Dr. Komarovsky about girls hygiene


Parents of any newborn have many questions concerning the proper hygiene of the infant. But if with boys everything is more or less clear, then with girls everything is not so simple. Little daughter needs a special approach. Moms and dads need to know this in order to raise a healthy and happy girl who in the future will not have problems with childbirth and female health.

What is it about?

By girls' hygiene, it is commonly understood as a set of measures that are designed to preserve the health of the child. It is mandatory - daily washing, washing, bathing, processing of folds on the body with baby cream or liquid paraffin, special care for the child’s genitals.

With inadequate care for girls, the labia intercourse occurs, and from an early age inflammatory processes develop in the genital organs.

That is why the queues at the pediatric gynecologist's office in the clinic do not decrease, and with the widespread use of diapers and sanitary napkins are only growing.

Moms began to rely more on diapers, use wet wipes for the treatment of daughter priests and genitals. Hence the growth of female diseases in girls.

To the pediatric gynecologist, the baby is supposed to be brought for the first time in 1 month. This is a routine inspection, designed to eliminate the possibility of congenital malformations of the crumb. You should not wait for this visit, but you should go immediately if the newborn girl has purulent vaginal discharge with an unpleasant pungent or sour odor, if her nipples are strongly swollen, her nipples are red, there is redness and swelling in causal places and thick white discharge from the genital organs, if the daughter began to behave restlessly during each urination. All of these symptoms may indicate the presence of the disease, and then only one hygiene can not solve anything, need treatment.

Komarovsky about caring for girls

Komarovsky believes that there is nothing difficult in complying with the hygienic requirements in the process of caring for a girl. Of course, if you immediately find out a few basic rules:

  1. To wash away the girl from birth is necessary after each trip to the toilet. Do not wipe with wet wipes, as it is sometimes permissible with boys, namely, to wash away. In this case, the direction of the adult's hand movements is from the pubis to the pope. In no case, on the contrary, otherwise you can bring the bacteria from the feces and intestines into the vagina, which will cause an inflammatory process.
  2. It is impossible to wash the baby in the basin. This boy by and large doesn’t care what kind of packaging he will wash his ass. The girl needs only running water for this hygiene procedure. Otherwise, pathogenic bacteria from the rectum or with small particles of feces can get to the genitals with water and cause an inflammatory process.
  3. Before washing off a little princess, an adult must first wash his own hands with baby soap. The goal is the same - to prevent the penetration of extraneous flora in the genital tract.
  4. But you should not use soap when washing as it dries the delicate skin of the girl's external genitalia. It will be enough once a day, while taking a bath, to use baby soap for intimate places.

But the comment of Dr. Komarovsky on the hygiene of girls.

Tips of Dr. Komarovsky

About cold and warm

The main rule that Evgeny Olegovich encourages parents to remember is that there is no overcooling of the genitals. If the baby likes to run barefoot around the house or even on the street, there is nothing terrible about this, since the legs of a person are so arranged by nature that when they come into contact with cold, only the vessels of the legs themselves contract, the body's heat is not lost. However, if the daughter has got into the habit of sitting down on the ground or something cool, this can cause a lot of problems in the future, as it is fraught with serious inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs (uterus, appendages, ovaries).

Carefully ensure that the little girl never sits on a rocky surface, on damp earth, on cold sand. Let it become the norm of behavior from an early age.

In the same way, overheating of the intimate area is also harmful.

About clothes

Underwear for girls should be white. Komarovsky warns that beautiful bright panties are primarily textile dyes, they can cause irritation and inflammation. The best fabrics are cotton and linen. The girl needs to change her underwear daily, and in case of strong discharge (small - this is the norm!), The pants change several times a day as they become soiled.

About care products

For the hygiene of intimate places a girl of any age from birth to adolescent puberty Komarovsky advises to use baby liquid soap designed for newborns. There are no dyes, perfume additives and a high level of Ph.

About cosmetics

If there are redness on the external genital organs, smearing them with baby cream or other creams is not worth it, says Komarovsky. After thorough washing, it is better to lubricate the problem areas with sterile olive or peach oil. But the doctor does not advise getting involved in girls' powders.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


