Dr. Komarovsky about dummy


Not a single trifle at times causes such heated discussions within the framework of one family as the most common nipple - the soother. Mom, for example, does not see anything wrong with her, and grandmother frantically protests and insists that the nipple is incredibly harmful to the bite of the baby. Dad takes a neutral position, but only until the moment when the baby starts screaming.

And how much trouble is the loss of the pacifier, if the child is already used to it! Parents are ready to run to the pharmacy in the middle of the night for a new one, so long as the child calms down. Famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky tells whether such a nipple is necessary for a child, how to disaccustom him in time and whether there is any harm from the fact that the baby sucks a pacifier.

"Pros and cons"

If the pacifier is not given fundamentally, then the baby is more likely to start sucking his finger as soon as he can reach the mouth. This is the unsatisfied sucking reflex, which is absolutely for all newborns, and which passes independently at a certain age. The child sucks his finger, not because he so wants, and not at all out of boredom. This is an instinct, and to fight it is completely useless, says Yevgeny Komarovsky.

If you choose between a finger and a nipple, then Komarovsky says that the nipple is more optimal. Its harm is greatly exaggerated, but the benefits are undoubted, because it:

  • helps to satisfy the sucking reflex;

  • calms a child, puts him to sleep;

  • stimulates intestinal peristalsis, develops facial muscles.

There is no consensus about the dangers and benefits of nipples in pediatrics. Some doctors say that it is harmful, others recommend giving it to a toddler. One thing is known for sure, says Yevgeny Komarovsky: you need to listen to the child himself. If he wants to suck, let him suck. If he spits out a pacifier, do not insist. Especially to teach her to 2 months, 3 months or later, when the teeth begin to erupt - not a good idea.

If the baby's dummy solves any specific problems of the child, there is nothing bad in it, but if the nipple itself turns into a problem, you need to try to part with it or endure it. So, many children in 5-7 months when they fall asleep “lose” the nipple or get themselves out of their mouths, and then get scared and start screaming at night, until relatives come to their aid and return the pacifier back. In this situation, only the parents themselves need to evaluate the pros and cons and decide what is easier for them to survive - a scream without a dummy for several nights or a scream episodic because of a dummy that will pass when the crumb understands that it is not necessary to touch her.

Often mothers fear: when it comes time to separate the child from the nipple, then his mind will suffer.

This is untrue, the doctor is sure; weaning of a pacifier does not entail any impairments in mental and emotional development. Such information is distributed not too competent and knowledgeable people.

Another argument opponents nipple - reducing lactation. They say, the child, sucking up enough pacifiers, will eat less of the mother’s milk, and her production of this same milk is expected to decrease. Komarovsky advises not to panic, but to rely only on the facts: if a baby grows well, it normally adds weight, you need not worry about the fact that he didn’t eat something because of his nipples.

If there are signs of malnutrition, low weight, other symptoms of physical developmental delay, you need to find the cause, and this is unlikely to be a nipple.Sucking during a meal is determined by instinct such as hunger, and sucking a pacifier is the satisfaction of another instinct sucking.

How to choose the "right" dummy

Today, on the shelves of pharmacies and children's stores presents a huge selection of empty cases. There are silicone and latex, with rings and without, large and small. Parents, especially without the experience of selecting such items, it is difficult to understand what kind of empty to be considered "correct."

Yevgeny Komarovsky argues that a well-chosen nipple has less of an effect on the bite.

Normally, the child at the time of sucking should create a significant load on the tongue, and the perioral and facial muscles should work well. The lower jaw, which is smaller than the upper one at birth, with the help of such “training sessions” grows more intensively and overtakes the upper jaw by half a year. When choosing a nipple, you need to understand that it should be as close as possible to a female nipple, that is, physiologically adapted.

Latex soothers are yellow, silicone - white. Both those and others serve for a long time, unlike the rubber ones that were used by our grandmothers when they were small. However, silicone is better tolerate repeated boiling and do not cause an allergic reaction.

Among all the variety, Komarovsky recommends giving preference to silicone pacifiers that have an anatomical or orthodontic shape and are of the same age as the child. “Unit” in size is an age up to half a year, and a “two” - after half a year. There is also a “troika” - after one and a half years. Foreign manufacturers denote these sizes respectively by the letters of the Latin alphabet - A, B, C.

It is better if the selected nipple does not have a bulky base and collapsible parts, so that the child does not accidentally choke with spare parts from the pacifier.

When the first teeth come out, it is better to replace the silicone nipple with a latex one - it is softer and will not deform the teeth. It is necessary to change the latex pacifier about once a month and a half, since it is less suitable for boiling and wears out faster.

Dummy and bite

The favorite argument of all opponents nipples - bite. Yes, the dummy affects him, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. But not alone. To a greater extent, this is influenced by the metabolism (how much a child receives and how it absorbs calcium, phosphorus), is there enough vitamin D in his body?

If the child is an “artificial artist,” and in his life deals only with nipples, this increases the load on the jaw. If he sucks and the mother's breast, and then continues to satisfy his sucking reflex with the help of a dummy, then there are other risks of changing the bite.

When a baby acquires teeth, the quantity and quality of solid food that the baby will receive will affect the state of the bite.

In addition, a lot of information about what form the jaw will be, as well as how the upper and lower will be located relative to each other, is contained in the genetic code, that is, laid down in the child before birth.

Thus, to draw a parallel - a dummy - a wrong bite, is impossible. No doctor has yet been able to prove and argue that this is not so. Therefore, the danger is rather theoretical.

How to wean a baby from the nipples?

Weaning from sucking pacifiers - troublesome, and, most importantly, meaningless, says Evgeny Olegovich. In some children, the sucking reflex from birth is strong and stable, in others it is weaker. The second kids, as a rule, quickly spit out the pacifier that has become unnecessary. And kids with a very persistent reflex may require a pacifier at 2 and 3 years. However, no one has yet gone to school at the age of 6-7 with a “tune” in the mouth, the doctor says, and therefore there is nothing to worry about.

The problem of prolonged sucking a pacifier is not a problem for a child, not a disease, not a bad habit — it is his need, but an unconditional problem for the whole family. Mom and grandmother so want to pussy grew up more.Rejecting nipples, as understood by most parents, is one of the steps to growing up, as the first step, the first itch, the first word. And if the child does not want to part with a dummy, then do not mock him. His time, says Komarovsky, has not yet come.

Algorithm of parents should be as follows:

  • We tried to hide the pacifier. If you scream and can not sleep during the day, no more experimenting. The attempt is repeated after six months.

  • If the child is already doing well without a nipple during the day, then you can try to give him a light sedative on a plant basis before going to bed at night. It is quite possible that he will not need a nipple to sleep. But if the requirements remain in force, then give the dummy and go back to trying to separate the child from her after about six months.

The methods that parents will practice in the process of weaning may be different, but none of them has anything to do with medicine.

According to Komarovsky, pediatrics does not know a single pill or ointment that will cure craving for the nipple. We'll have to experiment with pedagogical methods - persuasion, exhortations, "talking teeth", all sorts of distracting maneuvers.

If it doesn’t work, you can adopt a grandmother’s recipe and spread some “rubbish” like mustard on the nipple. The main thing here is not to cause problems with the esophagus, burns of the oral cavity.

You will learn more about when a baby needs a nipple from the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


