Is it possible to give a chest collection number 4 children?


If you decide to treat your child’s cough with chest collection Number 4, and doubt whether it is possible to apply it in pediatrics, discard doubts. This collection is the only one that was created specifically for children. When properly applied, it is able to relieve your child from annoying cough quickly and efficiently, the baby will not have to be stuffed with pills and sweet syrups.

About the drug

Collection "№ 4" - one of the four chest collections, which is sold in any pharmacy. Its price is low - an average of about one hundred rubles. But in terms of its characteristics, the tool is in no way inferior to the expensive drugs of mucolytic action.

It consists of several components, each of which performs its “function”:

  • The root of the bare licorice. Her drug is about 15%. It is a time-tested, well-known expectorant.
  • Calendula flowers. Their total weight is about 20%. This plant has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Pharmacy chamomile (inflorescences). They are also about 20%. Beautiful natural antiseptic.
  • Herbaceous parts of violets. It is also one of the main components of the collection, the proportion of plants - 20%. Violet has a mild sedative effect, a slight sedative effect, and also reduces inflammation.
  • Peppermint leaves. They account for about 5% of the composition of the collection. This plant has a tonic effect.
  • Marsh ledum (shoots). The share in the preparation is 20%. In general, this plant is poisonous, but in strictly defined small doses it has a pronounced antibacterial effect, inhibits inflammatory processes.

You can buy collection No. 4 in cardboard packs weighing 30, 50 and 100 grams or in filter bags (25 bags in one box).


The fourth chest collection is allowed for use for children from the age of three. To newborns, nursing babies, and also to babies who are only 1–2 years old, the remedy is absolutely contraindicated. Croham is desirable to give herbal decoction, made from one component (for example, from chamomile, Ivan, tea, lemon balm, etc.). Diverse herbal teas crumbs give dangerous.

Herbal blend is not recommended for children with a tendency to be allergic to herbal ingredients.

Ledum leaves marsh, which is in the composition of the drug, can cause dizziness, headache, nausea, so it is extremely important not to violate the recommended dosage.

Instructions for use

"Collection number 4" can be appointed for the treatment of cough with sputum sputum. It will help to thin the sputum and quickly bring it out.

Do not confuse such a cough dry and unproductive or barking cough. They require a completely different treatment, based on antitussive agents, designed to quench the intensity of the cough reflex.

From the pharmaceutical collection can be prepared infusion and decoction.

  • Decoction. Prepared from the collection, which is sold in cardboard packs. 2 tablespoons of raw materials are mixed with a glass of boiled water, which is pre-cooled at room temperature. After the grass has "dispersed", the glass is placed in a small ladle with water and boiled on a steam bath on a low heat for about 15 minutes. Then the broth is cooled, filtered, brought to the volume of one faceted glass, diluted with boiled water.
  • Infusion. In this way, a therapeutic drink can be made from a loose mixture of herbs and from filter bags. Sachets are simply brewed with boiled water, as long as it is not boiling.It is optimal if the water has cooled to a temperature of 80-90 degrees. A dry mixture of medicinal plants is similarly brewed in a glass or ceramic container, covered with a lid for 20 minutes, then filtered and given to the child in the amount that corresponds to his age.

Age dosage and rules of administration

Take the fourth chest collection kiddies can no more than four times a day. The optimum frequency rate specified by the manufacturer in the manual is 3 times per day. Moreover, it is advisable to hold the first reception before dinner, so that the parents have time to assess the condition of the child and see if there is an allergy to the drink.

The last daily intake is recommended at least a couple of hours before bedtime. An infusion or decoction may temporarily increase the cough during the phlegm, and at night the child still needs to sleep.

It is best to take the drug at regular intervals half an hour before meals.

A single dose of the drug depends on the age of the child:

  • From 3 to 5 years, children do not give more than 4-5 teaspoons of broth at a time.
  • Children from 6 to 10 years old - the maximum single dose is 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Children from 10 to 12 years old - up to 5 tablespoons of infusion or decoction of the chest collection at one time.
  • Adults and children over 12 years old - half a glass at a time.

Before giving the remedy to the child, the infusion should be shaken well so that there is no sediment, and slightly warmed up, because in a warm drink, the medicinal herbs quickly and better reveal their healing properties.

The average course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.


After you bought the pharmacy collection number 4, shift the contents of the cardboard packaging in glass or ceramic dishes with a tight lid. So the raw material will be stored for a long time, without being exposed to moisture and humidity, the grass will not dry out, and therefore will not lose its healing properties. The recommended shelf life of dry raw materials is 2 years, and the finished decoction or infusion is two days in a cool place.

General recommendations

  • Despite the fact that chest collection number 4 is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, take it uncontrollably and without permission is not worth it. Parents can make a mistake with the type of cough, with the dosage, with the assessment of the allergenicity of the drug, and this can greatly harm the child. Be sure to check with your doctor.
  • Reception of the fourth thoracic collection is strictly forbidden to combine with the reception of antitussive drugs, which reduce the formation of sputum. Otherwise, the sputum will be worse to move away, will begin to accumulate in the bronchi, which can cause the development of pneumonia.
  • Treat the child for cough with herbal mixtures only in cases when he has a wet or wet cough.
  • You should immediately stop taking the drug if your child has an allergy to it within 12 hours. Most often, it manifests itself in the form of skin rashes, itching, local burning, nausea, tearing, and digestive disorders may occur. With severe allergies, the cough will become more intense, a dry runny nose, dizziness will appear.
  • Herbal therapy does not cancel the therapy with traditional medicines. for the severe form of bronchitis or pneumonia cannot be defeated exclusively with the help of phytotherapy fees. Therefore, most often such formulations are prescribed as an adjunct to essential drugs.


There are quite a few reviews about this drug on the Internet and most of them are positive. Parents note the high efficiency of the tool and its low cost. Some, as a drawback, point to the unpleasant bitter taste of the decoction and the infusion from the fourth breast gathering, but many experienced mothers have a worthy answer to this, which they have repeatedly tested in practice: they mix a spoonful of honey of their children into the decoction, the child is not allergic to bee products.

There are many mothers who speak positively about collecting No. 4 after use in children under 3 years of age.They diluted the decoction with water, where in greater proportions than the recipe requires. Such responses of sensible parents should at least be alerted, because the drug was not originally intended for such small children.

All the rules of cough treatment are in the program of a famous pediatric doctor Komarovsky.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


