Aqualore for children: instructions for use


In the treatment of rhinitis and throat diseases in children, many parents prefer to use natural remedies, which include the Aqualore product line. Such drops and sprays are made in France and Sweden from water that is extracted in the Atlantic Ocean. Means called "Aqualore" have a different composition, and therefore are used for different purposes. They are prescribed for both adult patients and small children.

Special features

"Aqualore baby"

Unlike all other means of the Aqualore line, one of the forms of the baby drug is nasal drops. They are sold as plastic bottles containing 15 milliliters of brackish clear liquid with no odor and no color. Such liquid is only sea water with a salt concentration of 8 to 11 grams per liter (isotonic solution). No other ingredients are inside the bottle.

The second form of Aqualore Baby is a spray, which has a special nozzle that directs the jet directly into the nasal passages of the little ones. Its feature is also the presence of a restrictive ring, due to which the nozzle does not penetrate too deep into the nose. Inside the balloon is 125 or 150 ml of isotonic seawater, as in the composition of the droplets.

Another distinctive characteristic of such “Aqualore” is the spraying method - it is called “soft shower”. In addition, the solution can be sprayed in any position of the baby (he can lie). All these nuances allow you to apply the spray in children from birth. Drops "Aqualore Baby" can also be used in newborns.

Another product called "Aqualore Baby" is a nasal aspirator, which is used to remove excess secretions from the nasal cavity of children 0-3 years old. Such a device operates due to the air flow, which is created by the mouth of an adult. One set includes an assembled aspirator, a plastic case and replacement filters, as well as an additional filter bag and nasal nozzle.

"Aqualore software"

The effect of this tool is also provided with sea water in the form of an isotonic solution. However, unlike the drug "baby" method of spraying this "Aqualore" - "shower". Thanks to a special nozzle, the solution from the cartridge irrigates the mucous membrane under a slight pressure.

The drug is presented in several spray packaging options - 50, 125 and 150 ml. A smaller device, which is called a “mini”, is convenient to take with you on a trip or for a walk. It is also chosen as a probe to evaluate the effect of the drug and its tolerability.

As for age restrictions, it is recommended to use Aqualor Software from 6 months.

"Aqualore standards"

This is another product of the Aqualor line based on seawater with isotonic salt concentration. Its main difference from the means of "baby" and "soft" is the method of spraying, which is called the "jet". The solution from the spray nozzle is fed under a stronger pressure in order to wash the nasal cavity and remove very thick discharge from it.

Since this “Aqualore” is used only for washes, there is no “mini” version of this tool. It is produced only in large cylinders containing 125 ml of sterile seawater, to which no other substances are added.Apply "Aqualore standards" in children is allowed from the age of six months.

"Aqualore Forte"

Such a spray, like the “soft” preparation, is distinguished by the “shower” spray and is available in two versions - “mini” (50 ml) and in standard packaging (125/150 ml). It also contains sea water, but, unlike the previous types of Aqualore, the content of sodium chloride in it is 19-23 grams per liter, that is, the solution is hypertonic. There are no preservatives or auxiliary ingredients in the “forte” composition. In childhood, it is prescribed to patients older than 1 year.

"Aqualore extra forte"

This drug is similar to the “Aqualore standards” product, since it also does not have a “mini” version (125 ml of sea water is contained in a can), and nasal irrigation from the nozzle occurs under considerable pressure (“jet”). However, instead of an isotonic solution in the “extra” preparation, it is hypertonic. In addition, the composition of the drug includes two plant extracts - from aloe and chamomile. Children it is prescribed from 2 years of age.

"Aqualore throat"

A special feature of this spray, produced in a small and large package (50 and 125 ml), is a special nozzle, which directs the solution to the desired part of the mouth or throat. The method of irrigation of the inflamed mucous membrane is “shower”, and inside the spray can there is hypertonic sea water. To her, as in the preparation "extra forte", add chamomile and aloe extracts. The drug is allowed from 6 months of age.


The water extracted from the Atlantic Ocean, which is the basis of all Aqualor preparations, contains many trace elements and valuable substances. It is rich in selenium, chlorine, sodium, iodine, magnesium and other elements. Depending on the amount of sodium chloride, it has a different effect on the mucous membranes. Agents containing isotonic solution help:

  • moisten the nasopharynx and maintain its normal physiological state;
  • remove from the surface of the mucous membrane of various contaminants, as well as excess mucus, viral particles, pathogenic bacteria and allergens;
  • increase the resistance of ENT organs to adverse effects (strengthen local immunity);
  • speed up regeneration when mucous membrane damage occurs;
  • restore nasal breathing by reducing swelling.

As for hypertonic solutions, such options "Aqualore", due to the higher salt content, are able to draw excess fluid from the cells. This helps to get rid of inflammatory edema, because when inflammation in the cells produces more water than in the normal state.

Due to the osmotic action "Aqualor Forte" and "Aqualor Extra":

  • reduce swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • eliminate nasal congestion;
  • wash off excess mucus, allergens and other pathogens from the mucous membrane surface;
  • restore breathing nose;
  • strengthen the local immune defense.

