How to properly flush the nose with a baby aqualore?


Means called "Aqualore"In demand at children's age, as they are considered safe even for the smallest patients and quite effective. Their action is provided by natural sea water, and there are no preservative additives in the preparations.

Some of the products of this brand are used for daily cleaning of the nasopharynx from contamination and the prevention of acute respiratory infections. Other remedies are indicated when the nasal mucosa is inflamed. Sometimes the doctor prescribes and washing the nasal cavity, for example, if there is a lot of discharge and they are very thick.

Which Aqualore to use?

Two products are best suited for flushing:

  • "Aqualore standards";
  • "Aqualore extra forte".

Their feature is the method of spraying the solution contained in the cartridge, which the manufacturer called the “jet”. Other options "Aqualore" ("baby"," Soft "," extra "and"throat") For this purpose are usually not used, because their nozzles do not provide sufficient pressure of sea water, but only irrigate the nasal cavity (their method of spraying is called" soft shower "and" shower ").

Both drugs produced in the form of a spray, and one bottle contains 125 ml of solution. Its basis is sea water, but the NaCl content in it is different - the “norm” preparation contains water with an isotonic concentration (it includes on average 9 g of salt per liter), and in the “extra forte” water is hypertonic (the average NaCl content is 21 g / l).

In addition to water, Aqualore Norms contains no auxiliary ingredients, and the “extra forte” supplement additionally includes extracts from medicinal plants (aloe and chamomile).

Action and testimony

When treating the nasal cavity with "Aqualore norms":

  • the mucous membrane of the nose is moistened, which maintains its physiological state in normal conditions;
  • viruses, excess mucus, pathogenic bacteria, allergens and various contaminants are washed away;
  • nasopharynx becomes more resistant to SARS;
  • restoration of the shell when it is damaged is accelerated;
  • swelling is reduced, so that nose breathing is restored.

This action of the spray allows you to use it to prevent ARD, and for the treatment of viral rhinitis, if it already has a child. The drug is also in demand for purulent rhinitis, and for allergic rhinitis, as well as for sinusitis, adenoiditis, and after various surgical procedures in the nasal area.

Since the Aqualore extra forte contains a hypertonic solution, it is prescribed only for the disease, because the inflammatory process in the affected cells produces an excess of fluid, which leads to swelling and nasal congestion.

Due to the high osmotic effect, the preparation that has got onto the mucous membrane pulls out excess water from the inflamed cells, as a result of which the swelling decreases. Plant extracts, which are added to seawater in such “Aqualore”, additionally destroy infectious agents and enhance local immunity.

Is it permissible to wash the nose of a baby?

According to the instructions to Aqualor, the “norms” means can be used for washing in infants from 6 months. As for the drug "extra forte", it is contraindicated for children under two years of age.

How many times to wash?

The frequency of the procedure depends on the purpose for which the washing is carried out. If it is used for daily hygiene and cold prevention, it is enough 1-2 times a day.

If the baby has a bad cold, a lot of discharge and there is no normal breathing through the nose, manipulation is performed 4-6 times a day or more.


Although the Aqualore funds are safe, there are situations when washing the nose with such solutions is prohibited, for example:

  • with individual hypersensitivity to sea water or plant extracts in the composition of “Aqualore extra forte”;
  • when bleeding from the vessels of the nose or with a tendency to its appearance;
  • with tumors in the nasal cavity;
  • with a damaged nasal septum;
  • with inflammation of the middle ear or perforation of the eardrum;
  • with epilepsy;
  • with the curvature of the nasal septum (requires consultation ENT doctor).

How to properly wash the nose of a child?

Up to two years

For such small patients, the use of "Aqualore standards" in a supine position is indicated. Putting the crumb on the flank and turning his head to the side, you should insert the tip of the cylinder in the nasal passage, which will be located at the top.

Pressing the nozzle for a few seconds, the solution is injected into the nasal cavity, and then the baby is seated, removing the remnants of the drug and excretion using an aspirator or a rubber bulb. If required, the procedure is repeated. Next, wash the second nasal passage, putting the child on the other side.

From the age of two

An older child, depending on his condition, can be rinsed with a nose and spray “norms”, and with “extra forte”. The most convenient way to carry out the procedure in the bathroom, when the child will stand next to the sink. The head of the small patient is tilted to the side, and the tip is inserted into the nostril at the top. After rinsing the nasal passage for a few seconds, you need to remove the tip and offer the child to blow his nose. Further, all actions are repeated for the second nasal passage, and if necessary, the manipulation is carried out again.

What else to consider?

Since after rinsing from the nasal cavity, liquid discharges will come out for some time, it is not worth spending the night treatment.

If manipulation is used for prophylaxis in a healthy child, then after washing it is not recommended to go for a walk from 30 minutes (in summer) to 2 hours (in winter).

After washing in the nose, you can bury any drugs. Aqualor is compatible with any other medications (vasoconstrictor, antiviral, etc.), and their use after treatment with Aqualor will not only be more effective, but also less likely to cause adverse symptoms.

Do inhalation?

Some doctors with a strong cold in a child over 1 year old recommend steam inhalation with saline. Instead of saline can be applied "Aqualore baby"In drops. This procedure well moisturizes the nasopharynx and makes the mucus that has accumulated in the nasal passages more fluid, which helps its removal.

However, without the prescription of the doctor to conduct such inhalation is not worth it, because they have some contraindications.

What to replace?

Instead of "Aqualore" with a cold or for its prevention, similar means can be used in the form of a spray or drops containing seawater or saline. Such drugs include "Physiomer", "Salin", "Marimer", "Morenazal", "Humer", "Dolphin"," Aqua-Maris "and other means. They are similar, but the age limits for such drugs are different.

In addition, before choosing the Aqualore analogue, you should carefully study its instructions or check with your doctor if it is allowed to use for rinsing the nose.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you about how to clean your nose of snot from a child in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


