Massage for constipation in infants


Disruption of the bowel in early childhood - a frequent phenomenon. In infants, the functioning of the intestine is inadequate, not all its divisions are sufficiently developed, and the processes of digestion proceed according to special laws. That is why constipation in a newborn or infant up to one year old will not surprise an experienced mother. To help your baby can properly held a tummy massage. How to make it, we will tell in this article.

Massage features

Massaging the abdomen is a well-known way to cope not only with the problem of constipation, but also to solve the problem of gaziki, which most babies suffer up to 3-4 months of life. Some people have colic and constipation problems later.

The massage itself should be carried out only if constipation is not a systematic, permanent phenomenon. In this case, any exposure and treatment should be prescribed only after consulting a surgeon.

The fact is that some pathologies and anomalies of the intestinal structure can cause constipation, and massage in this case will only worsen the condition of the child.

Massage refers to the category of therapeutic and preventive procedures. His tricks are very simple and straightforward. To master them under the force of any mom, grandmother and even dad.

Massaging the abdominal wall helps to improve blood circulation. At the same time, peristalsis returns to normal, intestinal gases come out, which during congestion usually cause not only severe pain, but also constipation. Together with the solution of the problem "at the local level", the problem of difficulties with defecation is solved directly. Regular massage of the abdominal wall is an effective prevention of problems with bowel movements.

Indications and contraindications

Mom, who is faced with constipation in a small child, knows that a crumb in such a state behaves very emotionally. He cries, presses his legs, strains and cries again. The stomach becomes more rigid, intense. At this stage it is important to determine whether the baby can be massaged, because he, like any therapeutic massage, has its own contraindications.

It is impossible to do massage, if the baby has a very hard belly, which has significantly increased in size, if the touch to him, even the lightest and most delicate, causes a strong attack of pain and cry in the child.

If the tummy looks asymmetrical, if even at one glance it is clear how strongly the muscles of the peritoneum are strained, it is better to refuse the massage. Also, do not massage in a feverish state, when the temperature of the child is elevated.

If there are rashes, blisters, pustules or scratches on the skin of the abdomen, it is not recommended to have a massage. The same applies to abrasions and burns.

If a child has unusual discharge from the anus, if there is impurity of blood or pus in the feces, massage is strictly prohibited. With these symptoms, the child should be taken to a medical facility as soon as possible and shown to the surgeon.

Technique of

Before the massage, they carry out preliminary preparation of the room and the massage place. The room should not be hot, but not chilly. The best temperature is 20-21 degrees of heat. Avoid drafts.

The procedure is performed on a hard surface.

Recommendations to massage the abdominal wall on a bed or a sofa are harmful and erroneous at the root: the baby’s spine should be in an even and anatomically correct condition at the time of the session.

Massage can be carried out on the changing table, or on a regular table, previously laid with oilcloth and a clean flannel diaper.

All that may be needed for a massage, put a number to make it easy to reach, not leaving the child and not turning away from him. This simple precaution will help avoid injuries as a result of the fall of the baby from the table.

Before massaging you need to prepare:

  • piece of oilcloth;
  • wet wipes;
  • disposable diaper;
  • thermometer;
  • baby hypoallergenic massage oil or baby cream;
  • Vaseline oil.

Before the start, the mother washes her hands using baby soap and slightly moisturizes them with massage oil for the child or baby cream. A naked baby is laid on a table in the supine position.

The massage scheme itself is quite simple.

  • Stroke the baby’s tummy in circular motions around the navel, without touching the navel itself - 10-12 times (clockwise and against it alternately). This is done with an open palm.
  • Put the index and middle finger together and begin to spiral around the navel more actively to increase - first there is a small coil, then - more coils.
  • From the lower abdomen to the left edge of the palm, draw an imaginary line up, right and down. It’s easy to visualize by imagining how the letter “P” is spelled. This is done with one hand, the other mother gently presses the baby's legs to the stomach, bending them at the knees.
  • Turn the baby on the right side. Stroke the back from top to bottom, gently lower your palms to the abdomen and to the legs. When touching the side of the abdomen, pinch the crumbs as tightly as possible to the tummy. Do the exercise at least 8-10 times, then turn the child to the left side and repeat everything in a mirror image.
  • Turn the baby on the back and his legs make rotational movements, as if he was riding a bicycle. Also alternating and synchronous leg leads to the stomach are useful. Take a couple of minutes for each exercise.
  • Complete the massage with light relaxing strokes and try to stimulate a bowel movement. To do this, place the child on his back, lift the legs and squeeze them to the tummy, holding the ankle with his left hand. Right, apply a little petroleum jelly (not more than a few drops) to the anus and gently stroke the anus with the tip of a clean and prepared thermometer. Usually, irritation of the anus causes rapid emptying of the intestines. Do not forget to put a disposable diaper or a washing oilcloth under the butt before stimulation. Wipe the buttocks with a damp cloth after a bowel movement.
  • Once again, stroke the tummy with light movements to eliminate the remnants of gas, and go swimming or washing your baby. Now his tummy is calm and feels good.

There is another way of massage, which can also be tested: a baby is placed with a naked tummy on her mother's bare belly. Mom deeply breathes "belly", the baby as if "riding" on the hill - up and down. The warmth of the maternal body contributes to the rapid discharge of gases when swelling, gentle massage of the gentle abdominal wall of the baby contributes to its calming, softening of the abdomen, the normalization of motility.

You should not expect that after the first such session the child will poop and calmly fall asleep. If you do not want to massage the stomach, but there is a desire to massage the stomach to the stomach, get ready to take several procedures during the day so that the child can empty the bowels. If this does not happen, it is better to use the first method of massaging.

Massage for constipation in children over one and a half years - 2 years, 3 years and older - does not imply mechanical assistance in defecation, since the bowel reflex in such children ceases to be unconditional and becomes conditional. The baby can already be asked to push on her own. If this does not help, you can make an enema or use a mild laxative in age.

You will learn more about the technique of performing massage for constipation in infants by watching the following video.

Useful tips

Massage the abdomen with constipation requires confident and skillful action. If there is no skill, it is better to first learn the power with which you can press on the baby’s tummy. To do this, hold your finger to your own eye and press on the closed eye in the area of ​​the upper eyelid, as soon as you feel pain, stop and remember the pressing force. It is with such force that the child should be massaged for colic, bloating and constipation.

If the baby has not yet healed the umbilical wound, if there is an umbilical hernia, do not do the massage. It is better to use mild laxatives that the pediatrician advises or to do an enema. Massaging can cause involuntary contractions of the abdominal muscles, with a hernia it is fraught with stinging, which will require surgical intervention.

If at any moment of the massage procedure the child starts crying, screaming, stop and do not continue the massage.


      Many mothers who have experienced problems with constipation in children know how difficult it is to find the true cause of this problem. Even doctors, who are consulted by parents, cannot always identify it and recommend the same regimens based on laxative preparations to almost all children.

      Unfortunately, such drugs can cause the opposite effect: the intestine becomes “lazy”, and constipation begins again without a dose of medication. Moms are advised to revise the nutrition of the child and do a massage, not only in the days of constipation, but also for prevention. Then gradually the child “outgrows” a delicate problem, his stool is normalized naturally.

      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


