Instrumentation for children: instructions for use


All parents understand that it’s best for a child not to take pills for one disease or another, but a strong and strong immunity so that these ailments are as small as possible. Therefore, issues of strengthening children's immunity are among the most important in modern pediatrics.

In this article, we will look at an immunostimulant such as KIP. What is an immunoglobulin complex preparation, how and at what age can it be used, and how effective is it?

How does the drug work?

When a person has a viral or bacterial infection, special proteins, immunoglobulins, are synthesized in his body. They are produced by the immune system to protect against well-defined pathogens. Thus, in human measles, immunoglobulins are produced against the measles virus, and in the case of influenza, to a certain strain of the influenza virus.

The body of the child does not have sufficient experience of contact with various pathogens, and therefore its immunity is weaker than that of an adult. But if a child receives already prepared immunoglobulins for a particular virus (which the vaccination method is partly based on), then he will either not get sick with a certain ailment, or he will get sick, but will suffer the disease in a simpler form, without complications.

A CIP is a complex immune preparation that includes human immunoglobulins types G, A, M. They can be isolated from blood and plasma of donors.

All the blood for the production of the drug is carefully examined for the possible presence of HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B in the donor. This is an important safety measure.

Once in the human body, foreign immunoglobulins are activated and strengthen the immune system, stimulate the production of their own antibodies, create unfavorable conditions for viruses and bacteria.

The CIP contains antibodies to enterobacteria, which include Salmonella, Shigella, Escherichia, etc. But the range of use of the tool is not limited to intestinal infections. Immunoglobulin complex drug produced in Russia, is engaged in this enterprise "Immuno-Gem." The tool is considered safe medicine for children.

Release form

Available tool in the form of compressed lyophilized powder. Each glass vial contains 300 mg of protein substance.

A liquid solution is prepared from the lyophilized powder by adding water to it. The finished solution is taken orally. The concept of "enteral use", which is in the name of the CIP, implies the introduction of an active substance from the outside. Natural immunoglobulins are produced only inside the human body. The immunoglobulins obtained with the solution come from the outside, that is, enterally. No pills, no candles, no capsules, no ointment with the same name are produced. Other forms of the drug in nature does not exist.


First of all, a complex immune drug is intended for children during the period of illness with acute intestinal infections. There are a lot of viruses and bacteria that cause intestinal disorders, and therefore such diseases are very widespread among children of different age categories, especially among babies.

With rotavirus and enterovirus, the TRC facilitates the course of the disease, accelerates recovery.And in conditions of potential danger (for example, before traveling to the sea at the height of the tourist season and during the algal bloom), the TRC is recommended as a prevention of intestinal infections.

The drug is also recommended for dysbacteriosis of any etiology, especially for dysbiosis after chemotherapy treatment and prolonged forced antibiotic treatment.

Comprehensive immunoglobulin medication is prescribed for the prevention of children with immunodeficiency, immunity, weakened by severe and prolonged illness, disability. Also, the drug is prescribed to premature babies, because their immunity is several times weaker than in full-term infants.

For the prevention of intestinal problems, KIPs are advised to give to children who, instead of breast milk, which is a more natural diet, receive artificial milk formulas.

Children with chronic diseases of the digestive organs are recommended to take KIP as part of a comprehensive treatment.

The tool is sometimes recommended as an adjuvant therapy for allergic dermatitis and dermatosis, if they are accompanied by disorders of the intestine.


An immunoglobulin for a child's body is a protein produced in a foreign body, that is, an alien one. If a child suffers from an increased propensity to different types of allergies, then his body may inadequately perceive foreign protein.

Therefore, children who have at least once observed a negative reaction to foreign proteins are not recommended to give the TRC. The most dangerous are angioedema in history, anaphylactic shock.

Also possible intolerance to glycine is taken into account, which is included in the lyophilisate as an additional (auxiliary) substance. Other contraindications drug has not.

Age restrictions

Manufacturers recommend a complex immune drug for infants from 1 month. There is evidence that, in practice, the drug may be prescribed for newborns, but in exceptional cases, when the possible harm does not exceed the expected benefits. The decision on the expediency is made by a qualified doctor.

