Series for children


The sequence is one of the favorite medicinal herbs of all parents, which can rightly be considered "childish." No wonder she is part of many children's cosmetics, shampoos, creams and bath foams.

Baths with an infusion of this herb for bathing a newborn are very popular with moms and dads. As they grow older, the child will repeatedly come into contact with the train in various compositions. What effect does this plant have? How can it be used for children's health?


Of the several dozen varieties of the series, the greatest distribution as a medicinal plant was obtained threefold. In Russia, in ancient times it was called a dogman, grass - scaffold or goat horns. This incredibly useful plant is widespread in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East.

People have long guessed about the wonderful properties of the series - at the end of the 19th century, 29 Russian provinces were immediately engaged in collecting this plant and preparing it for future use. Even earlier, the Chinese and Tibetan healers began treating this weed.

Useful material

The main advantage of the plant is tannins, which are in the composition of fruits, stems and leaves. Also, the series is rich in essential oil, coumarin, the plant contains ascorbic acid, some other vitamins and minerals, manganese.

It is possible to harvest the grass independently, but only professional herbalists know some secrets of proper drying, cutting of the healing gathering. Plays a role and the area in which they collected the series, its ecological condition. That is why it is easier for modern parents to buy a ready-made pharmaceutical collection, its cost will not hit the family budget much - it does not exceed 100 rubles.

About the beneficial properties and contraindications can be found by watching the video:

How does it work?

The plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, diuretic, diaphoretic and antihistamine effects. Nutrients help to improve digestion. Ascorbic acid contained in it has a positive effect on blood formation.

Tannins are universal natural antibiotics, so the herb helps very effectively with skin irritations, diaper rash, small abrasions and wounds.

Like any phytomedicine, the sequence must be used wisely - the frequent and undosed use of this plant in children can cause unpleasant consequences - constipation, weakness, nervousness.

Where used

  • For bathing newborns;
  • Bathtubs for older children;
  • To relieve skin inflammation and irritation in creams and ointments;
  • In the composition of herbal teas for children;
  • In lotions and compresses for some diseases.
Newborn babies bath with a string helps to relax

What to buy?

A succession on the shelves of Russian pharmacies found in different forms. For decoctions and infusions suitable dried grass in packs of 50 grams. For ingestion, the plant can be purchased in filter packs of 1.5 grams. In a pack of such bags 20.

"Kids cream with a string" - an excellent remedy for baby diaper rash. It can be applied to babies from birth, even with allergies to other cosmetics.

The manufacturer Neva Cosmetics offers a whole range of children's care products with a string - this is a children's cream, and baby soap with extracts of a miraculous herb.

For aromatherapy sessions, pharmacies sell a balm based on the essential oil of the train.There are wet wipes for baby skin care and powder with this plant.


Most often, the series is used for bathing newborns. The substances contained in it are useful not only for the delicate skin of an infant, but also for the entire child’s body as a whole.

Such a baby phyto bath can be taken almost immediately after discharge from the hospital as soon as the umbilical wound heals. They will help to cope with diaper rash, diathesis and the so-called "milk crust" on the head of the crumbs. Doctors also recommend taking baths with decoction of a series of excitable and nervous babies, this procedure will help the child to calm down, it is easier to fall asleep, to sleep better.

It is important to remember that you will not notice the effect of one bath, because such a procedure should be followed by a course, because phytotherapy has an accumulative effect. It will be beneficial if used correctly.

The most common misconception of parents is the confidence that such baths can be taken at least every day. Therefore, it is important to know how often you can bathe your baby with decoction of herbs.

Do not bathe a child in water with decoction more than once a week, this can lead to drying of the skin. If the toddler is prone to allergies, diathesis, then bathe it in the broth preferably no more than 2 times a month (with a break of two weeks).

The first procedure should not last longer than 3-5 minutes. The following can be increased by 5-7 minutes. Gradually allowed to bring the bathing time to 20-25 minutes.

Preparing a bath with a string is quite simple. This can be done in two ways.

In the first case, you can cook a decoction. The temperature of the water for a comfortable bathing child - 37 degrees. 20 grams of a dry run pour boiled water, but not boiling water. It is desirable that the water cooled slightly, up to 80-85 degrees. Broth insist on a water bath for about 30 minutes. Then another 40 minutes should be allowed to stand at room temperature, strain and add 1.5 cups of broth per 10 liters of water to the bathing water.

A good example of how to brew herbs for swimming is shown in the video below:

The second way is to make a series of infusions. At 25-30 grams of dry grass will need a liter of boiling water. Infuse the plant in this way should be at least 10 -12 hours. In the infusion useful and healing properties are revealed to a greater extent. Add infusion into the water, ready for swimming, should be in the ratio of 1:30. For every 30 liters of water - 1 liter of infusion.

In order not to get confused in proportions, you need to remember that 10 grams of a string are three tablespoons of dry collection or 6 sachets if you use the tool in packaged form.

Before the first swim make sure the baby doesn't have allergies on the grass To do this, moisten a cotton pad in the finished broth or tincture and apply some liquid on the crumbs of the wrist. If there is no redness or rash at this place for an hour, then you can safely begin to take useful and pleasant water treatments.

If you bought the product in bags, this will greatly facilitate the preparation of your decoction. The resulting liquid will not need to filter, just press the bag with your fingers.

Do not use additional care products - soap, shampoo, because they can reduce the beneficial qualities of the plant. If a child has scaling after one or several baths, itching, it is better to refuse such procedures and consult a pediatrician.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell about bathing in the video:


A series of love manufacturers of children's cosmetics. Therefore, there are several dozen names of baby cream with this extract on the market today. You can use it for massages, when changing the diaper. Especially fond of parents, according to their reviews, a softening cream with a series of "Spring." It almost does not cause allergies, is affordable, quickly and gently relieves the baby from diaper rash. Children's cream "Neva cosmetics" with a string - is also quite a popular care product.

Applying the cream, as is the case with baths, it is important to know the measure. If redness or swelling appears in the places of application, discard such a cream in favor of an ordinary baby without phyto-additives.

Herbal teas

It is recommended to make combined herbal teas for children who have disorders of the digestive system, as well as for children nervous and easily excitable. Take this grass inside is not recommended for children under 3 years. You can buy ready-made pharmacy tea, and you can make it yourself.

Antiallergic tea, for example, can be brewed from 1 part of the train and 2 parts of lemon balm. A single-component tea from the series is good for cough when you have a cold. Herbal tea should not be given to drink every day, the frequency of reception and the total duration of the course will help determine the doctor.

Application Methods

Children up to one year old can only be given as an infusion or decoction for bathing and as part of a baby cream. Children up to those years can make lotions and compresses from diathesis, wash the eyes with conjunctivitis. Baths and reception herbal tea or decoction inside effective for atopic dermatitis. Teenagers will benefit from washing with a decoction, baths and lotions with acne, boils. The plant in the form of powder well helps not only with diaper rash, but from acne and other pustular skin diseases.

Contraindications to the reception - a tendency to be allergic to this medicinal plant. An overdose is fraught with psycho-emotional over-excitement of the child, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


