Folk remedies for otitis media in children


When a child's ear aches, it is very likely that he has otitis. Doctors diagnose this diagnosis in more than 90% of young patients with acute ear pain. The insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that often the ears of children fall ill at night, as well as in situations when it is difficult to get to the hospital (in the country, on vacation, after swimming in the river).

Pain in otitis is intense, the child can not tolerate. Can you help him with folk remedies? This question we will consider in more detail.

Symptoms and signs

Otitis is an inflammatory process in one of the ear sections. It can be external, middle and internal. The simplest and less painful is external otitis. When it directly inflames the auricle. Internal - the hardest of all otitis, with it affects the labyrinth, auditory branching in the temporal region. However, labyrinthitis usually does not come by itself, but is a complication of otitis media. This disease leads among children.

Recognizing otitis is easy.

His symptoms are quite vivid and characteristic:

  • Sharp, sudden earache.

  • Noise and extraneous sounds (tinnitus).

  • Temperature may rise.

  • It may leak out of the ear liquid or purulent discharge.

  • General malaise and headache.

Otitis can be acute and chronic.

  • Chronic the course of the disease usually occurs when normal otitis has been treated wrongly, not at the wrong time.
  • If there are purulent discharge, it’s about purulent otitis.
  • If there is no discharge, or they are clean and liquid, without blood and clots, otitis will be catarrhal
  • If the symptoms are almost not expressed, and on average pus is already accumulating, then this otitis will be called exudative. It occurs due to the penetration of infection into the cavity of the nasopharynx. Such otitis media is quite dangerous and, if left untreated, can lead to hearing loss.

With ear inflammation, children behave differently. Babies begin to worry, cry for no apparent reason, refuse breast. The crying is not monotonous, it alternates with a shrill cry. If the crumb while breastfeeding is put on a sore ear, he will begin to calm down.

Older children can tell their parents about earache if they already know how to express their feelings in words. If they still do not know how to guess the problem, mothers and fathers can change the child’s behavior: anxiety, detachment, loud crying, the child will rub the ear with his hand.

If adults slightly press on the trestle (a small protrusion in front of the auricle), the earache will multiply many times, which the child will not hesitate to report with a loud cry. If after pressing the behavior has not changed, the cause of the earache lies not in otitis.

What is the danger?

Otitis is a rather dangerous disease, as it is not just painful, but also fraught with complications. Untreated otitis media threatens to turn into a labyrinthitis, to hit the inner ear. The most “innocuous” consequence, which can occur if otitis media is not properly treated, is a critical hearing loss. Other complications are more dangerous - complete deafness and purulent meningitis, which can lead to death or make a healthy child of a severe disability.

In no case should I ignore the earache. The child can be given first aid, but the specialist doctor must treat inflammation of the hearing organs in all situations without exception.

When folk methods can not do?

Folk remedies in the treatment of otitis can not do. Whatever the ailment - external or internal, alternative medicine can only temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms, reduce pain, but they cannot cure the ear.

The use of traditional medicine recipes should be forgotten in cases where an ear hurts a baby, there is purulent discharge or a liquid with blood impurities is emitted from the auricle, intense pain has been replaced by silence - the child has ceased to perceive the sounds of a sore ear. All of these conditions require urgent medical care, not compresses with onion juice.

Folk remedies

However, if you need to give the child first aid, then folk remedies may well be suitable for this. If there is a great desire to treat the child in this way, then this must be reported to the doctor at the reception. With a slight inflammation, the doctor may allow the use of popular recipes.

The difficulty is that a number of the most effective home remedies need to be prepared in advance and stored for a rainy day.


For the preparation of tools will need wormwood flowers (1 teaspoon). Plant materials need to insist on vodka or medical alcohol (50 ml) for a week. The resulting infusion does not need to bury in the ears, it is moistened with cotton turunds and for a few hours they are introduced into the ears of the children in otitis. It helps to reduce pain and partially contribute to relieve inflammation.


You do not need fruits, but leaves. They need to chop finely, put in a jar and pour vegetable oil. Under the lid in a dark and cool place, the jar should be kept for about three months. In case of acute ear pain with the obtained remedy, cotton swabs are made into the ears at least three times a day. Walnut leaf juice has an antimicrobial effect and reduces swelling.


This vegetable will help relieve acute otitis pain and will aid in the healing process. To prepare the drops, rub the onion on a grater, squeeze the juice with gauze, dilute it with water or saline in a ratio of 1: 3. Drip in the ear can only be provided that the eardrum is intact. Onions will help to regain deteriorated hearing after suffering otitis and in the chronic form of the disease. To do this, bake a large onion in the oven, squeeze juice from it and bury it in the ear up to three times a day.


This popular spice can alleviate the condition of a child with purulent otitis. The leaves of laurel need to chop, pour boiling water and leave under the lid for an hour. Then strain and do with the broth cotton balls in the ears 3-4 times a day.

Aloe juice

From the fleshy leaf of the plant you need to squeeze the juice. You can bury it in your ears three times a day. If the child is still small, you should dilute the plant juice with boiled water or saline in half. Aloe heals well, relieves puffiness and inflammation, has an antimicrobial effect. In order not to harm the baby, such procedures should be carried out only under the condition that the eardrum has not suffered.

Self-treatment danger

Treat otitis media at home is unacceptable. First, because at home it is almost impossible to determine "by eye" the nature of otitis and the degree of damage to the organ of hearing. Doctors use special tools for this. Secondly, it is difficult to find the right remedy, because medicines should not only eliminate the infectious agent, but also have the ability to penetrate into the ear tissue, in all its departments.

Traditional medicine uses antibiotics for otitis therapy, vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, ear drops with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. At the same time, the state of the eardrum plays a big role. If it is torn under pressure from purulent masses, it is impossible to drip into the ear.

Since many folk remedies are based on instillation, then without exact knowledge of whether the membrane is intact, it is dangerous to apply them.

What can not be done?

  1. In the treatment of purulent otitis, it is impossible to warm up the ear with warming wet compresses and heating pads, since the heat will only increase the inflammation. The inflamed ears need dry heat - cotton wool, wool scarf, etc.
  2. In case of purulent otitis, steam inhalations should not be given.


  1. When treating ear inflammation, a child needs to drink as much liquid as possible, this will not allow the exudate that forms in the tympanic cavity to thicken and turn into pus.
  2. Otitis treatment is best accompanied by bed rest.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