Aqualine throat has the same healing effects, affecting the tonsils, soft palate and other oropharyngeal sections. By adding extracts from Roman chamomile, the preparations “extra forte” and “throat” have an additional antiseptic effect. The presence of aloe vera extract in such agents further enhances the anti-inflammatory and local immunomodulatory effects.

When apply?

Preparations "baby" and "soft" are in demand for the daily hygiene of the nasal cavity. Such tools are used to eliminate crusts and dirt, as well as for the prevention of acute respiratory infections in winter and spring. The drug "norms" is usually prescribed for a large number of thick discharge, but it can also be used for prophylactic purposes.

All types of "Aqualore" except for a throat spray are also prescribed:

  • with allergic rhinitis;
  • at a cold that is caused by pathogenic microbes;
  • in subatrophic rhinitis, when the mucous membrane is too dry;
  • with ARVI or flu;
  • with sinusitis;
  • inflammation of the adenoids;
  • after surgical treatment in the nasopharynx.

The drug "Aqualore throat" is used for inflammation and pain in the throat. The reason to prescribe such a drug is:

  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis in acute form or with a chronic course;
  • angina;
  • laryngitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • epiglotitis;
  • stomatitis.

Such a drug is prescribed for the prevention of throat infections, as well as after operations in the throat and dental surgical treatment.

Are there any contraindications?

The use of any of the funds under the brand "Aqualor" is prohibited only if hypersensitivity to their components. Although an individual negative reaction is very rare, but such a situation is possible, therefore, after the first use of Aqualore Baby or other means, it is recommended to monitor the condition of a small patient. Other contraindications, according to the instructions, to drugs line "Aqualore" no.

Possible harm

Usually, any type of Aqualore is well tolerated by children without any negative reactions. The occurrence of adverse symptoms is only with individual hypersensitivity. Because of its safe composition, Aqualore does not harm either when the dose is exceeded or when it is swallowed accidentally.

Instructions for use

The tip of the spray nozzle (and in the drops of “Aqualore baby” - the tip of the dropper bottle) is recommended to be wiped with alcohol before use. The frequency of irrigation of the nasopharynx and the dosage for different types of Aqualore are usually as follows:

  • drops of “baby” are introduced by 1-2 in each nasal passage twice or four times a day or more often;
  • spray "baby" or "soft" irrigate the nasal cavity 1-4 times a day;
  • Spray "norms" are used for washing with a cold two to four times a day, and for its prevention - 1-2 times during the day;
  • "Aqualore Forte" irrigate the nasal cavity 2-3 or more times a day;
  • washing with “Aqualor extra forte” is carried out 2-4 times a day or more;
  • Treatment of the oral cavity or tonsils with the “Aqualore throat” preparation is carried out 4-6 times a day, three or four injections of the medicine directly to the areas of inflammation.

As for the duration of use, it should be discussed with the doctor, however, the manufacturer notes that any “Aqualore” can be used as long as it is required to improve the patient's condition. There are no restrictions on the use of such funds.

Compatibility with other drugs

"Aqualore" does not interfere with any other drugs that are used intranasally. On the contrary, any of the means of this line is recommended to use before the treatment of the nasopharynx vasoconstrictor, antimicrobial and other drugs in the nose. This will not only enhance their effectiveness, but also help reduce the likelihood of side effects.


About all the drugs "Aqualore" found a lot of positive reviews. In them, parents confirm the effectiveness of such agents in the common cold and nasal congestion, as well as satisfied with the use of Aqualore with an isotonic concentration of salt for prophylactic purposes.

Side effects, according to moms, "Aqualore" usually does not cause. Allergies to such drugs are extremely rare, and overdose does not occur. Of the minuses are usually called only the high cost, because of which they often look for cheaper alternatives to replace.

Purchase and storage

As drops of "baby", and all sprays are non-prescription drugs, so you can freely buy them at any pharmacy. However, consulting a doctor before purchasing is still desirable, so that a specialist will suggest which of the “Aqualors” is better suited for a particular child.

The cost depends on the type of drug and its volume in the bottle. For example, for a drop of "Aqualore baby" you need to pay about 140 rubles, a large bottle of "Aqualore's throat" costs an average of 350 rubles, and the price of spray "Aqualor standards" is about 370 rubles.

Since there is an antiseptic coating inside the cylinders, and in the manufacture of sprays they use special technology to maintain sterility, all versions of Aqualore in the form of a spray can be stored for 3 years from the date of issue. But drops of "baby" after the first use are only suitable for 45 days.

For storage of any of the funds does not require special conditions. The recommended storage temperature is from 5 to 25 degrees Celsius, and the place where you need to keep the bottle should be dry, hidden from toddlers and sunlight.

What to replace?

Instead of "Aqualore" can be used other means in the form of a spray, aerosol or droplets containing seawater. These include "Marimer", "Physiomer", "Fluimarin", "Aquamaris", "Humer", "Sialor aqua" and other drugs.

In addition, you can replace "Aqualor" means, containing saline, for example, spray "Salin".

Also, sometimes parents prefer, instead of pharmaceutical preparations, to prepare an analogue of the isotonic “Aqualore” at home, dissolving 10 g of table salt in 1 liter of boiled water.

About the common cold and medications for his treatment, see the next video of the School of Doctor Komarovsky.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


