Dantinorm Baby for children: instructions for use


When a small child starts to cut teeth, very often different discomforting symptoms appear at the same time, including pain, redness, tearful mood, sleep disturbances, dilution of stools and other ailments. To alleviate the condition of the baby, a variety of local preparations are used, including homeopathic ones. One of the most popular remedies from the arsenal of homeopaths, which is recommended for teething, is "Dantinorm Baby."

    Release form

    The drug is manufactured by the famous French company Boiron, among whose products there are other popular homeopathic remedies, for example, “Oscillococcinum», «Stodal"And"Corisalia". It is presented in portions packaged solution, which is placed in plastic containers of 1 ml.

    The containers are connected in 5 pieces and sealed in a sachet bag, and one carton pack contains 2 or 6 such bags, that is, 10 or 30 doses of the drug are sold in one box. The tool itself is a clear liquid, which has no color and no taste.


    In the solution "Dantinorm Baby" there are three active ingredients, and the dosage of each of them in one portion of the drug is 333.3 mg. The tool includes:

    • Substances of chamomile, called "Hamomilla vulgaris." They are contained in the solution in dilution C9.
    • Substances called "fitolyakka decandra", which are obtained from perennial laconosa American (it is also called Indian ivy). They are presented in breeding C5.
    • Substances of rhubarb, which gave him the Latin name "Reum". Their breeding is also C5.

    The solution also includes one auxiliary component, which is purified water. There are no other chemical compounds in the product, as well as sugar, alcohol or lactose.

    Operating principle

    Like other multi-component homeopathic medicines, "Dantinorm Baby" affects the human body through the individual effects of its ingredients.

    • Chamomile Substances reduce the sensitivity of small patients to pain, which is important when cutting teeth, which rarely appear painlessly, and more often this process is accompanied by weak or strong pain sensations. They also eliminate irritability, fever and diarrhea.
    • Presence in solution fitolakki makes the remedy effective against painful sensations in the mouth, which give to the throat or ears. The plant from which this component is obtained also has antibacterial properties and a calming effect, thereby helping with inflammation of the gums.
    • Rhubarb helps to eliminate the nervousness, moodiness, anxiety and tearfulness, which often occur in babies during the emergence of new milk teeth. This ingredient also has a positive effect on nighttime sleep and helps to get rid of such a symptom of cutting teeth as diarrhea.


    The main reason for the appointment of "Dantinorm Baby" for young patients is teething, which brings severe discomfort to the child, causing pain in the gums, behavioral changes and other negative symptoms.

    From what age is prescribed?

    The drug does not have any age restrictions, that is, it can be given either to a baby in the first year of life or to an older child, for example, to a schoolchild when pain occurs during the replacement of a baby tooth with a permanent one.


    The tool can not be given only to babies who have identified individual hypersensitivity to any of its components. There are no other contraindications to the use of the solution.

    Side effects

    According to the manufacturer, there is no negative effect of Dantinorm Baby on the children's body. Theoretically, the tool can provoke allergies, but this happens very rarely. In such a situation, the use of the solution should be immediately discarded and, together with the doctor, should choose a safe analogue for the baby.

    Instructions for use

    Dantinorm Baby is ingested twice or three times a day. It is recommended to give the solution to the child in the intervals between meals so that the food does not interfere with the action of its components. One dose is used at a time:

    • first you need to break the bag on the side and remove the containers;
    • having broken off one plastic container, it is necessary to turn the top part to open it;
    • having put the child, you need to place the container in the baby’s mouth, and then press the package lightly so that the solution drops into the mouth;
    • the remaining containers are placed back inside the sachet and folded over the open part of the package;
    • The used empty container is discarded after applying the solution.

    The duration of the application of the solution is usually 1-3 days.

    If longer use is required (there are no positive changes in the condition of the small patient), this should be discussed with your doctor.


    Accidental overdosing of the solution is unlikely, because the product is packaged in batches and one container includes only one dose. For this reason, an overdose of "Dantinorm Baby" has not previously been recorded.

    Interaction with other drugs

    The use of "Dantinorm Baby" does not affect the treatment of any other medicines. But, if the child is already taking some other medicine, it is better to first discuss the compatibility with your doctor.

    Terms of sale

    You can buy Dantinorm Baby at a pharmacy without a prescription from a pediatrician, but consulting a specialist before using the solution is desirable. The average price of 10 doses is 400 rubles.

    Storage conditions

    It is not necessary to put packing of the product in the refrigerator: the manufacturer advises to keep the solution at a temperature below +25 degrees Celsius. For storage, it is recommended to choose a dry place in which Dantinorm Baby will be hidden from the babies.

    The shelf life of the drug - 3 years.

    As soon as the date marked on the box has passed, the tool must be discarded.


    There are a lot of good reviews about using Dantinorm Baby. The advantages of this product include a liquid form, a convenient portion pack and a neutral taste of the solution.

    According to moms, the drug is safe even for the smallest patients and effectively helps get rid of mouth pain, gum disease, restless sleep, tearfulness and irritability. Only in some reviews the remedy is called ineffective or too expensive, which is why Russian counterparts are sometimes looking for, which are cheaper.

    More information about the drug "Dantinorm Baby" you will learn from the following video.


    Instead of "Dantinorm Baby" you can use another homeopathic remedy with a similar effect, which is called "Dentokind". It also contains substances from chamomile, but the other components are different and are represented both by plant substances (from belladonna and pulsatilla) and inorganic compounds (hepar sulfur and ferrum phosphoricum).

    Another difference between “Dentokinda” is the form of the drug - it is released in the form of tablets that the child has to dissolve in the mouth, and for the smallest children the product is dissolved in water.

    As for the age framework, then "Dentokinda", As in"Dantinorm Baby"They are not, that is, the drug can be used even in infants.

    In addition, the doctor may advise and traditional medicines against painfully cutting teeth, which are produced in the form of a gel, for example:

    • "Dentinox". The effect of this drug is due to lidocaine and chamomile extract. It can be used from birth, lubricating the inflamed gums before the appearance of the first or molar teeth.
    • «Calgel». As part of this medication, the pain-relieving component (lidocaine) is combined with an antiseptic substance called pyridinium cetyl. The drug can be used in children older than 5 months.
    • «Holisal». This gel has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect due to the presence of choline and cetalconium chloride salicylate. It is prescribed to children older than a year when teething and stomatitis or gingivitis.
    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


