Thyme for children


It is no secret that young children often get sick due to the immaturity of their immunity. Therefore, many parents are trying without a good reason not to give the kids pharmacy drugs, if the opportunity allows you to replace them with folk remedies, including healing herbs. Today we will talk about thyme and how and from what it can help our children.

What it is

Thyme has an official name, which is more known to cooks and hostesses, is thyme, fragrant shrub, related to the aromatic representatives of the flora. In Russia, there are about 170 species of thyme, and the plant is quite unpretentious - it grows almost everywhere: in the forest, in the field, in the steppes and even on the slopes of the rocks.

Due to its unique composition, thyme is in demand in official and alternative medicine, in cooking, in cosmetology, in the canning and alcoholic beverage industry.

Harvest the plant in the summer during the period of active flowering. Should cut off the stems, leaves and boxes - seeds. They should be dried in a cool, ventilated place where direct sunlight does not fall. Stored raw materials stored for about 2 years.

You will learn more about growing, harvesting and harvesting by watching the following video.

Useful properties and contraindications

Such a widespread use of the plant due to its rich composition. It contains a lot of essential oil containing thymol, flavonoids, organic acids and tannins. In addition, thyme contains fats, B vitamins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), mineral salts, gum, saponins, and special substances that give bitterness.

Thyme essential oil is famous not only for its specific and strong aroma, but also for the fact that it contains approximately the same amount both in freshly cut stalks of the plant and in already dried herbal raw materials.

Thyme, our ancestors in ancient times called "divine grass" for the incredible ability to heal even from serious ailments. And also for the fact that it was used as incense in the celebration of worship. Now from thyme get timol - a substance that is used in the compositions of anthelmintic, disinfectants, as well as painkillers.

For information on how thyme was used in antiquity, see the following video.

Traditional medicine has found a plant and additional use: it is used for the preparation of rubbing in diseases of the sciatic nerve, with radiculitis, as part of decoctions to normalize digestion, in ointments - to warm the chest with a strong cough as an expectorant.

Thyme is used externally for rashes, redness, dermatitis, wounds and ulcers on the skin.

As a tonic, the stems and leaves of thyme brew in the composition of herbal tea.

A pronounced anti-inflammatory effect of the plant is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases in inhalation, broths for drinking. People have long used sweating effect, which has such a drink, to reduce the heat and reduce the manifestations of fever.

As a sedative and easy sleeping pills Thyme is added to tea and taken at bedtime under severe stress and with various neurological disorders.

Contraindications to the use of thyme is not so much, but they are. The first is the presence of problems with the heart and blood vessels (atrial fibrillation, coronary disease, cardiosclerosis), cerebral vascular atherosclerosis, kidney and liver disease, as well as functional insufficiency of the thyroid gland. Thyme is also contraindicated for gastritis accompanied by high acidity, as well as children with a tendency to allergies and children with an established diagnosis of bronchial asthma.

Features of the application for children

Officially, thyme is not recommended for children under 3 years of age, however, in practice the herb quite successfully applies the place and outwardly to children from 1 year:

  • At the age of 1.5 years, it is quite possible to add thyme decoction to the bath for bathing.
  • From 2 years old - with caution to do inhalation with this plant.
  • Sometimes thyme is added to a bath for bathing children up to a year, but this can be done only after prior consultation with the attending pediatrician.
  • Weak broths and give babies the first year of life.

Thyme is given to children for coughing, for relieving nervous tension, improving night sleep, for treating skin problems and for improving immunity.

The healing properties of the plant have long been recognized by manufacturers of products for children. So, among the parents, children's tea with thyme, melissa and Grandmother's Basket fennel is very popular. It is given to children from five months.

Instructions for use

Despite the fact that the official name of the plant is still “thyme”, you will not find it on the shelves of pharmacies. Thyme as a spice can be found in any grocery store. And in the pharmacy, it is called "Thyme Herb." Sold in the form of dry plant materials in a cardboard box, as well as in the form of filter bags, which are convenient to brew and dispense in the treatment of a child.

Official medicine recognizes with great confidence expectorant properties plants, as indicated in the instructions for use, which is enclosed in all the packaging of the drug. Antimicrobial and analgesic properties thyme manufacturer of the drug indicated as an additional pharmacological action.

The adult dosage indicated in the instructions for the drug is not suitable for children. Kids need less concentrated decoctions and solutions.

To enhance immunity

1 teaspoon of raw materials is brewed in 250 mg of boiled water in a water bath. The resulting broth is filtered and diluted with water in half. Children need to give orally, depending on the age of a teaspoon of solution (up to a year) to one third of a glass (3-4 years).

