Opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on DPT vaccination


Vaccination DTP is most often discussed by parents of toddlers. Pros and cons of this vaccination are expressed by hundreds of thousands of moms and dads on numerous Internet sites. Some tell scary stories about how a child with a high temperature suffered an inoculation, others say that they did not notice at all in their offspring any reaction to the introduction of a biological drug.

DTP has its opponents and supporters, and quite often the question is raised whether it is necessary to do DTP at all. On this topic, quite often it is necessary to give a qualified answer to the pediatrician of the highest category, known in the open spaces of Russia and in the former CIS countries, to the highest category, Yevgeny Komarovsky.

What it is

Vaccination DTP is one of the very first in the life of a child, it is done at an early age, and therefore the very fact of this vaccination causes many questions and doubts among the parents of infants. The name of the vaccine consists of the first letters of the names of the three most dangerous infectious diseases for children - whooping cough (C), diphtheria (D) and tetanus (C). The letter A in the abbreviation means "adsorbed". In other words, the vaccine contains the maximum amount of active substances obtained by adsorption (when a high concentration is reached from a gas or liquid on the contact surface of two media).

Thus, the adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine (DPT) is designed to stimulate the production of specific antibodies to the listed infections in the baby’s body. Immunity “gets acquainted” with microbes, the causative agents of whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, and in the future, if such pests enter the body, will be able to quickly identify them, recognize and destroy them.

Vaccine composition

DTP includes several types of biological material:

  • Diphtheria toxoid. This is a biological material derived from a toxin, but without independent toxic properties. The dose of the vaccine is 30 units.
  • Tetanus toxoid. Obtained in the laboratory of a drug based on toxin that infects the body with tetanus. By itself is non-toxic. The DPT is contained in an amount of 10 units.
  • Pertussis Microbes. These are the real causative agents of whooping cough, only previously killed and inactive. 1 ml of DTP vaccine contains about 20 billion.

Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids are included in the preparation, because not only the pathogens of these ailments are terrible for the child, but their toxins, which begin to be produced as soon as the microbes are activated in the children's organism. Dead pertussis wands are the most active component of the drug; it is to him that children often get a reaction after vaccination.

When to do?

DTP is included in the National Vaccination Schedule, which implies certain terms of vaccination, which Dr. Komarovsky does not strongly advise to violate. Kids do it three times. The first time is when a baby reaches three months of age. Then at 4.5 months and half a year. If for some reason the first vaccination did not take place (the child was sick, quarantine for influenza or ARVI was declared), then they begin to vaccinate him from the current moment, strictly observing the interval between vaccinations from 30 to 45 days).

Revaccination should take place one year after the third injection.If the baby is on schedule, then at one and a half years, if the first vaccination was made to him later than the deadline, then 12 months after the third vaccination.

With DTP, the child will have to face at the age of seven, and then at the age of 14, these will be one-time revaccinations necessary to ensure that the level of antibodies to tetanus and diphtheria is maintained at the proper level.

Children, who have already turned 4 years old, as well as older children, if necessary, are given ADS as a vaccine that does not have pertussis killed germs. The same vaccine will vaccinate children who have had whooping cough.

How to do?

DTP can be combined with other vaccinations, put the baby according to the National calendar. However, simultaneous administration with BCG (this vaccination should be done separately).

DPT infants are injected intramuscularly into the thigh, and older children - into the shoulder. A child under 4 years old must be given 4 vaccinations.

Komarovsky about DTP

Yevgeny Komarovsky advises worried and doubtful parents to carefully read the question, and to those who oppose vaccination as a whole, advises to reconsider their views. Since DTP, according to the doctor, is a highly effective way to protect your baby from diseases that are dangerous for his health and the only sensible choice of moms and dads.

In this video release, Dr. Komarovsky will tell us everything he thinks about the need for DPT vaccination.

As with any prevention, vaccination with an adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine requires some preparation and readiness of parents for possible problems. However, they are completely surmountable, Komarovsky emphasizes, if you follow a certain sequence of actions.

Take into account the drug

First of all, parents should be aware of which manufacturer will vaccinate their child with a vaccine. Today there are many such drugs, they have their pros and cons, but there are no frankly bad vaccines on the pharmaceutical market at the moment. Parents are not able to influence the choice of vaccine, as the drug is delivered centrally to clinics. DTP vaccination, which is done for free.

And now we will listen to Dr. Komarovsky on the topic of complications after vaccinations.

However, moms and dads can go the other way, and ask the pediatrician to vaccinate the crumbs "Tetrakok and Infanrix", these drugs are expensive, and this vaccination is done exclusively at the expense of the parents. Komarovsky, based on personal experience, argues that there are a lot of children who become ill with whooping cough after having made DPT on time. However, in his practice there were only a few cases of the disease of this ailment of children vaccinated with Infanrix or Tetrakok.

The reaction to "Tetrakok" is sometimes stronger than after DTP. Infanrix is ​​better tolerated by most children. Komarovsky does not exclude the use of "Pentaxim", in addition to the composition of this vaccine introduced biopreparations against polio.

