Espumizan for newborns: quick help with colic


Espumizan for newborns: quick help with colic

Such a problem as colicappears quite often in newborns and infants, therefore, various drugs have been developed to combat it. One of the frequently used remedies is Espumizan for newborns.


The appointment of Espumizan in childhood is carried out with:

  • Flatulence.
  • Dyspepsia.
  • Intestinal colic.
  • Increased gas formation in the intestines after surgery.
  • Poisoning detergents.
  • Preparing for the study of internal organs (added to contrast media).
Espumizan for newborns - indications
Espumizan is indicated for most intestinal problems in infants.

Operating principle

The main effect of Espumizan is to neutralize the gases that accumulate in the intestines of a child, so this drug is a group of carminatives. Its active substance envelops gas bubbles and reduces their surface tension, with the result that they break, and the gases quickly leave the intestines. The use of this drug has a positive effect on the processes of digestion, helps with colic and contributes to a better absorption of both food and other medicines.

Espumizan for newborns - how does it work?
Espumizan acts quickly, making it easier for the kid to wake

Contraindications and side effects

Espumisan can not be prescribed for intolerance of its components, as well as for intestinal obstruction. Espumisan L and Espumizan Baby are also not taken in the case of fructose intolerance, as they contain sorbitol.

Among the side effects of this drug is only possible detection of intolerance to its components. In general, the tool is well tolerated and is considered harmless to children and adults.


The active ingredient in the preparations Espumizan is simethicone. In addition to this compound in each form of release there are excipients - water, sweeteners, flavors and others.

Special features

  • Espumizan is safe for a newborn baby. The drug is not absorbed through the walls of the children's intestines, but is excreted unchanged in the feces.
  • Using Espumizan is very simple and convenient. The drug is produced in several forms, among which parents can choose the most suitable for their child.
  • The effect of taking Espumizana comes fairly quickly. In most cases, mothers notice an improvement in the condition of babies within 10–15 minutes.
  • The drug does not develop addiction, so it can be used for a long time every day.
  • There are no carbohydrates in Espumizan, so the suspension can be given to children with lactase deficiency and diabetes.
Espumizan for newborns: quick help with colic
Espumizan is harmless and does not cause dependence in infants

Forms of release


The drug, which is produced in 30 ml vials with a measuring cap, is called Espumisan L. One milliliter of the emulsion of such a drug contains 40 mg of simethicone. The medicine is a white-milky, slightly viscous liquid, which has a sweet taste and a pleasant banana smell.

Emulsion capsules

The product that comes in the form of 100 ml vials with a measuring spoon is called Espumisan 40. In a full measuring spoon of such a preparation, 5 ml of an emulsion containing 40 mg of active ingredient is placed. The drug is represented by a practically colorless, turbid liquid with a fruity odor.

The capsule form of Espumizan is represented by packs of 25 and 50 soft capsules. It is prescribed to children older than six years. Each capsule contains 40 mg of simethicone.

Espumizan Baby Baby

Another form of Espumizan intended for use in newborn babies is Espumizan Baby. Its main difference from other forms of release is the increased content of the active ingredient - 1 ml of the preparation (25 drops) contains 100 mg of simethicone. One bottle of Espumized Baby contains 30 ml of the drug.

How much is: prices in pharmacies

The average price of the drug Espumizan L is 350 rubles. For a bottle of drug Espumizan Baby you need to pay 400-450 rubles. A bottle of funds Espumizan 40 is more expensive because of its larger volume. On average, such a drug costs 500-700 rubles.

Dosage: how many times and how often can the drug be given to infants

  • A single dose of the drug Espumizan 40 for newborns and babies under 12 months is 1 scoop. For babies aged from one year to six years, this drug is prescribed in the same single dose with a frequency of use of 3 to 5 times a day.
  • The dosage of the drug Espumizan L is 25 drops per dose. This number of drops is contained in 1 ml of the emulsion. Means are metered, turning the bottle vertically, so that its hole is at the bottom (dripping into a spoon). You can also type emulsion measuring cap.
  • A single dose of the drug Espumizan Baby at the age of up to a year is from 5 to 10 drops. Children older than a year are given 10 drops of the drug from 3 to 5 times per day.
Espumizan Dosage for Newborns
When giving medicines to your baby, always strictly follow the instructions.

Instructions for use

  1. Before giving the child Espumizan in drops or in emulsion, the medicine bottle is shaken.
  2. The drug is given after a meal or during feeding. If necessary, Espumizan can be given at night.
  3. The right amount of money can be given to the child from a spoon or added to the bottle, mixing it with drink or food for the child.
  4. The duration of use is determined by the severity of the symptoms. If necessary, take the drug for a long period.

Analogs: what can be replaced?

Other drugs with the same action and the same main component are:


In most cases, parents speak positively about Espumizan, confirming that it helps to cope with colic. In addition, mothers note that babies almost always tolerate the drug well without any adverse reactions. Nevertheless, there are also reviews in which parents state the ineffectiveness of the remedy, since this drug does not help some babies.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


