Micropolarization of the brain in children: indications and contraindications


Treatment of diseases of the central nervous system is a rather difficult task. The methods used in children's practice should not only be safe, but also not cause pain in babies. One of them is micropolarization of the brain.

What it is?

The brain is a real computer that organizes and plans the work of all organs. The functioning of this body is quite complicated. This is due to the variety of different functions that it performs. Affect the work of the brain should be the most gentle method. This can be achieved by applying micropolarization.

This method has proven itself in children's neurology. The therapeutic effect of various pathologies of the brain is carried out with the help of a direct electric current. It is quite small and does not exceed 1 mA in intensity. Such an effect is quite comparable with the natural stress in brain cells (neurons). This makes it possible to safely use this method in the smallest patients.

Transcranial micropolarization is a unique method for treating the brain in babies.

On the creation of this technique worked several scientists in different countries of the world. The development of this method took more than a hundred years. Our country can rightly be proud that the first procedure for micropolarization of the brain was carried out in the Psychoneurological Institute. Bekhtereva.

It should be noted that the method has not found enough widespread use. This is due to some reasons: the occurrence in some cases of technical errors during the procedure, obtaining a wide range of values ​​obtained, as well as the lack of a clear and recognized standardization of results. According to statistics, micropolarization of the brain is carried out more often in children than in adults. There are certain indications for such treatment and there are contraindications.

How is it done?

Micropolarization of the brain does not cause any pain in the child. This largely explains the fact that the method is quite applicable in children's practice. Even the smallest child tolerates such procedures well. Usually, overly emotional babies try to calm down a little before conducting a study. The presence of a mother next to the baby during the procedure helps to somewhat reduce the increased anxiety and excessive emotionality in the child.

The course of treatment is made individually and depends on the source of the underlying disease, as well as the age of the baby. Micropolarization can be carried out both in prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. Typically, the duration of the course is 10-12 sessions. The duration of one procedure is usually from ½ to an hour. In some cases, experts recommend repeating the course of treatment after 6-8 months.

The main goal of therapy is the activation of brain neurons and optimization of the central nervous system.

The action of a current of a certain frequency leads to the fact that brain cells begin to work more intensively and more productively. Improved interneuronal interaction also occurs. This leads to the fact that the overall work of the brain improves.

Treatment is usually prescribed. neuropathologist, speech therapist or pediatric psychotherapist. Before the appointment of micropolarization of the brain, usually all the necessary analyzes and studies are carried out, establishing a complete and accurate diagnosis or pathological condition. Electroencephalography of the brain or EEG is usually required. This method allows to detect the presence of a pathological process in the nervous tissue. EEG is also performed during the course of micropolarization: in the middle and at the end of the treatment.

Before carrying out the procedure with the child should always talk. It is necessary to explain to the baby that he will need to sit quietly for a certain time, without making active movements. In a conversation, it is imperative to emphasize that he will not have any pain or discomfort.

Emphasize that during the whole procedure you will be around and nothing bad will happen.

Some whims outright refuse to carry out such treatment. In this case, try to turn treatment into a game. Say that during these procedures, the baby will become a real superhero! Usually this technique works well with boys. Try to transfer the child’s attention from treatment to active play.

For treatment, a special helmet is worn on the baby’s head or electrodes are attached. It is on them that the low frequency direct current will flow. All electrodes located inside the helmet are arranged in a strictly defined order. Before conducting the procedure of micropolarization, the doctor sets the individual settings for the operation of the device for a particular child.

During treatment, you do not need to sit completely motionless. The kid can move a little body or hands. However, all active movements are prohibited. Their performance significantly reduces the achievement of a positive result, and inhibits the degree of impact. The effect of this method of treatment is cumulative. Usually, the first positive changes in the child’s condition begin in the middle of the course of therapy.

Doctors say that electroencephalography of the brain in the middle of the course of treatment is very important. It helps to track the earliest signs of recovery of lost functions and notice the result.

In the majority of patients, after a treatment, there is an improvement in well-being. In the absence of a positive result, a revision of therapy tactics and additional diagnostic methods are required. It is possible that “hidden” diseases or pathological conditions lead to a decrease in outcome.

Who shows the procedure?

There are strict guidelines for prescribing the procedure. Micropolarization is, unfortunately, not a panacea for the treatment of all brain pathologies at all. It helps only in certain pathological conditions.

Usually the decision about the need for the appointment of such treatment takes the attending physician. Assessing the initial state of the child, he determines the possibility of using this type of therapy in him.

Usually transcranial micropolarization is assigned when:

  • Lagging behind age development. If the baby has signs of pronounced impairment of mental or physical development, then it is sent for appropriate treatment. The therapeutic course in this case may be different and depends on the initial state of the child;
  • Congenital pathology of the central nervous system - cerebral palsy. It is prescribed for various forms of this disease: hyperkinetic, spastic, cerebellar, or mixed;
  • A variety of voice disorders. Impaired vocal apparatus for reasons of pathological conditions of the central nervous system is also an indication for this procedure;
  • Signs of an epileptic condition. The method is effective for various types of epilepsy, especially occurring with an erased course or expressed slightly;
Developmental delays
Epilepsy in a child
  • Hyperactivity of various origins;
  • Deficit attention syndrome;
  • The pronounced effects of psycho-emotional or nervous shocks that have caused the child significant disruption to the central nervous system;
  • Syndrome of excessive aggression in childhood or adolescence. Micropolarization of the brain is most effective if mental disorders in a child are caused due to functional disorders;
  • Various violations of urine excretion (enuresis) or feces (encopresis);
  • Pronounced panic attacks and social inclusion disorders;
  • Impaired vision and hearing. Reviews of many parents suggest that micropolarization is effective for the treatment of nystagmus of various origins, strabismus, amblyopia, sensory neural hearing loss;
  • The effects of traumatic brain injury. Often these pathologies are accompanied by the development of dizziness, headache, the appearance of autonomic disorders and even circulatory disorders;
  • Headache associated with severe tension;
  • Oligophrenia (dementia), occurring in a mild form.


In some clinical cases, it is impossible to micropolarize the brain. She also, like any other method of therapy, has individual contraindications. Usually they are set by the doctor at the stage of diagnosis - before and during treatment. If the baby has identified certain contraindications, then micropolarization should be discarded.

The main restrictions for the procedure include:

  • Acupuncture simultaneous with micropolarization, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and other electrical treatments.
  • The use of psychotropic drugs.
  • Severe burns or traumatic injuries on the head in places for applying electrodes.
  • The acute period of inflammatory infectious diseases of the brain: meningitis, arachnoiditis, encephalitis, and others. In this case, this contraindication is relative. After removing the cause and adverse symptoms of a viral or bacterial infection, it can be performed.
  • Congenital pathologies of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by the appearance of cardiac arrhythmias. Persistent arrhythmias are contraindications for electric shock, as this can aggravate their course.
  • The presence of metal elements inside the body. Children who have pins in bones after various injuries cannot be micropolarized. Removable metal structures (braces, dental braces and others) are not a contraindication to the procedure, since they can be easily removed in front of it.
  • Pathological constriction (stenosis) of blood vessels that feed the brain. The active exposure to electric current can lead to their excessive expansion, contributing to the occurrence of a pathological rupture and intracerebral bleeding.
  • Neoplasms in the brain and various tumors. Exposure to electric current in this case may contribute to their more intensive growth or the spread of metastases.

For information on the conditions in which children have micropolarization of the brain, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


