Dr. Komarovsky about the list of necessary medicines in the first-aid kit for the newborn


In anticipation of the child, future moms and dads are trying to foresee a lot: choose a stroller and crib for crumbs, beautiful clothes and diapers. Equally with these pleasant troubles is the acquisition of a first-aid kit for a newborn.

Of course, you can go the path of least resistance and buy in the pharmacy a ready-made standard set of “Mother and Child”, but experienced mothers say that there is little that is really useful in it. Most parents try to assemble a first aid kit on their own. This is where questions arise concerning the list of essential medicines and devices for the baby for various occasions. Such questions very often have to be answered by the well-known pediatrician of the highest category and TV presenter Yevgeny Komarovsky.

And now Komarovsky will tell us all about the first-aid kit.

Basic principles

Collect drugs in the first-aid kit for a newborn should be for certain groups. Let only antipyretic drugs be in one, and antiseptics in the other. After all, if medicines are needed urgently, digging into a purse with boxes and bottles, looking for the right tool, is at least stupid, but as a maximum it is dangerous for the life and health of the baby, because precious time will be spent searching for a medicine.

Dr. Komarovsky stresses that the mess in the medicine cabinet can be costly.

What and what may be needed?

Yevgeny Komarovsky recommends several major groups of various medicines and drugs in the first-aid kit.

Hygiene supplies

  • Sterile cotton wool (1 pack). It will be required literally from the first days of life of the baby for daily morning procedures. From the cotton wool, it will be possible to roll up small flagella, with which the newborn will clean the nose and ears, pieces of sterile cotton wool will be used to wash the face of the baby.
  • Wet wipes (2 packs). They are also needed by the mother to wipe her hands before manipulating the child, and the child, because they quickly and conveniently wipe the ass when changing the diaper. Napkins should be special, children's, alcohol-free and perfume fragrance.
  • Manicure scissors (1 piece). They will be needed for cutting baby toenails. In newborns, the nails on the arms and legs grow at an incredible rate, so they will have to be trimmed several times a week. It is rather difficult to do this in practice; any mom will prove it. Therefore, take special scissors for children with blunt ends, so as not to injure the child.
  • Vaseline or massage oil (1 piece). It is useful not only for massage procedures, but also as an emollient. It is convenient for them to soak "crusts" on the head of newborns, as well as to lubricate the enema tip before use.
  • Children's cream (1 piece). It effectively softens the delicate skin of the baby, which is subject to any external influence. Often, children's cream is used when carrying out massage procedures and gymnastics, which, perhaps, you will start doing toddler in the first month of his life.
  • Cream under the diapers (2 pieces). There are a huge number of such cosmetics for diaper rash and irritation, which often occur under diapers.Not a single baby is insured against this trouble, even if hygiene in the family is of paramount importance. Komarovsky advises to use "Bepanten"Or means of the German line of creams" Bubchen ".
  • Powder (1 piece). This is also an indispensable thing for moms and children of everyday use. Take powder without aromatic additives.

Umbilical accessories

  • Zelenka (1 piece). She perfectly dries the wound. Komarovsky recommends this antiseptic, although it permits the replacement of green stuff with a two percent aqueous solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Cotton buds (1 pack). They shouldn’t clean the child’s ears and nose, as inexperienced mothers mistakenly do; it is wonderful for them to apply green paint on the umbilical wound and wipe its excess.
  • Hydrogen peroxide (1 PC). It is used for pretreatment of the umbilical wound before applying green paint. It is desirable that the peroxide concentration was not more than 3%.

Bathing accessories

  • Water thermometer (1 piece). Very important thing, because the newborn should be bathed in water of a certain temperature - 37 degrees. Water thermometer can be selected as a fun toy, and when the crumb grows up, he can play with him during water procedures.
  • Potassium permanganate (1 pc). Potassium permanganate crystals are added to water before bathing baby for water disinfection. Now pharmacies sell potassium permanganate in the form of a concentrated solution in a bottle with dispenser, so as not to be mistaken with the number of drops.
  • Herbal medicine. If you are going to arrange your baby herbal baths with decoctions, infusions, pre-collect all the necessary fees. For these purposes, it will be useful to buy in the pharmacy one package of ready-made charges of chamomile pharmacy, motherwort, sage, lemon balm, succession, calendula.

Remedies for infant colic

  • Small hot water bottle. It is desirable that she was safe. Now there are special hot-water bottles with which it is impossible to burn a child, whose design completely eliminates the opening and spilling of boiling water. It is not necessary to apply an electric heating pad to the tummy of the crumbs.

  • Vapor tube. A device that facilitates the discharge of air bubbles from the intestines. Usually, Russian mothers are not too keen on this method of dealing with children's colicHowever, such a tube will be indispensable if all other methods do not help.

  • Means of traditional medicine. These are dill seeds for cooking dill water or prepared dill water, which can be bought at a pharmacy. Please note that the finished product shelf life in the refrigerator should not exceed 30 days. If the first aid kit is completed in advance, it is better to take the seeds or ready-made pharmacy "Plantex».

  • Medications. All children's colic remedies are based on the content of simethicone. The price depends on its concentration and brand. The most popular means - "Bobotik”,“ Espumizan L ”.

Remedies for problems with stool and digestion

  • From constipation. Rubber pear with a soft tip for the enema procedure, the drug in the form of a syrup "Duphalac», glycerin candles for children.
  • From diarrhea. Preparations "Linex"And"Smecta».
  • When vomiting. This condition is very dangerous for babies. To restore the water-salt balance in the body of the crumbs will help "Regidron».

Emergency equipment

  • From heat and fever. It should be drugs that contain paracetamol. You can give medicines for fever to a child who is already three months old. Form release - drops, syrup or rectal suppositories. You can buy drugs such as Paracetamol Children or Ibuprofen.
  • With a cold. If a baby has a runny nose, he will need an aspirator, which will help release nasal passages from mucus, because babies do not know how to blow their nose. Today, in pharmacies you can buy a regular aspirator or electronic. A matter of taste and income.
  • Saline as part of a group of emergency drugs, it is most often needed for washing the nose before instillation of medicines against the common cold. Among the drugs in the first-aid kit may be "Nazivin Sensitive" and "Nazol-Bebi." These drops can be used only with the permission of the pediatrician!
  • From eye inflammation. Conjunctivitis in infants it happens quite often. In some cases, it is enough to do the lotion from freshly brewed tea, but it is better if you have special “Sulfacyl-sodium” drops in your medicine cabinet.
  • With an allergic reaction. If an appropriate reaction to a new food, feed, or baby is bitten by insects appears, you can use Fenistil. Before the year - drops, and after a year - the gel.
  • From pain As an anesthetic for teething, you can use "Calgel"," Dentol "and drops" Bebident ".
  • On different occasions. Be sure to include a thermometer in the first aid kit, preferably an electronic one. Now you can buy a thermometer, which is made in the form of a pacifier, with such a temperature measurement will not cause any discomfort in the baby.

Tips of Dr. Komarovsky

To complete the children's first-aid kit for the newborn antibiotics, antivirals Komarovsky strongly recommends against other serious medications. With different diseases that can happen to a child, different drugs will be needed, because, alas, there is no universal pill.

And now we will listen to the full release of Dr. Komarovsky about newborns.

Yevgeny Komarovsky advises mothers to look into the home first-aid kit more often, so as not to miss the expiration of the shelf life of certain drugs. This is especially important if the drugs are intended for small children.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