With dry cough

5 grams of dried grass should be poured 100 ml of boiled water, pre-cooled to 80 degrees. Insist under the lid and strain. Give a tablespoon 4-5 times a day after meals. Infusion does not help from a wet cough, as it acts on the cough center in the brain, suppressing the intensity of the reflex.

Wet cough

Thyme is made from homemade syrup, which is not inferior in its properties and qualities to pharmaceutical preparations. But it does not require dried grass, but freshly cut stems and leaves of thyme. A bunch of fresh grass pour half a liter of water and put on a slow fire. Boil should be as much time as it takes to boil half the water. Then remove everything from the stove and cool.

Adults add garlic, children - honey (about 250 grams). The resulting thickish viscous syrup is stored in the refrigerator for up to six months, given to the child a teaspoon 4 times a day with a warm drink. The tool promotes the separation of sputum.

With neurological problems, stress and insomnia

Thyme quickly and gently soothe hyperactive baby, can be used in case of restless child syndrome. To prepare a drink, you need to brew 10 grams of dry raw material in 200 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for about 3 hours, strain and give your baby 1-2 teaspoons before bedtime.

If a child is allergic to herbal ingredients, you can make a “sleepy bag” for him.For this, a small pouch is sewn from linen fabric, about 15 grams of dried grass is put into it and tied with a cord or thick silk thread. The bag is placed near the head of the child’s bed.

With stomatitis and sore throat

Prepare an infusion of herbs for local use. A tablespoon of raw materials brewed with boiling water and insist about an hour. After infusion, rinse the mouth or throat at least 4 times a day.

With respiratory diseases

Children over 6 years old can rub their breasts and back. in the field of bronchi and lungs thyme alcohol infusion. For its preparation, 20 g of raw material is folded into a glass container with a tight lid and poured with alcohol or vodka so that the liquid level rises by two fingers above the raw material. Close and refrigerate for two weeks. The resulting infusion make rubbing in the absence of a child allergic to ethyl alcohol.

You can make an ointment with honey and thyme, which can also be successfully used for problems with the respiratory system. For this, 30 grams of herbs are brewed with boiling water (100 ml) and all liquid is evaporated over low heat, then cooled, thick honey is added, allowed to solidify and stored in the refrigerator. Rub the received ointment chest, ribs and heels with a strong unproductive cough.


Thyme, as already mentioned, is widely used in traditional medicine.

It is found in the following medications:

  • Syrup "Pertussin"- cough, for children from 3 years.
  • Thyme syrup with vitamin C - syrup against unproductive cough for children from 12 years.
  • "Bronkhostop" - drops, lozenges and cough syrup for children from 3 years.
  • «Codelac Broncho"- cough syrup for children from 2 years.


  1. Before you start using thyme to treat a child, do an allergy test. Prepared a decoction or infusion, apply to the back of your hand and a few drops on the ear region. If there is no redness, itching, swelling, rash on these places within 3-4 hours, thyme can be used.
  2. Baths with thyme decoction should not be done to the child more than 1 time per week. The first procedure should not last more than 3-5 minutes. Increase the time you need to gradually. The maximum time for taking phytowaves is 15 minutes.
  3. It is impossible to do rubbing and thyme compresses if the child has an increased body temperature at this point. Warming compresses on the chest are also contraindicated if there are impurities in the sputum or blood.
  4. Do not overdose means based on thyme. You can talk about it in the event that, after taking a decoction, infusion or tea, vomiting and dizziness appeared.
  5. It is not necessary to experiment with thyme, if you are preparing herbal tea for a newborn or infant child. Without the permission of a pediatrician, such young children should not be given thyme.


Feedback on the treatment of children with thyme is mostly positive. Moms celebrate the pleasant taste of drinks from this plant, which kids and older children like. Even a small bitterness of nature does not spoil it, so children usually take such a "medicine" with pleasure.

The greatest number of positive reviews - on the use of thyme as a means of coughing. According to parents, if you give your child to drink infusions and decoctions at least 4 times a day, then you can cope with the disease in 5-6 days.

Bathing babies in thyme baths is also quite effective, according to moms, babies' sleep improves after 2-3 water treatments using this plant.

There are reviews of successful treatment with thyme warts and boils. A small percentage of parents complain of allergic reactions to thyme. Usually, children are well perceive this plant.

More about the benefits of thyme, you will learn by watching the program "To Live Healthy".

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


