From what age can you give children grapefruit?


Citrus fruits are known for their beneficial properties and pleasant taste, but everyone has heard of the high risk of allergy to such fruits. And because parents who wish to treat a baby with a grapefruit, you need to weigh all the advantages of such a fruit, learn about the optimal time of introduction into the children's diet and the features of the choice of ripe grapefruit.


  • Grapefruit is not as sweet as oranges, and not as sour as lemons, and thanks to such features many children like it.
  • Grapefruit fruits are rich in vitamins B1, C, D, B2, A, PP, folic acid, salts of potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and calcium, fiber, organic acids.
  • Grapefruit has a tonic effect, a positive effect on the nervous system and the ability to prevent fatigue.
  • Eating grapefruit 20 minutes before a meal improves appetite and has a beneficial effect on digestive function.
  • Doctors recommend eating grapefruits for the prevention of diseases of the gall bladder, heart, stomach and liver. Also, this fruit helps to avoid anemia, flatulence, constipation, increased bleeding, edema and obesity.
  • The pulp of grapefruits and fresh juice from it are useful for influenza and colds. Their use contributes to the restoration of strength and lowering the temperature.
Despite the number of benefits of grapefruit, it has some contraindications, so check with your doctor before giving it to your child.

For information on which citrus fruits are more useful - grapefruits or oranges, look in the program "To live healthy".


  • Grapefruit is contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially with high acidity. This fruit is also not recommended for pathologies of the kidneys or liver.
  • Like other citrus fruits, grapefruit can cause a pronounced allergic reaction.

From how many months can you put in feed?

Citrus fruits are contraindicated for infants; therefore, pediatricians recommend to hold the first test of grapefruit no earlier than one year old, and if the baby has a tendency to develop allergies, familiarity with this product should be postponed until the child turns 3 years old.

In what form to give?

Usually, grapefruit is given to a child fresh, starting with a small slice of one slice. Do not forget to wash the fruit under running water before cleaning. After removing the peel from the grapefruit, divide the fruit into slices and remove a translucent film from each of them, as it is bitter.

You can make juice for the child. Often mixed orange juice (if it is already introduced into the diet of the crumbs) and grapefruit. This mixture is diluted with water 1 to 1. Another popular option is a mix of carrot juice and grapefruit. It is also diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Grapefruit is often an ingredient in fruit salad. Compote, jelly and marmalade are made from it. You can also add it to the pie filling or bake.

If the grapefruit does not cause any negative reactions in the baby, you can give it both separately and include in some dishes.

Tips for choosing

To buy a ripe and tasty grapefruit for your child, choose fruits with bright skin, without damage and with a lot of weight. The fruit should not be damaged or rotted areas.

Before you treat a fruit to your baby, try to taste it.

What to do if you are allergic?

The reaction to grapefruits is much less common than to other types of citruses, but if the child responded with a rash or other unpleasant symptoms to the grapefruit lobule, cancel the new product and, if the reaction is severe, consult a doctor. After a few months, you can try to introduce grapefruit into the diet again, but if the child again has an allergic reaction, such fruit will have to be abandoned for a longer period.

When giving a baby grapefruit for the first time, watch the reaction of his body.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


