From what age can a baby herring be given?


Fish dishes appear in the menu of children from 10 months of age, but if children are allergic to allergies, fish are advised to be given for the first time to a one-year-old child or at an older age. To postpone acquaintance should be for certain types of fish with high fat content, which include herring. When can I include this tasty fish in the children's menu and how to give it to a child?

The benefits of herring

  • From such a fish, the child will receive high-quality proteins and healthy fatty acids, among which there are omega 3 fats. These nutrients are important for normal growth and maintaining children's health. They have a positive effect on the brain, vascular condition and immunity.
  • Herring is rich in vitamins D, B12, PP, A. It can also be selenium, iodine, fluorine, iron, calcium, zinc and other minerals. Such compounds are involved in all processes in the children's body, in particular, in the mental development and strengthening of the skeleton.
Herring is a very nutritious fish containing many beneficial substances for children


Excess salt and high fat content cause age restrictions in the use of herring when feeding babies. If you enter such a fish in the diet of children too early or to give in greater numbers than expected by age, various health problems are possibleeg, kidney or intestinal problems.

But even with the timely and correct introduction of herring into the children's menu, such fish can have a negative effect:

  • On herring, as well as on other fish, allergies can occur.
  • In some children, the use of herring is a violation of the chair.
  • If the child eats spoiled herring, it will lead to an intestinal infection.
  • If the herring on your table was caught in an environmentally unsafe place, it may contain heavy metals and toxins.
  • Meals with herring should be avoided for kidney disease and high blood pressure. Also, such fish in salt form is contraindicated in gastritis and liver pathologies.
Herring can cause allergies

How old do you give children?

Starting fish lure advise with such fish as hake, cod, haddock, pike perch, flounder. Later you can try fatter fish, such as grouper or trout. As for herring and other fatty species, such fish may be included in the diet of a child in 2 years.

If you ask the pediatrician's opinion about the introduction of herring into the children's menu, then any doctor will clarify that at 2 years of age, this is only a lightly salted fish. Spicy and very salty herring should not be given to children under three years old. When offering herring to children, it is important to remember about moderation. It is enough to offer it no more than 1-2 times a week in a small amount.

Herring in the diet of children does not have to be salty. Such fish is quite tasty in boiled form. Children older than three years can offer roasted herring. If you want to reduce the salt content in salted herring, it can be kept in milk for some time.

You should not treat herring toddlers before 2 years of age

How to enter into the diet

The first piece of herring is recommended to give a child older than two years old in the morning. It should be a tiny amount of fish - no more than half a teaspoon. Further, the condition and behavior of the baby should be carefully monitored, because the fish is highly allergenic and some children may require medical assistance. If the child has transferred the new product normally, the next time (in a week) the portion of herring can be doubled.

Fish can be offered along with vegetable garnish for lunch feeding. You can also make salads, pates and sandwiches with herring. Frozen herring can be salted at home alone, and if you chop and pickle fish with your child, it will be exciting and informative. In addition, children often eat fish cooked with their own hands more readily.

For more information about the benefits of herring, see the program "Live healthy."

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


