Aminalon for children: instructions for use and reviews


Among the drugs that positively affect the work of the brain, Aminalon is quite popular. But is it possible to use such a drug for treating children, when is its use justified and how to give Aminalon to a child correctly?

Release form

Aminalone is produced in tablets that have a shell. One pack of this medicine may contain 50 or 100 tablets.


The active ingredient in the preparation is gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is abbreviated as GABA. This compound contains 250 mg (0.25 g) per tablet. Additionally, the product has sucrose, hydroxycarbonate and magnesium stearate, as well as wheat flour.

Operating principle

The drug is referred to as nootropics, since its active substance has properties to influence metabolic processes in the tissues of the nervous system. It is a neurotransmitter involved in the processes of inhibition.

Watch the informative video in which it is told about the positive effect of the Aminalon active substance gamma-aminobutyric acid on the human brain:

Reception of Aminalon has a positive effect on:

  • Energy processes in brain cells.
  • Respiratory activity of cells of the central nervous system.
  • Removal of toxic compounds from the tissues of the nervous system.
  • Blood supply to the nervous tissue.
  • Utilization of glucose in the brain.
  • The dynamism of the nervous processes.
  • Performance thinking.
  • The state of memory.

Also, the drug noted a moderate stimulating effect on the psyche and a small anticonvulsant effect. The drug helps to restore motor and speech functions, if they were impaired, for example, due to injury and with FRA. Aminalon also has the ability to moderately lower blood pressure, as well as to reduce the level of glucose in diabetes.

Taking Aminalona has a positive effect on the supply of nutrients to the brain.


Aminalon can be administered to children:

  • With intracranial injuries, as well as after birth injuries of the brain.
  • With cerebral palsy.
  • When speech delay, memory impairment or problems with attention.
  • With mental retardation.
  • With problems with vestibular function.
  • With severe headaches.
  • To eliminate behavioral disorders and psyche, triggered by the use of sleeping pills or sedatives.
  • With depression.
  • With increased sleepiness.
  • With airborne or sea sickness (with motion sickness).

At what age is it allowed to take?

Instructions for use Aminalona contains information that the drug is not used in the age of up to one year.


Aminalon should not be taken when:

  • Hypersensitivity to the drug.
  • Acute renal failure.

Side effects

In the first days of taking the drug in patients, blood pressure may fluctuate. In addition, a child’s body may respond to nausea, nausea, insomnia, fever, fever, vomiting, or indigestion. If these symptoms occur, a reduction in dosage is recommended.

Watch a video in which practitioner Natalia Schneider talks about the effects of nootropics on the human brain:

Instructions for use and dosage

The medicine is given to the child to drink before meals. If the crumb cannot swallow the pill, it is permissible to grind and mix with a small amount of water. Giving the drug at night is not recommended.

The daily dose for a child of 1-3 years old is 1-2 grams of GABA (4-8 tablets of Aminalon) per day. Children aged 4-6 years should be given 2-3 g of the active ingredient (8-12 tablets of Aminalon per day), and after 7 years - 3 grams per day (12 tablets every day).

This dosage of the drug is divided into two or three doses. In the first days, the drug is given in a slightly lower dose, for example, 1 tablet twice a day.

How long to drink Aminalon? Treatment is usually long and at least two to three weeks. For children with delayed development, the drug may be prescribed for up to four months. If necessary, after 6-8 months, Aminalon will be re-issued to the child.

To prevent motion sickness, the drug is taken in a dose of 0.25 g (1 tablet) just before the trip or within 3-4 days before the trip three times a day.


The drug is classified as low toxic, but a significant excess of the dosage of Aminalon in children (10 grams of the active substance and more) can lead to:

  • The emergence of nausea.
  • Lethargy
  • Headaches.
  • Drowsiness.
  • I start vomiting.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Abdominal pain.

Special treatment in this situation is not required. The child is washed stomach and give drugs that envelop the gastrointestinal mucosa and accelerate the elimination of toxins, for example, Smektu or Polysorb.

Interaction with other drugs

Appointment of Aminalon allows you to enhance the therapeutic effect of all funds that have a positive effect on the function of the central nervous system. Taking benzodiazepines increases the effectiveness of GABA. If Aminalon is prescribed together with antihypertensive drugs, the pressure drop will be more pronounced.

The drug is taken before meals.

Terms of sale

To purchase Aminalon in a pharmacy requires a prescription. The price of a pack of 100 tablets is 160-170 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The drug must be used before its expiration date, which is 3 years from the date of production. Until this time, Aminalon must be stored at a temperature of less than + 25 ° C, away from children and direct sunlight.


Aminalon receives mostly good reviews from parents who gave this product to their children. Moms say that medication is well tolerated in most cases, and side effects such as headaches or sleep problems occur very rarely with Aminalon.

In most young patients, Aminalona stimulates memory, speech development and attentiveness. This medicine, according to many moms, has a positive effect on the speech function of babies. Also note the high effectiveness of the tool for motion sickness. Aminalon helps even with severe weakness and severe vomiting.

There are about Aminolone and negative reviews, in which parents do not see the effect of the drug (especially with traumatic brain injuries), complain of too long treatment and uncomfortable form of release.

In most cases, parents are satisfied with the effect of Aminalona.


It is possible to replace Aminalon with drugs with the same active ingredient, for example, tablets Gammalon. This drug has the same indications and the same dosage.

Also a replacement for Aminalon may be a drug. Amilonosarsold in tablets and solution for injections. The main substance of this drug is nicotinoyl-GABA, so the effect of the drug will be the same as the effects of Aminolone.

Other nootropic drugs may be an alternative to the drug, among which the most popular Glycine, Piracetam, Noofen, Pantogam and other drugs.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