Older children should also be prescribed by a doctor, because the uncontrolled use of immunostimulants can harm, the child’s own immunity will become more “lazy”.


It is easy to prepare a solution for use, you just need to follow the enclosed instructions. To do everything right, you need to act as follows:

  • remove the metal cap from the bottle;
  • boil and cool to room temperature;
  • open the bottle with clean hands;
  • add in it cooled boiled water so that the total volume of the substance obtained is equal to half the volume of the vial (you can simply add 5 ml of water if you don’t trust your own eye gauge);
  • close the bottle and shake gently;
  • the finished solution should turn out to be transparent in appearance; a slight opalescence is allowed - an interesting optical phenomenon associated with the scattering of light at critical mixing points.

Dilute the drug should be fairly quickly. After preparation of the solution should immediately give a means to the child. For each subsequent admission should prepare a new solution.

The regimen of the drug involves a single or double use per day for five days.

It is recommended to take the solution about half an hour before meals, on an empty stomach. The indicated dose is the average therapeutic one. For severe intestinal infections, the doctor has the right to increase it twice or even three times.

Side effects

Undesirable side effects from taking KIP are rare. Manufacturers in the instructions for use indicate only the likelihood of polymorphic rashes. In practice, the spectrum of side effects can be more "saturated." Among the side effects can occur (albeit very rarely):

  • headaches;
  • chills and fever;
  • vomiting;
  • joint pain.

If this is observed in the presence of a child, it is difficult to recognize whether the symptoms are side effects from taking the TRC or whether they are clinical manifestations of an intestinal infection in the child.

But if the drug is given for prophylaxis, it will be much easier to identify side effects.


TRP refers to the immunoglobulin pharmacological group. This is a fairly numerous group, there are more than 320 drugs. But there are only 12 active ingredients in these preparations. It is on their basis that all the agents in the pharmaceutical group are created. It will be easy to pick up an analogue of instrumentation, the choice, as you see, is big.

For example, Gabriglobin, Gabriglobin IgG, Imbioglobulin, Pentaglobin, Immunovenin can be recommended. Among the preparations of foreign production more or less close to the KIP analogues are Gamunex, Intraglobin, Octagam.

Often children are recommended candles "Kipferon", But they are not immunoglobulins in pure form, representing a combined preparation of immunoglobulins with interferons. According to the pharmacological effect of the drugs, they demonstrate the properties of analogs, and therefore the instrumentation may well be replaced with rectal suppositories.Kipferon».

Special recommendations

Before you use the instrument, you need to make sure that the packaging is not broken.

If there are signs of lack of tightness, the application should be abandoned. Also, be sure to check the date of manufacture and shelf life. If the child has allergies, you must provide the doctor with information about the number and series of the drug, they are indicated on the package.


The cost of the complex immunoglobulin drug KIP is quite high.

Packaging, which contains 5 bottles with single doses, in pharmacies in Russia as of August 2018 is from 750 to 970 rubles. The drug can be purchased individually - 1 bottle costs on average 170-200 rubles.

Reviews of parents and doctors

According to parents, the drawbacks of the drug lie not only in the fact that it is expensive, but in that it requires special storage conditions - only in the refrigerator. Many mothers argue that the bottles are inconvenient to open.

In addition, to find a tool on the shelves of pharmacies is quite difficult, for sale of instrumentation is not everywhere.

The question of efficiency is also quite controversial. Many parents claim that they have not noticed any improvement after the course of treatment.

Some mothers said that the child became worse: diarrhea opened, there was a strong weakness. According to some doctors, this is not excluded, because with the death of bacteria and viruses form a certain amount of toxins, which cause a temporary deterioration in health.

      There are many doctors who do not see expediency in instrumentation in childhood and later, since the efficacy of the drug is the reason for numerous scientific and near-scientific disputes.

      Officially, the drug does not belong to the category of homeopathic, in any case in the registry of homeopathic remedies is absent, but the effectiveness of its clinical trials has not been confirmed. In this regard, it is quite difficult to assess the true action or inaction of the tool.

      Many experts in the field of medicine and pharmacology argue that the effect of instrumentation is equal to the placebo effect, but only for a considerable amount of money.

      On how to raise children's immunity and whether you need any drugs for this, says the famous doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky in the next video.

      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


