Graphic dictation on the cells for preschoolers


Preparing for school is a long stage in the development of your child. Begin classes should not earlier than a year before this point. Teachers and parents have a huge selection of various exercises and tasks in mathematics to achieve this goal. Among them, graphic dictations on preschooler cells are of no small importance.

Fun or challenging?

For many guys, these pictures in the cell in a notebook are an interesting game and fun entertainment. It is important for an adult not to turn this occupation into a boring, tedious duty, where a child is criticized for failures. And then the child will always be happy to do.

But many babies may have difficulty. Most often they are related to the fact that the child has not yet learned the account within 10, he confuses the concepts of "right-left", "top-down". In this case, adults need to help the crumbs to avoid mistakes, correct it, praise for a positive result.

Age from which to start to engage

Starting to draw in boxes with a child can be already 4 years old. The first homework at this age should be easy. At first, you can perform the task together with the baby on a board or sheet of paper so that he can see how to move. For beginners, drawing simple geometric shapes is quite suitable. You can start with the image of a square, a rectangle, simple patterns. You can learn to move diagonally from the pictures of a triangle, a trapezoid, a rhombus.

At 5 years old, a child may well draw simple pictures from dictation without visual support.. For example, you can offer him to depict a flower on paper. Also, a five-year preschooler may well cope with drawing a house or an airplane.

For children of 6-7 years old, tasks can begin to be complicated by introducing more lines diagonally into them. An example of such a task can be a rocket drawing.

The method of conducting classes

Begin the lesson with the preparation of the workplace and the necessary materials. Drawings are performed in a checked notebook with a pencil. In order for the child to have the opportunity to correct the error, you need an eraser, with which the wrong lines are removed. An adult should prepare or print out instructions with a sample of the task. You can not tell the child what kind of picture will be the purpose of graphic dictation. After correct execution, he will see the result on his sheet.

As a rule, the manual suggests numerical designations with arrows, such as 2, 3 ←. The numbers in this case denote the number of cells by which you need to move in a given direction. An arrow points to it, which is drawn next to the number. So, in our example we should read: we move up 2 spaces, 3 spaces to the left. They start the movement from the point of reference, which the adult puts for the younger children himself, and the older preschoolers can already be offered to deliver it themselves.

Before you start a lesson for preschoolers, you need to repeat with them the account within 10, the concepts of "right-left", "top-bottom."You can ask the crumb to show what it means to "move to the right side, move up, to the left of, move down."

Self carrying out graphic dictation Try to diversify the inclusion in the lesson of tongue twisters, chistovrochek, riddles, finger exercises, physical exercises, discuss the results and a conversation or story. It is desirable that everything that is included in the lesson be on the same subject as the drawing.

Before conducting a graphic dictation, give the child a mindset to try to draw smooth, neat lines and be very careful when performing the task.

After the dictation is completed, be sure to praise the child for the achieved result, if necessary, together with him find the place where he made a mistake and correct it. If the child has a desire, then you can offer him to color the finished picture or to shade it. If the child is not tired yet and wants to continue the lesson, then you can ask him to come up with a drawing on the cell by himself, and then with him draw up a graphic dictation on his figure.

Ways of carrying out graphic dictations

To conduct a graphic dictation can be different.

  • For those guys who are just starting to engage in them, the easiest way is suitable - dictated by an adult. In this case, the teacher or parent dictates the baby how many cells and in which direction to move.

An example of such dictation is dictation "Dog". The task is performed by a crumb dictation instructions adults.

  • The second way is to offer the child a sheet of paper on which the instructions for the assignment are written and the starting point is set from which the child needs to move. The child himself looks at the number of cells and the direction of movement.

See graphic dictation as an example.

  • "A machine"
  • "Horse"
  • "Ship"
  • The third way is drawing by symmetry. In such dictations, the child is offered a sheet, which shows half of the drawing and draws a line of symmetry. The child finishes the drawing, symmetrically counting out the necessary number of cells.

Here, an adult draws half of the Christmas tree and draws a line of symmetry. Children are encouraged to finish the second half symmetrically.

  • The fourth method is suitable already for older children. Here the child is offered a sheet with a sample of graphic dictation. The child on his sheet should draw the same picture as in the sample, independently counting the required number of cells and determining the direction in which he needs to move. Such dictations can be not only in the form of drawing lines in the cells, but also with painting the required number of cells completely with colored pencils. As a result, the kid in the notebook turns out a colorful, beautiful picture.

A simple option could be a drawing "Elephant". Offer the child only the finished image and put a point from which he needs to move.

In the same way, you can offer the child to draw a "Snake", which is also easy to perform (the instruction should be removed, offering only the finished version) or "Squirrel".

More difficult tasks are

And it will be even more difficult to carry out such schemes:

The benefits of assignments

Positive results from working with graphic dictations can be seen already in 2-3 months, if you regularly offer them to preschool children, at least several times a week. There is even a diagnostic method D. B. Elkonin, which is called "Graphic dictation." Its purpose is to determine the level of development in preschool children of prerequisites for learning activities. After all, they provide good assistance in preparing the crumbs for school.

Performing graphic dictations, the kid prepares his hand to the letter, fixes the concepts of "right-left", "top-down", learns to navigate in space and on the notebook sheet, fixes the score within 10.Children learn to focus on what an adult says, understand it, and work in accordance with the instruction it offers. Without this skill, schooling will be very difficult for them.

We offer you to watch the video as the child writes the graphic dictation in practice.

Graphic dictations promote the development of the ability to hold attention on a specific task, develop spatial imagination, thinking, fantasy, creativity, perseverance. Baby learns to coordinate their movements.

Drawing in cells helps to overcome the difficulties that many children have in the initial period of training, such as undeveloped spelling vigilance, absent-mindedness. They also contribute to the fact that expanding the horizons of the child, increasing his vocabulary. Children are introduced to different ways of depicting objects on a sheet of paper.

Important points

Performing a graphic dictation is an exciting game for a child. That it is for preschoolers leading activity. Adults who decide to engage with the child should always remember this.

  • Praise the child for a successful drawing.
  • Do not scold the crumb for the unsuccessful work.
  • Help him find and correct the error.
  • Do not rush the child in the process of drawing.
  • Do not rush to move to more complex versions of drawings, especially if the child still makes mistakes in simple ones.
  • Encourage your child to take such dictation on their own.
  • Allow him to color or shade the finished work, but do not insist on it.
  • Remember that children can not engage in long. For older preschoolers, the maximum class duration should be no more than 25-30 minutes.
  • Do not insist on continued work if the baby is tired.
  • Hold classes in a variety of ways. Tell your child interesting stories about the pictured subject.
  • At first, help the crumbs by completing the task with him on his sheet or on the board, so that the child can see how and where to go, learn to count the cells in the right direction.
  • It is very important that such a game only ignited the interest of the child, and did not become for him a boring and unpleasant duty.

Practical advice on writing a graphic dictation at home.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


