Diet for children with mononucleosis


One of the infectious diseases in children that affect the child's immune system is infectious mononucleosis. Most often, teenagers suffer from this disease. The incidence in children under 6 years of age is relatively low.

For recovery during illness and after mononucleosis, the body needs a more intensive supply of active nutrients. To restore immunity and cure the disease, children are prescribed a special diet.

Features of the disease

Often, mononucleosis is easily confused with common colds. As with a cold, this disease is characterized by fever, severe general weakness, headache. The kid is capricious, refuses to eat, does not play with toys. At this time, you can see that the child becomes more sluggish, drowsy.

One of the features of this disease is an increase in lymph nodes. Independently understand that it is infectious mononucleosisis impossible. Specialist consultation is required. After examining the child, the pediatrician will prescribe tests that will show whether there is a virus in the body or not.

More on mononucleosis - in the next video.

Often children fall ill in kindergarten or at school. The disease can be transmitted through dirty hands, as well as after violating the rules of hygiene. If a healthy baby drinks from the circle of a sick child, he will most likely get infected.

If the child has a chronic illness, the infection will occur more likely.

Adolescents often become infected with mononucleosis after the first kiss. In Europe, this disease is even called a "romantic disease" or "kissing disease." The fact is that it is in the saliva that a large amount of the virus accumulates. If you violate the rules of hygiene to get infected very easily.

This disease can occur under the guise of any respiratory disease. In a few days, quite dangerous symptoms join: the liver and spleen increase. A rash may appear. Be sure to show the child to the doctor! Treatment of this disease requires prescription of drugs.


Dr. Komarovsky believes that the appointment of a diet in the treatment of the disease plays a very important role. Proper nutrition, rich in vitamins, helps to strengthen the immune system.

A diet with mononucleosis should include several basic principles:

  1. Nutrition must meet the daily need of the body in all nutrients. During an infectious disease, the body spends twice as many nutrients to get rid of germs. The daily caloric intake during an acute infectious disease should be increased by 1.5 times (when compared with the baseline). Determine the number of calories according to the age of your baby. For the calculation it is worth taking an indicator of daily caloric value corresponding to the age of your child, and multiply by 1.5. So many calories every day should come in the children's body, so that he could fight a viral infection.
  2. All cells of the immune system need protein. This is the basic building block for all cells that provide immunity. Include in the diet of the baby as much as possible protein foods. Excellent lean meat, poultry or fish. You can also eat vegetable protein. This is a bean, all kinds of legumes, cereals.
  3. To enrich the diet with vitamins, trace elements and minerals, be sure to include vegetable salads and fresh fruits in the child’s menu. In their composition, they contain many natural antiseptics, which are harmful to viruses and bacteria. They contain antioxidants that are designed to restore and enhance immunity. Combine different fruits and vegetables together. This will allow you to get all the necessary nutrients, even without the use of synthetic multivitamin complexes.
  4. To provide energy in the fight against microbes, include cereal products in the menu. Excellent breakfast, which will give strength and energy for a long time, will be porridges, cooked from whole grains. They contain a lot of vegetable protein, which is an important building block.
  5. Be sure to eliminate from the diet of sweets and pastries. A large amount of sugar contributes to the depression of the immune system. It also provokes the growth and active reproduction of viral cells. It is better to replace harmful sweets with natural sources of antioxidants - berries. This is a great alternative to harmful desserts. Berries contain a huge amount of natural antioxidants in their composition, which contribute to the speedy recovery and strengthening of the immune system.
  6. To remove toxins that the virus produces in the course of its life, be sure to give your child enough water. The baby should drink according to needs, but not less than 1.5 liters per day during infection. This will remove all toxic substances from the body and speed recovery from infection. As a liquid, you can use pure boiled water, dried fruit compotes or berry fruit drinks. Useful fruit drinks from wild berries. They contain the greatest amount of nutrients.

Infectious mononucleosis is a rather dangerous viral disease.

In case of delayed medical care, complications of the disease may occur. Diet therapy with an infectious disease helps the body to quickly recover, strengthens the immune system and eliminates all the adverse symptoms resulting from the disease.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


