Dr. Komarovsky about BCG


BCG is the first vaccine in a person's life. It is made to a newborn right in the maternity hospital on the third or fifth day after birth. Today, under current legislation, the mother is asked for written permission for vaccination. They bring paper for signature, while more than half of women have no idea what they are signing or refusing. The famous pediatrician and authoritative favorite of millions of modern mothers, Yevgeny Komarovsky, often talks about BCG vaccination in his articles and TV programs.

What it is

BCG is a vaccine against tuberculosis, a disease that kills about 3 million people worldwide every year. Vaccination is considered mandatory in 19 countries. The vaccine contains a weakened tubercle bacillus of cows. The drug exists in two versions of BCG - for normal children and BCG-M - for babies born prematurely.

The first injection of BCG vaccine is carried out in the maternity hospital (if the mother agrees, if the child has no contraindications), revaccination is at the age of 7, 12, and 16 years.

The first vaccination is done without a preliminary Mantoux test, with revaccination a preliminary “button” is obligatory. The fact is that it makes sense to do the vaccination only if the infection has not happened yet. If the child’s body has already encountered the Koch wand, then it is not necessary to vaccinate. Mantoux test just shows the feasibility of revaccination.

The vaccine is injected subcutaneously in the shoulder. The injection site sometimes festers, although this is an individual reaction, but for all, with a few exceptions, there is a characteristic scar that confirms the fact of vaccination.

If there is no scar or it is too small, experts say that the child’s immunity to tuberculosis has not formed or is weak.

Komarovsky about BCG

On the question of moms, whether it is necessary to do BCG, Yevgeny Komarovsky answers unequivocally - it is necessary. After all, it will be much better for a child’s body if it encounters a small number of weakened pathogens of a serious illness than if a child receives an infectious dose of strong and aggressive microbes. And the reality in Russia is such that getting sick is easier than ever - people with tuberculosis in a contagious form move freely, ride in transport, go to the shops, sneeze and cough on the street. There is no lack of aggressive sticks.

A video where Dr. Komarovsky tells all about the BCG vaccine can be viewed below.

The very first vaccine is not done at the whim of the Ministry of Health officials, but for a completely objective reason - the causative agent of tuberculosis is very likely to be the first germ that the newborn will face almost immediately after discharge from the hospital.

Komarovsky emphasizes that the sample Mantoux, which many mothers erroneously call vaccination, is a very informative way to find out if a child is infected. Sample must be done annually. If suddenly it turns out to be positive, it still does not mean at all that a comfortable breech bed in a tuberculosis dispensary is waiting for a child. If an active live bacillus has entered the child's body, then usually the strength of the immune defense and the efforts of the antibodies are enough to prevent tuberculosis from developing. In the absence of due attention from doctors and parents, without special treatment, only 10-15% of children develop serious illness.

In general, the BCG vaccine rather effectively protects against fatal forms of tuberculosis, but, Yevgeny Komarovsky emphasizes, even the vaccination given in time and the subsequent timely revaccination do not give an absolute guarantee that the child will not get sick with tuberculosis, although this risk is significantly reduced.

Why the Mantoux test is necessary for children Dr. Komarovsky will tell in the next video release.


In order to minimize the risks of infection with the tubercle bacillus, the doctor advises strengthening the child’s immunity from its very birth. BCG vaccine must be done, but not shift the responsibility only to the doctors. Parents themselves should try. First and foremost, Komarovsky says, they must understand that the fight against vaccines is a fight against future generations of the inhabitants of the earth.

At the household level - mothers need to air the premises more often, walk with the child more and longer, and provide the little one with good nutrition.

Preparation for BCG vaccination has no features. Evgeny Olegovich reminds that the child should go to the clinic on an empty stomach, with the intestines emptied a few hours before this visit. Two days before the vaccination, mothers should not introduce toddler new products into the diet, everything should be customary for him. The smaller the load on the digestive system of the crumbs, the easier it will transfer the vaccine, reminds the doctor.

Before the introduction of the vaccine, the pediatrician is obliged to examine the child to identify contraindications. In viral infections, immunodeficiency, an allergic reaction to something, elevated body temperature, any disease in the acute stage cannot be inoculated. In this situation, vaccination is transferred to a later time until the small patient is fully cured.

Some vaccinations give complications, Dr. Komarovsky will tell about this in the next video.

After the BCG vaccination, Komarovsky advises giving the child more drink, providing fresh air, and if the temperature rises, give antipyretic, better than Paracetamol. In all other incomprehensible situations, it is better to call a doctor. To the parents' question whether it is possible to bathe the child after BCG, Komarovsky answers in the affirmative. You can, but be careful, the place of injection is better not to rub with a washcloth and not to steam. And if the trail of an injection festers, do not treat it with antiseptics, because it is a natural process.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


