Arpeflu for children: instructions for use


When a child develops a viral infection, modern drugs that can affect viruses and the immune system are used to combat the pathogen and to prevent complications. One of them is Arpeflu. Such a medicine is prescribed not only to sick children, but also healthy ones, for example, in order to prevent infection during a flu epidemic.

Release form

“Arpeflu” is produced in Belarus by the company “Lekpharm” only in one form, which are tablets. They have a dense white film shell, and the shape of these tablets is biconvex and round. The drug is placed in a cell pack of 10 or 20 pieces, and one pack contains from 10 to 30 tablets. In the form of powder, solution, capsules, candles and other forms of "Arpeflu" is not made.


The main ingredient of the drug is called umifenovir and is contained in the form of hydrochloride in one tablet at a dose of 50 mg or 100 mg. In addition to it, “Arpeflu” has milk sugar and starch, as well as povidone, silicon dioxide and microcrystalline cellulose. The drug also includes magnesium stearate, and its dense shell is made from polyvinyl alcohol, titanium dioxide, macrogol and talc.

Operating principle

Arpeflu has immunomodulatory and antiviral effects against influenza viruses, herpes and certain other pathogens. Under the influence of this drug in the patient's body the following changes occur:

  • the process of virus fusion with cell membranes is inhibited;
  • more actively produced interferon;
  • stimulates cellular and humoral immunity;
  • phagocytosis is enhanced;
  • increased resistance to attack by viruses;
  • post-influenza complications are warned;
  • the frequency of exacerbations decreases if the patient has a chronic infection;
  • immunological parameters are normalized.

The use of "Arpeflu" after infection with influenza helps to reduce the effects of intoxication and catarrhal manifestations. The drug shortens the period of high temperature and the total duration of the disease. However, it is considered to be of low toxicity, since there are no negative effects on the internal organs when taking the tablets inside.

The drug is absorbed very quickly, and its maximum amount in the blood is found approximately 1.5 hours after ingestion. Umifenovir metabolic changes take place in the liver, so most of the active substance is excreted in the bile. About 90% of the drug leaves the patient in the first day.


Most often, Arpeflu is prescribed to prevent or help cure the flu, as well as other viral diseases of the respiratory tract. The drug is in demand both for light or moderate flow, and for complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia. It is also prescribed to patients with chronic bronchitis or to prevent the recurrence of a herpetic infection.

Still, these pills can also be administered after surgery to raise immunity, to normalize the function of the immune system and prevent the addition of infection. In addition, this medication may be included in the treatment regimen for rotavirus.

From what age is prescribed?

Since “Arpeflu” is represented only by the tablet form and the recommended method of its administration is swallowing the whole tablet without damaging its shell, such medicine is not used at an early age.

According to the manufacturer, this drug should not be given to children under three years of age. If the patient is already 3 years old, the use of Arpeflu is recommended after an examination by a doctor.


The drug is not prescribed in cases of hypersensitivity to any component. In addition, "Arpeflu" can not be used in case of intolerance to galactose, glucose-galactose malabsorption or a lack of lactase, because the composition of the tablets includes milk sugar.

Side effects

After taking Arpeflu, some patients show an allergic reaction, such as a rash. In this case, treatment should be stopped immediately.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to take the drug before meals, swallowing the pill and washing it down with plain water. A single dose of "Arpeflu" is determined by the patient's age. If a child is between three and six years old, he should receive 50 mg of the active ingredient at a time, that is, he is given 1 tablet with this dosage. For patients aged 6-12 years old, a single dose is increased to 100 mg and one tablet is given with that amount of umifenovir or two tablets of 50 mg each.

If treatment or prophylaxis is required by a teenager who is already 12 years old, then a single dosage for such a patient will be 200 mg. This means that he will have to immediately swallow two tablets of 100 mg or four tablets containing 50 mg of umifenovir each.

The regimen of "Arpeflu" depends on the reason for using such an immunomodulator.

