Folk remedies for children with helminthiasis


Helminthiasis is a fairly frequent companion of childhood. About 80% of children aged 1 to 10 years at least once in their lives have suffered them. Parasitic disease is caused by a whole group of different worms. More than three types of flatworms, round nematodoses, hairworms, scrapes and ringed worms can become the culprit of the disease state of the baby. Defeat any of them will be called helminthiasis.

The incubation period after infection is from 2 to 4 weeks, during this quite a long time in a populous children's team in a school or kindergarten, children have time to infect each other, sometimes with several types of parasites at once.

Symptoms and signs

In a child, helminthiasis with 100% accuracy can only be determined by laboratory diagnostics, which will determine the type of parasite that has entered the child’s body. But it is the parents who should sound the alarm. The external manifestations of the disease is not difficult to notice:

  • Itching and irritation in the anus. Sometimes you can see scratching. Itching gets worse before night;
  • Skin rashes, rashes of various types;
  • Puffiness of face;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Weight loss in the absence of a diet or other reasons for losing weight;
  • Loss of appetite, change in food preferences;
  • The appearance of dark circles under the eyes;
  • Creaking teeth in a dream;
  • Increased drooling, including night time;
  • Peeling skin on the legs and arms;
  • Digestive disorders, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, stomach ache;
  • General malaise, decreased activity, chronic fatigue;
  • Changes in behavior and mood. The child begins, for no apparent reason, to be naughty, crying, angry, annoyed, he may have a disturbed night’s sleep.

All specified symptoms in one child are extremely rare. Depending on the type of parasite, the baby usually has 2-4 symptoms from the above list.

The children's doctor, the host of the TV show "Live Healthy" will tell us how to recognize the presence of worms in children and answer other questions.

What is the danger?

Helminths can parasitize not only in the intestine, but also in the biliary tract, as well as affect the mucous membranes of various organs, provoking a variety of diseases, and therefore they must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Chronic prolonged helminthiasis can lead to a delay in the mental and physical development of the child, inflammatory processes in internal organs with advanced forms of parasitic disease may persist after the fight with worms. Therefore, it is better to examine the child as much as possible with medical specialists.

The most frequent complication of helminth infection is acute appendicitis. If time does not take action, the parasites can cause intestinal obstruction, jaundice, liver abscess. The most dangerous consequence is pulmonary aspiration of parasites, such a condition can be fatal.

When folk methods can not do?

There are situations in which you should not engage in self-medication. Specialized treatment should be prescribed as soon as possible, in young children, it usually takes place in an infectious diseases hospital. To decide on the severity of the disease should be a pediatrician, infectious diseases specialist and parasitologist. So, when traditional medicine is required:

  • When in the fecal masses of the child very large individuals of parasites are found.
  • When in the fecal masses are visible blood impurities.
  • When helminthiasis is accompanied by severe pain in the liver, gallbladder, strong cough.

Folk remedies

Treat helminthiasis folk remedies are usually taken in the complex: decoctions, juices, infusions and drops combined with enemas, the task of which is to expel adult parasites from the lumen of the large intestine. But even intensive treatment with unconventional methods will not give the desired result if the child does not establish a special diet that will help to establish the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In the diet of the baby should prevail products that have a moderate laxative effect.

Therapy by non-traditional methods is usually carried out according to the 7/14 scheme. This means that treatment measures should be practiced for seven days, followed by a period of "rest" lasting 14 days, after which the treatment should be repeated to avoid relapse.

It is now medicine is striding by leaps and bounds, and the treatment of helminth infections does not pose any particular difficulties for it. And a couple of centuries ago, parasite worms were disposed of using proven tools that are not related to traditional healing. Many recipes and methods have survived to this day and are successfully practiced. Let's look at the most famous and effective ones.

Vegetable oil

Some types of worms, the most common, do not like vegetable oils. That is why it is possible to be treated with the help of small cotton swabs, which are moistened in warm oil and introduced into the anus to the child.

Such procedures can be done at night for a month. This method is good, as an auxiliary to medical treatment or treatment according to popular recipes. The most "unloved" worms oils - linseed, hemp, grape, sea buckthorn, apricot, cedar, oil obtained from the seeds of milk Thistle.

To tampons in the ass, you can add oil intake inside. A teaspoon before each meal. If the baby does not want to drink butter (which is quite disgusting, I don’t argue), dip a slice of bread in the butter and let him eat half an hour before eating.

Pumpkin seed

This is a known means to combat worms. An older child can be given whole seeds.

