Is it possible for children to eat fried and from what age to give such dishes?


Many adults do not deny themselves fried foods, although they understand that such food can do harm. In the first years of a child’s life, this does not pose any problem, because the crumb first feeds on mother’s milk and then eats specially prepared food for him. But when the child starts to try food from the common table, all the mothers are interested in how long it is acceptable to give the child fried food.

Can the child have fried foods?

Doctors, among whom is Dr. Komarovsky, consider fried food to be unhealthy, not only for children, but also for adults. Doctors emphasize that the small child's taste preferences are only being formed and the principles of family nutrition have a great influence on them. If mom often fries potatoes and mushrooms, and dad loves to eat fried eggs before going to bed, the child will observe such examples and will rather early on try the same things that parents eat with great appetite.

When a child does not want vegetable soup, steam cutlet or boiled eggs, mothers, who also do not like these dishes too much, it seems that they feed the baby with something tasteless. And it encourages them to treat the kid with pancakes, fried soup, fried potatoes and other dishes that are not useful for children. However, if the mother does not like steamed vegetables or boiled fish, this does not mean that the taste of such food will not like the toddler. All pediatricians are advised to postpone familiarity with the fried food as late as possible. And this has its own explanation.

Pediatricians strongly recommend not to feed children under 3 years old with fried food.

What is bad roast for children?

To understand why small children should not be given fried food, one should learn more about its harmful effects on the human body:

  • First, when frying in the product appear very dangerous compounds - toxic and carcinogenic substances. They adversely affect the blood circulation, nervous system and immunity, and can also provoke oncopathology.
  • Secondly, the digestive organs in the children's body in the first years are not yet fully formed, and fried food has a stronger negative effect on them than on the digestive tract of adults. The result may be the appearance of heaviness in the abdomen, abnormal stools, heartburn. Regularly eating fried potatoes, pies or pancakes, you increase the risk of intestinal and liver diseases.
  • Thirdly, during frying products lose some of their nutrients, in particular, vitamins E, C and A. They are destroyed by high temperature, which during frying significantly exceeds the boiling point of water.
  • Fourthly, since oil is used during frying, the caloric content of the processed products increases, which contributes to the weight gain.
Fried food during cooking loses most of the vitamins, becomes more calorie, contains carcinogens

At what age can children fry food?

The minimum age at which you can start giving your child a roast is 3 years. To feed fried foods to children under three years old is not recommended by most pediatricians. Many of them do not recommend giving fried foods to older children, considering that a cutlet, fried fish or fried potatoes to a 3-year-old child will do more harm than good.Doctors say that steaming, boiling and baking is much preferable for the child's health, and if you give kids such food all the time, they will not reach for fried food, considering the baked and cooked food to be delicious.

The longer you do not treat your child to fried food, the healthier your baby will be

How to reduce the damage of fried

Even if mothers try to cook mostly healthy food, they rarely completely refuse to roast.

Therefore, it is worth knowing how to minimize the harm of fried food for a child’s body if a child periodically uses it:

  • Cook on a good non-stick pan, then you can do without the use of oil. The best option is a pan with a ceramic coating.
  • For frying, take refined oil. Do not fry in olive oil.
  • Change the oil with each new product tab.
  • If deep-frying, drain the used oil completely and pour fresh.
  • Control the roasting time, so that the products do not appear dark crust. Cook over low heat with frequent stirring of ingredients.
  • Spread the fried meat, patties, pancakes or pancakes from the pan on a napkin to remove excess oil.
  • Complement the fried dish with fresh healthy products such as lettuce, carrots, peppers, currants.
Vegetables, properly baked in the oven like any child no less fried

Watch Dr. Komarovsky’s program on baby nutritional diversity.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