  • If a child there was a contact with a sick ARVI or flu, the medication is given once a day, and the duration of prevention ranges from 10 to 14 days.
  • If you want to prevent herpes relapse or to prevent the exacerbation of chronic bronchitis during the seasonal rise in the incidence of acute respiratory infections, the drug is taken twice a week, and the duration of such non-specific prophylaxis is 3 weeks.
  • If Arpeflu is applied during surgical treatment, as a means to reduce the risk of complications, the pill should be given two days before surgery. Then the child must take the medication on the second and fifth day after the intervention.
  • If a child diagnosed with influenza or another SARSbut there are no complications, the drug is taken four times a day (you should drink the tablets every six hours). This course of treatment lasts 5 days.
  • In case of complications, for example, pneumonia or bronchitis, “Arpeflu” is taken according to the previous scheme (four times a day for five days), but with the difference that after completing the 5-day course, the medication should be given to the child further once a week four times, there are 4 more weeks.
  • For the treatment of herpes relapse or exacerbations of bronchitis, in which the chronic course, “Arpeflu” is given four times a day. After the 5-7-day medication, they continue to give another 4 weeks, but only twice a week.
  • If a child has an intestinal infection, which was provoked by rotavirus, the drug is taken, as with the flu, by a 5-day course four times a day.


There were no cases when the dose of Arpeflu that was accidentally exceeded became the cause of ailments. In case of overdose of this medication, the usual measures are used, including gastric lavage, the use of sorbents and access to a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

As noted in the instructions for “Arpeflu”, such tablets can be combined with any other medications, since there are no negative phenomena while taking them with other medicines.

Terms of sale

To purchase Arpeflu at the pharmacy, it is not necessary to show a doctor’s prescription, but if a child takes this drug, a doctor’s consultation is recommended.The price of the drug is affected by the number of tablets in the pack and the dosage of umifenovir. For example, for 30 tablets with a dosage of 50 mg or for 20 tablets containing 100 mg of active ingredient, you need to pay about 220-240 rubles.

Storage conditions

Shelf life "Arpeflu" - 2 years. It is recommended to keep the packaging of tablets at home hidden from the kids. In this case, the storage temperature should not be more than +25 degrees.


There are many positive reviews about the use of drugs. In them, “Arpeflu” is called an effective and safe drug that helped cure the flu or protect a child from infection. The price of the medication is called affordable, and portability - good.


If Arpeflu is not available at the pharmacy, it can be replaced with Arbidol, since it includes the same active compound. Such Russian medicine is manufactured by Pharmstandard-Leksredstva in three forms. Two of them - pills and capsules - are prescribed, as well as Arpeflu, from the age of three. But the third form, represented by the powder, can be applied from two years. Water is added to this powder to make a sweet fruit suspension, each containing 25 mg of umifenovir in 5 milliliters.

Indications for the use of "Arbidol" are the same as when using "Arpeflu". Contraindications and possible negative reactions of the child’s body for such drugs also coincide. Even in pharmacies found "Arbidol Maximum." These are capsules in which the dosage is higher, so they are not used before 12 years.

Substitute "Arpeflu" may be other antiviral drugs.

  • «Orvirem». This syrup is convenient to use in children and is allowed from 1 year. It contains rimantadine and can affect influenza viruses.
  • "Amixin". This medicine contains tilaran, which destroys the causative agents of influenza, hepatitis, herpes infection and other diseases. The tool is represented by pills that give children over 7 years old.
  • "Amizon". This syrup contains enisamium iodide and is used for ARVI. Babies are allowed to give it from the age of three.
  • «Acyclovir». This medicine has a specific effect on herpes viruses. This tool can be used at any age and comes in different forms - ointment, pills, cream, and so on.
  • «Kagocel». This antiviral drug in pills is used in patients over 3 years old. It is discharged when infected with herpes viruses, influenza and other pathogens.

To support the immune system of children, the doctor may also choose one of the interferon-based drugs as an analogue of Arpeflu. Among them, the highest demand is "Viferon", which is produced in the form of ointment, candles and gel.

It is allowed to use even in premature babies.

      Some mothers with SARS or for their prevention refer to homeopathy, for example, use "Anaferon" or "Ergoferon". However, reviews of doctors about these tools are often negative. They doubt their effectiveness and do not consider such drugs as analogues of Arpeflu.

      You will learn more about the drug "Arpeflu" by watching the following video.

      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


