Ferrum Lek for children: instructions for use


Anemia and other diseases associated with iron deficiency are very harmful to the child, because they interfere with its normal growth and development. Can help with a diet with products in which many iron, as well as special medications, where this component is contained in a bioavailable form. Ferum Lek syrup and chewable tablets are designed for children from birth.

Release form

Ferrum Lek oral preparations are available in the form of syrup and chewable tablets. It also has a form of solution for intramuscular injections.

The tablets are brown (sometimes with white specks), the syrup has a similar color, but it is transparent.


The main component of drugs in all forms is iron (III) hydroxide.

Iron is a very important component of human life. It:

  • participates in blood formation processes;
  • in the processes of intracellular metabolism;
  • provides delivery of oxygen from the lungs to organs and tissues;
  • regulates immunity;
  • participates in the disposal of toxins;
  • entering the liver tissue;
  • the very color of the blood is provided by iron.

That is why iron deficiency states, when it is lacking in the body, are very dangerous, especially for children.

Each tablet "Ferrum Lek" contains 100 mg of this form of iron and auxiliary components, for example, chocolate essence, asthartame, talc and others.

In the 5 ml syrup accounts for 50 mg of iron. Additional components:

  • sucrose;
  • sorbitol;
  • cream essence - flavoring;
  • ethanol;
  • purified water.

Operating principle

The molecule of iron contained in the preparation is similar to the molecule of the natural metal compound, which makes it possible to absorb it from the gastrointestinal tract using special proteins. Next, iron enters the liver, and from there to the bone marrow, where it is naturally incorporated into the hemoglobin - red blood cells.


Due to the high content of bioavailable forms of iron, Ferrum Lek effectively treats:

  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • latent iron deficiency;
  • prevents their occurrence.

From what age is prescribed?

Ferrum Lek is prescribed for children from birth. However, this can only be done by a doctor who takes into account the full information about the health of the infant. Self-admission at an early age can be harmful, therefore, when symptoms of iron deficiency appear in children, parents should better consult their doctor.


You can not give drugs "Ferrum Lek" with an excess of iron in the body, for example, hemachromatosis, as well as violations of its removal from the body. Such conditions also occur in lead poisoning.

Contraindication is also an individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects

After starting treatment with Ferrum Lek, parents sometimes notice a darkening of feces in a child. This minor side effect is associated with the removal of non-absorbed iron from the body. No action is required in these cases.

In very rare cases, after taking the medicine, the child may have a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, which is accompanied by nausea or diarrhea. Such symptoms occur only in the first days of treatment and pass by themselves.

If, after taking the medicine, the child has any other symptoms that the parents associate with the drug treatment, you should stop giving it and seek medical help.

Instructions for use

Accurate dosage prescribed by a doctor. Instructions for use of the drug from the manufacturer describes usual doses of medicine for children of different ages:

  • Thus, for infants and toddlers up to one year, with iron deficiency anemia, 2.5-5 ml of syrup “Ferrum Lek” is used per day;
  • if this diagnosis is made to a child aged 1 to 12 years, then 5-10 ml of syrup is prescribed;
  • and children over 12 years old give 1-3 chewable tablets or 10-30 ml of syrup per day.

The course of treatment lasts from 3 to 5 months. Latent iron deficiency is treated by giving a child 2.5-5 ml of syrup from one year, and from 12 years old - 5-10 ml of syrup or one chewable tablet per day. The duration of treatment is 1-2 months.

You can take the entire dosage at once or in several doses. For young children, it is convenient to use a special measuring spoon, which is sold together with syrup. Its full volume corresponds to 5 ml.

If the infant burps after the medication, the doctor can determine the cause and, if necessary, select the appropriate treatment tactics. If the baby has an iron deficiency, it must be treated.

The solution for intramuscular injection is administered only in the indicated way. This must be done by a person with relevant professional qualifications - a doctor, a nurse.


Cases of overdose are described in the medical literature. However, as a result, it did not occur intoxication, signs of excess iron in the body or any other negative consequences.

If a child accidentally takes a large number of pills or syrup, inform your doctor and watch him. If symptoms similar to side effects appear, symptomatic treatment can be applied.

Interaction with other drugs

During the clinical trial of Ferrum Lek, as well as during the practical application, no cases of aggressive interaction with other drugs were observed. This means that the drug can be used as part of the complex therapy of iron deficiency states, as well as their prevention.

Terms of sale and storage

In Russia, Ferrum Lek is a prescription drug. At home, the medicine is stored at room temperature in a dark place. The shelf life of the tablets is 5 years, the syrup is 3 years from the date of issue, which is indicated on the package. Do not give children expired drugs, because in this case the manufacturer cannot guarantee their effectiveness and safety.


Ferrum Lek is an effective drug even for treating infants. This is evidenced by numerous reviews of parents. Thus, tests of a 3-month-old infant showed low hemoglobin levels in the blood. After a month of intake, the second study showed a rate. Mom writes that the syrup has a pleasant, not feigned taste, so the child drank it with pleasure. No allergies or other side effects.


Other medicines containing iron in a bioavailable form can replace the “Ferurm Lek” preparations. for example, drops:

  • «Maltofer»;
  • "Cosmofer";
  • Ferronal and others.

The range of drugs on the Russian market is quite wide. However, replacing "Ferrum Lek" with analogues, it is necessary to take into account that their action can be based on various forms of iron.

The price of Ferrum Lek products varies considerably depending on the form of release. So, in Moscow, a syrup with a volume of 100 ml costs 140-150 rubles, tablets of 90 pieces - about 800 rubles, a package with 50 pieces of ampoules - about 8.5 thousand rubles.

What is better: to prick or drink iron in anemia? About this and many others will tell Dr. Komarovsky in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


