Inhalation with miramistin nebulizer children


Inhalation with various medications using a nebulizer helps to deliver medicines to the child's airways. This enhances the therapeutic effects of drugs and accelerates recovery. Among the drugs used for nebulizing inhalations, there is a group of antiseptics. One of the representatives of this group is a drug with a wide range of use, which is called miramistin.

Why do we need?

Inhalations, during which Miramistin is poured into the nebulizer, accelerate relief from colds and other diseases of the respiratory organs, including purulent diseases. Procedures have an antimicrobial effect and promote healing of mucosal damage.


Procedures with miramistin in children are recommended for:

  • laryngitis;
  • purulent otitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • antritis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • burns and wounds.

Miramistin has been repeatedly investigated and proved that it is completely safe to use this antiseptic in childhood. In addition, the advantages of using such a drug for nebulizing inhalation is called the lack of taste and smell.

Inhalation with miramistinom
Inhalations with miramistin are considered safe, but have many contraindications


Inhalations with miramistin are not allowed when the mucous membrane of the oral or nasal cavity is bleeding.

Also, such procedures are not carried out with:

  • bronchiectasis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
  • pneumothorax;
  • pulmonary or heart failure;
  • individual intolerance;
  • type 1 diabetes.

Dosage and instructions for use

For inhalation apply liquid form of the drug. Miramistin does not need to be diluted with water. It is more preferable to use an ultrasonic model of a nebulizer for such procedures, since an instrument of this type breaks the drug into smaller particles, which prevents the appearance of burns of the mucous membrane. The recommended duration of inhalation with this drug is from 5 to 15 minutes, taking into account the age of the child.

Ultrasonic Nebulizer
Ultrasonic nebulizer is perfect for inhalation with miramistin

Features of the use of Miramistin in the form of inhalations for various diseases:

When coughing

The drug is prescribed for a wet and barking cough with the aim of cleansing mucous membranes from sputum, bacterial agents and dead leukocytes.

With a cold

Inhalation should be done immediately after the appearance of rhinitis. The drug is also effective for purulent coryza, but less than in the early days of the disease.

When sinusitis

Miramistin is especially recommended for the chronic form of the disease, since it destroys pathogenic bacteria and improves the condition of the mucosa.

With adenoids

The drug showed its positive effect in chronic adenoiditis. It resists the bacterial flora of the nasopharynx, improves the outflow of sputum and prevents the transition of the disease into more complex forms.

With bronchitis

Miramistin is recommended both in the acute form and in the case of exacerbation of the chronic form, when purulent diseases appear.

With candidiasis

The drug is able to destroy the cells of fungi, even with their resistance to antifungal drugs. Purpose miramistina lesions Candida due to its disinfectant and regenerating effect.

Recommended drug doses for nebulizing inhalations:

Up to 12 years

Over 12 years old

Dose miramistina for one inhalation

1 ml

4 ml

How much to add saline

2 ml

Saline is not added

Frequency of treatments

2-3 times a day

Three times a day

Duration of the procedure

5-10 minutes

5-15 minutes


Anna: “We were treated with Spray with Miramistin, and there was no particular effect. Then the pediatrician recommended inhalation with this drug. And the condition of the child has really improved. Later inhalations with miramistin helped me during pregnancy. In just 5 days, I got rid of a very strong cough with phlegm. "

Helena: “For my 5-year-old daughter, a runny nose has become a real problem. We tried different treatments, but it did not help for long. Finally, we got to the ENT, who appointed inhalation with miramistin. At first I tried the medicine on myself. Without feeling any side effects, they began to do the procedures of the daughter. A week later, a runny nose passed. "

Inhalation with miramistin
Inhalation with miramistin can be done only after consultation with the pediatrician.


When conducting inhalation Miramistin can be replaced with such drugs:

  • furatsilin;
  • dioxidine;
  • florofillipt.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


