Dr. Komarovsky about false croup in children


False croup in children is a dangerous condition that requires proper parental actions. Croup can develop in any child, and therefore known pediatrician and TV host Yevgeny Komarovsky strongly recommends that all parents learn the signs and rules for helping babies with false croup.

About ailment

Speaking of croup, many people recall the dangerous diphtheria croup, which claimed many children's lives before the diphtheria vaccine was put on a big foot. Such croup is called true. And it is precisely the cause that distinguishes it from the false that leads to a narrowing of the larynx.

In diphtheria, the larynx narrows due to the accumulation of diphtheria films. False croup can develop against the background of a variety of typical children's and not only viral diseases that are accompanied by respiratory symptoms.

The croup is a complication of ARVI, the flu that develops due to edema of the larynx tissues due to inflammation. The larynx in children and in a normal state is always much narrower than in an adult, but during croup it narrows even more, and in a certain place in the area of ​​the vocal cords.

There are no vaccinations for such a complication, it is almost impossible to predict which of the children will have a normal viral seasonal infection and cause croup, and in which everything will be limited to a cold and cough. In the absence of timely, correct assistance, the child may suffocate.

The most common cases of false cereal are recorded in children: from birth to three years. Risks are reduced by 6–7 years, and after 9–10 years, the likelihood of developing croup is generally minimal, as trachea, vocal cords and larynx grow with the child, which reduces the likelihood of stenosis.

The reasons

If we talk about which diseases most often develop the condition of croup, then the first place is to put infections caused by the parainfluenza virus. It is followed by influenza A and B strains, adenoviruses.

In most cases, this is not an independent disease, but a complication.

The weaker the immune system of the baby, the more often the crumb is sick, the higher the likelihood that the next viral infection will be complicated by false croup. More others are affected by children born prematurely (premature), children suffering from rickets and having any other congenital or acquired chronic diseases.

At first, the body of any child is trying to somehow compensate for the inconvenience (in this case stenosis), and in a compensated form, the disease is not too dangerous. But croup has a tendency to intensify, and therefore, simultaneously with an increase in puffiness, the stage of decompensation begins, when the child’s body begins to suffer from oxygen deficiency. Death can occur from asphyxia or heart failure.


Experts speak about which pathogen specifically led to inflammation and edema of the larynx, as secondary information. It is much more important to select a type according to the symptomatic picture depending on the degree and severity of the symptoms.

This information will be the answer to the question, what and how to do, go to the hospital or be treated at home.

  • Initial croup - always compensated, the child begins to suffer from shortness of breath only after actively advancing, will experience certain loads. Inhaling is harder than exhaling.
  • Croup second degree called moderate.With it, the body's compensatory abilities are reduced, shortness of breath is noticeable already not only after physical exertion, but also in a calm state.
  • False croup of the third degree - heavy. He already has signs of systemic oxygen deficiency: the child's lips turn blue, shortness of breath is strong and persistent, the skin becomes poor, breaths are given to the baby hard.
  • Fourth degree complications - the most dangerous and difficult; with it, hypoxia becomes systemic, capable of becoming lethal at any moment. Organs and systems experience oxygen deprivation, especially “getting” to the nervous system and brain, and therefore there may be certain neurological consequences, even if the child survives.

Signs and symptoms

Dr. Komarovsky encourages parents to focus on the triad of symptoms, which always accompanies the state of false croup: difficult breath, barking cough and hoarseness.

If all three signs are available, it is very likely that the baby has croup.

If the child is sick with a viral infection, this does not mean that this dangerous threatening condition will necessarily appear. Most often, the first symptoms of laryngeal edema begin to manifest themselves on the second or third day after the onset of a viral infection. The first is usually a dry cough, which is worse at night. Then the hoarse voice appears. If the baby starts crying, the barking cough will become stronger - and this is an important diagnostic sign.

Inhale and exhale become noisy. At first, the changes are hardly distinguishable, but then, depending on how narrow the larynx has become, the whistle during breathing will become more noticeable.

If the false croup goes to the extreme fourth degree, two of the diagnostic signs disappear - cough and vomiting when breathing. But pressure decreases, the convulsive syndrome can develop. In the absence of help, hypoxic coma begins.

If Kohmarovsky stresses a child in the evening, it will certainly get worse at night, since it is at night that the heaviest croup attacks occur. Parents must be prepared to assist.

How to help?

In a state of attack, the child needs emergency care.

Parents should immediately call an ambulance, not forgetting to tell the dispatcher by phone that the child has a false croup - this will speed up the arrival of the brigade.

Next, you need to take the child in your arms, try to calm him down - there is no need to worry too much now, because it leads to laryngeal spasms. It is enough that the crumbs are frightened by the very unusual state in which he cannot, as always, take a normal deep breath.

The apartment urgently needs to organize access to air - to open everything that can be opened, regardless of the weather and time of year. If there is an opportunity, it is better to take the child to the street and wait there for the arrival of an “ambulance” with him.

In case of severe edema, an antihistamine can be given at an age dose. Suit "Suprastin." At the time of swelling of the larynx will be less.

It should be understood that repeated attacks usually have a more severe and rapid course, and therefore the help of a physician is obligatory.

How to treat?

All over the world, according to Evgeny Komarovsky, they try to carry out the treatment of false croup at home. Hospitalization per se is a big stress for the child, especially if they take him to the hospital without a mother, and the baby is shown calm. In Russia, a slightly different approach, although recently it has begun to change, increasingly approaching world practice.

Yevgeny Komarovsky claims that doctors in our country prescribe too many extra drugs, sometimes ignoring those that are really necessary.

Thus, the use of antibiotics, antiviral drugs is unreasonable and ineffective, and expectorant drugs do little to help. But anti-inflammatory hormonal agents in the form of drops for inhalation help very well.Very effectively, in just a few minutes, you can remove stenosis of the larynx by inhalation with adrenaline.

At home, parents should create the best possible conditions for the child to recover. At any cost, Komarovsky urges to humidify the air to 60–70%, and also to ensure that the room is cool (not higher than 20 degrees). Inhalation is permissible, but with the help of steam or saline.

Neither essential substances beloved by mothers, nor herbal remedies should be used: they can worsen the condition.

With a moderate degree in a hospital, corticosteroid hormones are used. Also help remove the danger of inhalation with adrenaline.

Severe forms often require intensive care in a specially equipped ward in a hospital. Ten percent of children with third and fourth degrees require endotracheal intubation. In rare cases, there is a need for surgery - tracheotomy. It should be noted that any ambulance medical assistant can conduct a tracheotomy directly at home with improvised means to save lives.

Doctor Komarovsky tells about how to treat false croup in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


