Doctor Komarovsky about how to treat a red throat in a child


Red sick children's throat is the real scourge of most parents. The child is dragged along by the doctors, they are looking for all sorts of means and ways to reduce the number of cases of the disease of the throat, but often all is in vain. A well-known pediatrician and TV host Yevgeny Komarovsky tells about why it hurts in children and what to do for moms and dads.

Komarovsky about the problem

Everyone knows how the sore throat manifests itself. The child refuses to eat, because swallowing gives him discomfort, and even drinking him tea or compote is sometimes almost impossible. However, few parents represent exactly what processes occur in the child’s body.

The mucous membrane of the larynx has a lot of nerve endings, which is why the range of sensations during inflammation of the throat is so wide - from scratching and tingling to acute pain that prevents normal speaking and eating. Inflammation is usually caused by viruses.less often - bacteria. There is another reason - allergens from the outside (dirty air, household chemicals, etc.).

According to statistics provided by Evgeny Olegovich, 85% of cases of pain and redness in the throat are acute. pharyngitis, in some cases - angina. Another 5% are bacterial lesions. The remaining 10% are allergic reactions, external irritants, toxic fumes, toxins, dirty air and mechanical damage to the larynx.

There are many reasons, but there is only one way out - to act and not to expect that everything will pass by itself. Komarovsky recommends not to ignore the kid's complaints about the throat.


  • Rest The best that mom and dad can do is to ensure a quiet rhythm of life for a child, to eliminate or significantly limit outdoor games, to ensure that the child is more silent and speaks less. This will reduce the burden on the inflamed organ.

  • Drink. Drinking mode should be switched to the active mode, and the drink itself should be warm and plentiful. Even if it is painful for a child to swallow, drink it a little at a time, with a teaspoon or tablespoon, but always in sufficient quantity.

  • Microclimate. Recovery will contribute to the correct climate in the apartment. No need to wrap the baby in several cotton blankets and put a few heaters around the bed. The temperature of the air should not be below 18 and did not go out to 20 degrees, and the humidity of air at the level of 50-70%. The second parameter is extremely important so that the mucus in the throat does not dry out, especially if the baby has a cold and breathes through the mouth, since drying out of the mucous membranes can cause serious inflammatory processes and complications.

  • Nutrition. Food needs to be crushed as much as possible, for example, with a blender. It should not be thick and contain large hard fragments. Completely should exclude from the diet of the sick kid salty and acidic foods, soda.

Treatment according to Komarovsky

The best treatment is rinsing. Evgeny Olegovich claims that for this you can use sage grass or pharmacy camomile flowers. However, there are a few nuances. The child should already be at that age when he can gargle. Then the procedure can be repeated every 2-3 hours. Too frequent rinsing, which "sin" some moms and dads, who believe that the more often the better, can lead to additional irritation of the larynx. In all good measure.

If the kid does not know how to gargle, Komarovsky advises not to torture him, but to use pharmacy antiseptics, which can be given in the form of a lozenge or splash into the throat. Evgeny Komarovsky calls one of the safest and most effective drugsFaringosept", But these pills are not suitable for babies under 3 years old, since they practically do not know how to dissolve the drug, and they strive to chew it as soon as possible.

Compress with a sore throat is a rather dubious method, Komarovsky says, because there may be more harm than potential harm. For example, warming compresses for sore throat is a sure way to get into the hospital and for a long time to treat severe inflammation, which has become more after warming up the throat. Compresses should never be put on children with fever.

How to treat a sore throat correctly, will be told by the assistant Komarovsky in the next video.

Reasons for alarm

Yevgeny Komarovsky warns that a sore throat is a serious symptom, and it does not always make sense to try to deal with the problem on your own.

It is necessary to call the doctor as soon as possible if the child has a high temperature (above 38 °), if the child has difficulty breathing, if the ear has an additional sore, strong wheezing when breathing in, nausea has appeared.

Urgent medical care requires and a sharp increase in the size of the tonsils, the appearance of white plaque on them, as well as the appearance of pain and some swelling in the joints, severe headache, rash. So, if only the thread - you can rinse. If there are additional symptoms, call the doctor.

Red throat and loose throat

If the doctor says "red throat", reasonable parents who remember the lessons of anatomy at school should clarify exactly what they are talking about. The larynx, the trachea, the muscles, and the initial part of the esophagus can turn red with inflammation. Accordingly, it is necessary to treat such a "red throat" in different ways. According to one redness alone, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis, Komarovsky believes. Be sure to analyze the associated symptoms.

If the child has a sore throat and the diagnosis is confirmed, it may require treatment with antibiotics.

In all other cases, Komarovsky does not advise to rush at all with therapy. Maybe you just need to give a rest to the neck, do not shout, do not talk loudly and everything will return to normal. The fact is that the baby’s tender neck can turn red with a loud cry. In this case, it should be treated only with rest. If the redness was preceded by an injury or burn, you can immediately begin to rinse, but not with saline, as most parents believe, but only with decoctions of herbs. Salt may increase irritation.

Doctor diagnosis "loose throat" which mothers quite often hear from their district pediatricians, generally in medicine does not exist. This pseudo-medical semi-diagnosis, said Komarovsky. Doctors say this when an excessive amount of lymphoid tissue is observed during the examination. And, as a rule, this term is used when it comes to chronic tonsillitis. In this situation, not streptococci, not a fungus and not viruses, but weak local immunity are “guilty” of everything.

When can still have a sore throat?

In infants up to 1 year old, the most common cause of a sore throat is viral infections. They do not need to be treated with antibiotics, says Yevgeny Komarovsky, since antimicrobial agents that successfully cope with bacteria have no effect on viruses.

If the red throat is accompanied by a rash in the form of watery blisters on the arms, legs, as well as in the mouth, you can talk about the Coxsackie virus.

Throat problems accompany infectious mononucleosis, various injuries of the larynx, which is not such a rarity, considering how often children put everything in their mouths that does not lie well.

Viral lesions do not need any treatment, you can only gargle to ease the condition.Usually, such illnesses themselves go away in a week or a bit more.

However, if the pediatrician takes a smear from the larynx and finds streptococci in it, then a sore throat will be diagnosed, and there will be serious antibiotic treatment, which parents in no case should refuse if the health of their beloved children is dear to them.


Some special prevention of sore throat does not exist, it is entirely aimed at strengthening the overall immunity of the child, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. This is the right way of life, and active sports, private walks in the fresh air in any weather, and tempering, which can start from birth.

It is possible to temper the throat in a very tasty way that boys and girls of any age will appreciate. Komarovsky recommends giving children ice cream. First, a teaspoon, then the dining room, and then a portion. It is also useful to freeze fruit juice in the freezer and allow children to dissolve it. This is both tasty and healthy, as it enhances local immunity.

Watch Dr. Komarovsky’s transfer of red throat - you will learn many nuances.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


