the first days of life apply "Albucid". It has a minimum of side effects and is well tolerated even by newborns. Often this medicine is used in maternity hospitals for the prevention of gonorrheal infection.

Tetracycline ointment - One of the classic ways to treat bacterial conjunctivitis. It lay for the damaged lower eyelid. The drug is slowly absorbed and spreads through the circulatory system of the eye. This contributes to the effective elimination of the adverse symptoms of the inflammatory process on the conjunctiva.

Immunity strengthening

During the acute period of the disease, the child’s immune system is under severe stress. In order to help the child's body cope with the adverse symptoms of the disease, it is imperative to choose the correct day regimen. During the acute period of the disease, the child must sleep at least ten hours a day. Daytime sleep for sick children is 20-30% of the entire duration of sleep.

During the period of illness, all babies are prescribed special medical nutrition. Each meal should be supplemented with protein foods. An excellent choice would be a bird, veal or fish. For toddlers, it is imperative to include dairy products. The lacto-and bifidobacteria in their composition will help strengthen the immune system and contribute to the speedy recovery of the child.

Insolation reduction

In the early days of the disease, babies react quite strongly to strong light. Sunlight on the damaged mucous membrane contributes to its additional trauma and intensifies all adverse symptoms. In children, the pain syndrome is growing, severe tearing and eye irritation may occur.

For the speedy recovery of the mucous membrane should be limited walks with the child in the early days of the disease. For more comfortable well-being of the baby - the children's room should be curtained with black night curtains. During sleep, when the eyes are closed, the inflamed mucosa also quickly recovers and heals.

Treatment of conjunctivitis can be performed at home, if the disease is in a fairly mild form. Decide on the need for hospitalization should pediatrician. If you have seen the first symptoms and manifestations of the disease - be sure to show the child to the doctor. With the timely appointment of treatment, babies quickly recover and return to their usual way of life.

How to treat conjunctivitis at home, see the video below.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


