Treatment of conjunctivitis in children folk remedies


Children have a weak immunity compared to adults, moreover, less attention is paid to the observance of simple hygienic rules, as they are very busy studying the outside world. And because they have much more often than adults, conjunctivitis begins. This eye disease requires immediate response from parents. Ideally, you need as soon as possible to show the child to the ophthalmologist. But if you need help urgently, and temporarily you can’t go to the doctor, the folk remedies for conjunctivitis tried by time and whole generations of children will come to your parents' help.

Symptoms and signs

Most often conjunctivitis wears viral the origin, inflammation of the conjunctiva is due to the defeat of the membrane by adenovirus. However, about 20% of all cases of the disease in babies are bacterial character - The inflammatory process causes staphylococci, gonococci, pneumococci, streptococci and even Koch's wand.

Children often have allergic conjunctivitis, in which the shell of the eyeball does not adequately respond to a certain antigen. Sometimes inflammation is a consequence of mechanical damage - small debris got into the eye, the mucosa received microtrauma.

Symptoms in almost all varieties of the disease are similar: redness of the eyeball, the manifestation of a grid of blood vessels on it, photophobia, pain in the eye, tearing.

In case of an allergic disease, a rather severe itching is observed, the child will almost constantly scratch and rub his eyes with his fists.

When a bacterial disease in the corner of the eye will accumulate pus.

In some cases, with any type of disease, there is a decrease in vision, a feeling of muddy “veil” in front of the affected eye appears.

Conjunctivitis is most dangerous for children with blue eyes, as they are more sensitive to light. They have the disease is longer and harder than those with green or brown eyes.

In almost all cases, the disease is highly contagious.

What is the danger?

Incorrectly cured as well as undertreated conjunctivitis can become chronic. and then the inflammation of the eyes will be repeated with enviable regularity. A frivolous attitude to such a serious illness can cause quite serious complications. First, the inflammation will go from the shell to other organs of the eye, the pupil, the optic nerve, etc. will begin to suffer. Often, such a complicated conjunctivitis leads to irreparable loss of vision.

Among the most common complications of the disease are fusion of the cornea with the iris, a decrease in visual acuity, the appearance of ulcers on the cornea of ​​the eye, and dry eye syndrome.

Sometimes the inflammatory process with improper or late treatment can move to neighboring organs, ears or lymph nodes.

When folk methods can not do?

With pronounced symptoms of conjunctivitis, it is better to use pharmacy drugs:

  • Viral and herpetic lesions of the eyeball and adenoviral diseases of the eyes are treated interferon drops, antiherpetic drugs.
  • For bacterial (purulent) conjunctivitis, the doctor prescribes drops with antibiotics.
  • Severe allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva requires antihistamine medications, artificial tears.

If a child has a complex form of the disease, there can be no talk of any popular media.

Effective folk remedies

Folk remedies for this ocular ailment are especially effective if used in combination with medicines prescribed by a doctor. Usually, all traditional methods for this disease are based on three applications - drops in the eye, solutions for lotions and solutions for washing.

Washing Solutions

Useful and effective eyewash solution can be prepared. from the usual pharmaceutical chamomile. 10 grams of dry raw materials need to pour a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour. In the same way an effective remedy is prepared for washing out of clover. For the recipe only take the inflorescence of the plant.

Everybody knows from childhood how to wash the affected eyes. tea brewing He does not lose its relevance today.


Very effective plant for lotions is considered Althea root. Buy it at the pharmacy, chop and brew a tablespoon with half a glass of boiled water.

Effectively help with strong inflammation and lotion with dogrose broth. For this solution, you will need a tablespoon of rosehips and a glass of boiling water.

Can cook infusion of cornflowers. For him, take only the flowers themselves, without greenery. A tablespoon of crushed flowers is brewed with half a glass of boiled water and infused for about an hour.

It is possible to make lotions with the juice obtained from fresh cucumber.

Pretty well proven lotion with raw potato juice, for which it is enough to grate the potato on a grate, squeeze out the juice and dilute it in half with saline or cool boiled water.


Children older than three years can be dripped into the eyes. honey solution. For its preparation take a teaspoon of honey and three tablespoons of warm boiled water. You can not make drops with hot water, because honey will lose all its beneficial properties.

If the house grows aloe, you can make drops of its juice. To do this, the juice obtained from the fleshy leaves, you need to mix in half with boiled water (cool) or saline.

Self-treatment danger

Folk remedies are good when you need to temporarily alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of eye disease, but most of them are not intended for permanent long-term therapy.

The difficulty is that parents in home conditions It is quite difficult to correctly diagnose the origin and causes of the disease, because the symptoms of different types of the disease are very similar.

And while mom and dad will diligently bury in the eyes of the child is not what is required in his situation, the inflammation will progress and spread further. Therefore, all means - and medicines, and folk recipes, should be used for eye inflammation only with the approval of an ophthalmologist.

What can not be done?

If a child has conjunctivitis, he should not be in a dusty room with very dry air; his contact with any household chemicals should also be limited, especially if it contains chlorine and its derivatives.

When treating the eyes (you should rinse and bury the preparations in both eyes, both in the patient and in the healthy), you should use different cotton pads, you should not allow the spread of infection from one eye to the other.

In no case, the affected eyes should not be warmed up, apply warm compresses, do a blindfold, especially if the child has a bacterial form of the disease, because heat for germs is a favorable breeding ground.


  • Rinse eyes properly. The movements should be in the direction from the temple to the nose, and not vice versa.
  • Carefully filter the solutions. for washing and lotions.Since most popular recipes are made from crushed vegetable raw materials, it is necessary to approach issues of percolation of solutions very responsibly in order to exclude even the smallest particles of plants from falling into the diseased eye.
  • Do not drop the treatment abruptly. If you notice improvements, and the redness is almost gone, you should not immediately stop the treatment. Symptoms of conjunctivitis pass gradually, and therefore it is recommended that after treatment another 2-3 days to continue therapy.
  • Give the child a separate towel and dishes. Remember that in 90% of cases, conjunctivitis is very contagious, in order to protect other family members, provide the sick person with individual things, in order to avoid infection by other people's means of life.

Watch the following video about popular folk remedies for treating conjunctivitis.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