Baby's health condition

At the time of vaccination, the child must be completely healthy. It is for this baby that the pediatrician always examines before the injection. But the doctor sees your child less often and less than the parents, and therefore careful observation of the child’s condition on the part of the mother and father will help the doctor decide whether the right time has come to administer the vaccine.

But actually the video where Dr. Komarovsky tells you when you can not be vaccinated

You can not get a DPT vaccine if your child has signs of ARVI, runny nose, cough, or his body temperature is high. If the baby previously had convulsions that were not related to high fever, the vaccine should not be done. If the previous procedure caused a severe allergic reaction in the karapuz, high temperature (over 40.0), Komarovsky also advises against vaccination to abstain.With great care, the doctor must make a decision about vaccination of the baby, in the medical record of which there are marks about the presence of serious immune diseases.

If the baby has a cold in a long time, but the appetite is excellent and there are no other symptoms of the disease, Komarovsky is sure that rhinitis in this case will not be a contraindication to the vaccination.

If the time has come to make an injection of the vaccine, and the child is teething with might and main, and his condition is far from perfect, you can inoculate him. Limit one - high temperature. In this case, the procedure is postponed for some time, until the state of the crumbs become stable. If the heat is not, then AKSD does not hurt the baby, who soon plans to get the first teeth.


  • Yevgeny Komarovsky emphasizes that it’s parents who must first assess the condition of the baby, and if in doubt, be sure to tell the doctor about them at the next appointment.

  • It is advisable to do a complete blood count a few days before the expected date of vaccination. The results of this study will help the pediatrician to understand whether everything is in order with the baby.

  • Children with allergic dermatitis Komarovsky advises to do DTP only after there have been no new lesions on the skin for 21 days. Pre-child prone to strong allergies, you can give an antihistamine drug, the name of which and the exact dosage should appoint a pediatrician. Self-activity in this matter is unforgivable. However, Yevgeny O. advises not to take "Suprastin" and "Tavegil"Because these drugs" dry "the mucous membranes, and this is fraught with complications after the injection of the airways.

  • Watch your baby’s bowel movement. The day before vaccination, the day and the next day, the baby must walk in a big way so that the intestines are not overloaded. This contributes to the fact that the crumb can easily survive the DPT. If the chair was not, you can do an enema one day before going to the clinic or give the child age-friendly laxatives.

  • It will be better if mother reduces the volume of food during these three days, reduces her caloric content and does not overfeed her child. For artificial babies, Komarovsky recommends diluting the dry mixture at a concentration lower than that declared by the manufacturer, and for those who are breastfeeding, advises giving suck less milk, giving warm drinking water as a “supplement”. According to Komarovsky’s observations, it is easier for the vaccine to be transported by those who feed on the breast, and not on mixtures. It is better not to feed the baby for 2 hours before the injection.

  • Vitamin D, if the baby takes an extra, you should stop giving for 3-4 days before the intended vaccination. After vaccination, you need to wait at least five days to start taking the vitamin again.

  • Do not wear the baby too warm in front of the polyclinic. Vaccination with sweaty body with a lack of fluid in the body is more likely to be inoculated with a vaccine than a baby dressed in season and weather.

And now we will listen to Dr. Komarovsky on how to prepare for vaccinations.

Tips Komarovsky

  • If a pronounced reaction has started after vaccination of DTP in a child, do not blame the manufacturers of the drug and the attending pediatrician for this. According to Komarovsky, the case is exclusively in the state of health of the baby at the current time.
  • You can try to reduce the risks of a vaccination reaction by carefully choosing a drug. Infanrix and Tetrakok are sold on the territory of Russia, however, Yevgeny Olegovich categorically does not advise parents to buy them at online pharmacies. After all, there is no guarantee that the vaccine, which costs from 5 thousand rubles per dose and above, was stored correctly and did not violate these rules during transportation and in the process of delivery to the buyer.
  • So that the child can more easily tolerate DTP vaccination, and at the same time all other vaccinations, Komarovsky strongly recommends proper care for him, especially during periods of his incidence of viral infections. Do not stuff your baby with pills that suppress the crumbs' immune defenses, but provide conditions under which the child will develop strong immunity, making it easy to cope with diseases and the effects of vaccination.
  • Proper care includes an adequate stay in the open air, a balanced diet, rich in vitamins and microelements, you do not need to overfeed your baby, mix up with and without feeding with different medicines, Komarovsky said. The normal lifestyle of a baby is the main secret of a successful vaccination.
  • If the reaction to DTP is manifested (high temperature, lethargy, anorexia), at home you need to prepare preparations in advance to normalize the water-salt balance (“Regidron") And antipyretic" Ibuprofen "and" Paracetamol ".
  • Half an hour, which the doctor asks you to spend after vaccination in the clinic corridor, Komarovsky recommends that you spend the open air next to a medical institution, so it will be easier for your baby to undergo an “immune training”.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


