Baby oil or massage cream: choose the best


It is recommended to massage the child not only when there are clear medical indications. A light fortifying massage is useful and pleasant and perfectly healthy peanuts: it contributes to their development, the formation of immunity, growth. It is up to you to do massage with a specialist or master simple techniques and techniques yourself. But a good tool for massage, which does not harm the delicate baby skin, is useful in any case. In this article we will talk about how to choose massage oil or cream for the child.

The need for massage tools

The skin of babies is very thin. Although it has all the layers peculiar to the skin of adults, it is about 2.5 times thinner than the skin of the parents, and therefore touches can cause discomfort to the child. Massage is always associated not only with light strokes, but also with vibratory movements, kneading, rubbing. Such movements of my mother's hands can give the baby pain, injure thin skin, cause the formation of microcracks, excessive dryness and flaking.

That is why it is recommended to engage in gymnastics with the child and massage with the use of special baby oil or massage cream. Similar adult cosmetics for babies will not work. Properly selected tool will help protect the skin of the crumbs, soften it, sufficiently moisturize and nourish with nutrients and vitamins.

How to choose?

The most important requirement for a baby massage tool - it must be hypoallergenic. The peculiarity of children's skin lies not only in its small thickness, but also in the incredible sensitivity of the receptors, as well as in the special state and functioning of the hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands.

That is why allergies in early childhood - a phenomenon extremely common. Over time, the child will outgrow the allergy, but the massage oil, if needed, will be completely different. It is important to make the right choice in the first days of the baby’s life or before birth. Therefore, when choosing, you should immediately look for a special mark or label stating that the product has undergone dermatological control and is recognized as hypoallergenic.

If such a cream or butter was found, you should pay attention to the expiration date - expired children's cosmetics are unsafe and cannot be used for infants.

Parents need to carefully read the composition. It should contain only natural substances and components. Smell the remedy - it should not have a strong odor, even a very pleasant one: allergies to the perfume in children often develop.

Massage cannot have a drying effect. It is always a fatty and enveloping agent. That is why you should immediately refuse creams, which are usually used under a diaper - they are not suitable for massage.

It is best to buy a massage aid for the baby either in a specialized children's store of large retail chains, or in a pharmacy. You can always ask for a certificate of conformity for the product to make sure that you are not selling a fake, cream or oil is real and safe.

Overview of popular tools

Today on the shelves of pharmacies and shops you can find a huge selection of creams and oils for baby massage. Which is better to choose, it's up to you, you already know about the rules of choice.We want to mention a few of the most well-known among parents of funds that have collected the most positive feedback not only from parents, but also from pediatricians.

Chicco Baby moments

Under this Italian brand there is a large range of children's cosmetics - lotions, nourishing body milk, and cream, and baby shampoo, and massage oil. Almost all means of this line are recommended for children from birth.

As a disadvantage, you can specify the high cost of cosmetics. Massage oil will cost more than 500 rubles, and the cream costs more than 400 rubles. Pros - in the composition, which is well balanced, taking into account the level of acidity and other characteristics of the skin of babies. In addition to a large list of components, cosmetics Chikko includes vitamin E and oil with Omega-3 acids. This makes the oil and cream ideal for skin prone to dryness.


This is a line of children's and adult cosmetics produced in France. There are separate directions in the variety of choice: for children with dry skin and for children with normal skin, there are various oils and creams.

Massage products for children with sensitive skin deserve special attention, they can be the means of first choice - for a newborn. Despite the fact that the lineup includes many bath gels and little massage products, you can use during the sessions emollient creams with avocado oil for different types of baby skin, as well as soothing nourishing balms for the body.

Significant minus - the high cost. The initial price of the cream in the pharmacy during discounts and promotions starts from 1,400 rubles.

Johnson's baby

This is the most well-known, the most budgetary of the imported skin care products for babies, but, unfortunately, the most dubious, since marking “hypoallergenic” on a bottle of massage oil does not guarantee that the child will not be covered with a rash: there are a lot of negative reviews on the Internet about him because of individual intolerance. Nevertheless, the brand is popular, for many kids it fits. The cost of butter - from 300 rubles, baby cream from this manufacturer - from 150 rubles.

The products are distinguished by a pleasant, but rather pungent odor; it is possible that the composition listed on the package does not quite correspond to the truth in terms of perfumes and their quantities. It is not necessary that your baby reacts negatively to the remedy, so you can try to buy it, because in extreme cases, the mother will be able to use it herself or give a massage to her father - adults usually like butter and creams from this line.


The composition of children's cosmetics of this manufacturer is different natural and the minimum number of synthetic substances. The product line is quite extensive, the choice is for every taste and age and this is a definite plus. Minus - the cost. The price for the cream is in the range of 700-900 rubles, for butter - from 700 to 1100 rubles.

The most popular oil for infant skin with calendula. It does not stain clothes, does not smell, usually does not cause allergies. Reviews about the cosmetics of this brand are mostly positive. Pediatric doctors also love it very much: after use, there are few complaints about negative consequences.


Is it possible to replace factory tools? Of course, there were 30–40 years ago in the first-aid kits of Russians there were no imported products for the care of infant skin. But the place of honor in them was allotted to ordinary petroleum jelly. It is fat, viscous, perfectly nourishes the skin, has absolutely no smell, does not cause allergies. Until now, it is used in children's departments of maternity homes and early childhood departments in children's hospitals.

A negative reaction to petroleum jelly is found no more often than in one case for several thousand newborns. The advantage is a low price, incomparable with the prices of foreign oils and creams.

Minus is petrolatum.This, as is known, is a product of oil refining, and therefore a thin film remains on the baby’s skin after a massage with vaseline oil, which can prevent thermoregulation and perspiration. After applying the child must be bathed.

About vaseline oil, many are negative. For example, Dr. Komarovsky does not support the idea of ​​massaging with such a remedy, since he believes that the oil should be edible. Vaseline not shown to children.

An excellent alternative to pharmacy can be some vegetable oils. One of the most beneficial is olive oil. It not only softens the baby’s skin and eliminates signs of dryness and flaking, but also deeply nourishes it due to the content of fatty acids in olive oil.

For children with problem skin, peach oil is recommended, which is obtained from the seeds of the fruit of the same name. Peach oil is sold in pharmacies and is inexpensive. It can not rinse after a massage. In the event of irritation or diaper rash, this particular oil can be applied to damaged skin and left for a long time.

Coconut oil and oil derived from wheat germ, are more likely to cause allergies in infants than other vegetable oils, and therefore they can be used, but with caution.

Sunflower oil after application also needs to be washed off, since it is deeply absorbed from thin skin and creates a dense oily film.

An excellent tool for a massage is the usual "Baby" cream. This tool was known to our grandmothers, and therefore the difficult test of time and several generations of children that had grown up with it passed.


Reviews about the choice of massage tools for babies are numerous and multifaceted. Some mommies are supporters of special adapted products for children's skin known manufacturers. Others prefer alternative means. Among the first, the most positive comments are made on “Weleda”, as well as on inexpensive and low-cost domestic cosmetics from the “Eared Nannies” series. Among the alternative means mom delighted with almond oil and refined olive oil.

The main thing - do not forget to warm up the oil before use, so that the massage of the crumbs brought pleasure.

On what kind of oil you need for a baby massage, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