In the morning, offer the chad before breakfast to eat 300 gr. cleaned seeds, and after 30 minutes, give a dose of laxative. Dead parasites come out with feces. Young children peeled pumpkin seeds can be ground and mixed with a spoonful of honey. Children under 3 years old pumpkin seeds are contraindicated.

If the child flatly refuses to eat pumpkin seeds, you can make a milk drink based on them. To do this, 150-200 g. Seeds, cleaned and weighed after cleaning, you need to grind with a blender or coffee grinder to a powder. Boil half a liter of milk while stirring, put pumpkin powder in there, let it brew, strain through several layers of gauze and drink this drink to your baby several times a day, 40-45 minutes before a meal.

Beet Juice

Pressed beet juice - a time-tested method of treatment. You can drink it before each meal for an hour. In order for a child to take such juice more readily, you can mix a spoonful of honey into it, naturally, provided that the child is not allergic to bee products.

Carrot juice

For its extraction, take a large and juicy carrot, preferably of Russian origin. Juice give half a cup 6 times a day on an empty stomach.


This is another very famous and popular "fighter" with parasites of different origin. It is good for prevention - as a seasoning for food. There is garlic in its purest form, a child with helminthiasis is likely to refuse. And so you can make him a milk drink with garlic.

2-3 large cloves squeeze in half a liter of milk, pre-boiled and cooled to a warm state. Giving such a drink can be up to 4 times a day for 50 grams. before eating.

It is possible to make an enema on the basis of cloves, for which a head of garlic will need to be crushed to a pasty state and mixed with one and a half liters of water. Enema need to put once a day, before bedtime. Instead of water, you can use low-fat cow's milk.

Tea with pharmaceutical chamomile

Brew a dry mixture of herbs in a glass of boiling water, let it brew, strain and give the child 3 times a day. Chamomile itself can not cope with worms, but somewhat reduces the negative effects of parasites on the body, boosts immunity, and therefore can be used as an aid in the treatment.

Baking soda

It is in any kitchen, because of difficulties in the preparation of the drug will not arise. For 250 grams of water, take half a teaspoon of soda. With this solution for the week do enemas in the evenings. Parasites do not like the acidic and alkaline environment, and therefore in large quantities individuals will go out when they are emptying their intestines.


Grate a large onion on a fine grater, put the gruel in a glass of boiled, cooled water. Stir and let it brew. It is better if you prepare the medicine for the night. In the morning on an empty stomach, let your child drink a strained onion drink. The course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days.


This tasty and beautiful fruit is very effective in the treatment of parasitic diseases. Pomegranate seeds can be given to the child in its pure form, and from the pomegranate peel prepare an infusion. Fill it with boiling water (about 200 grams), let it brew properly, and give half a teaspoon three times a day. The dosage of pomegranate decoction can not be broken, substances that are abundantly contained in the peel of this fruit, with an overdose, can cause serious eye problems.

Birch leaves

Grind the leaves of birch and boil them in 250 g of water. Cooled drink give the child 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach 50 g. The course of treatment will be from 5 to 7 days.

Dill seeds

Make 50 gr. seeds of dill with boiling water, let it brew, then strain through cheesecloth or a special strainer. Let's take a decoction of a tablespoon 5-6 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is about 10 days.


Very useful plant for the treatment of worms, but use it for children should be with great caution. For the broth you need to take a certain amount of dried and finely chopped grass, depending on the age of the child. For children up to 3 years old - 1 gr., For children up to 5-6 years old - 1.5 gr., From 6 to 10 years old it is recommended not more than 2 gr., For teenagers not more than 3.5 gr.

The broth is prepared in a water bath. The amount of water for broth - no more than 300 grams. After half an hour of cooking, the resulting liquid should be cooled, filtered and given to the child in large portions instead of tea once a day. The course of treatment on average will be about five days. Before use, decoction of wormwood is desirable to make an enema, clean the intestines.

Parasites do not like bitter food and drink, but children also do not like it, and therefore you can add a spoonful of jam or honey to the decoction of wormwood.


  1. If one child has become infected with helminthiasis in the family, it is worthwhile for all members of the household to go through appropriate treatment. You should also seek the advice of a veterinarian to prescribe antiparasitic treatment for all pets that live in the same apartment as people.
  2. After the treatment, it is advisable to pass a stool and blood test several times once a month. This will help to ensure that the parasites have been managed completely, and to exclude the possibility of relapse.
  3. Before use folk remedies Be sure to consult a pediatrician to avoid negative consequences, because some herbs can cause severe allergies. In addition, as we have already found out, helminthiasis can be caused by various parasites, in order to more effectively fight them, it is desirable to know exactly what kind of worms have settled in the child’s body.
  4. So, from pinworms, garlic and wormwood help well, from tapeworms - the use of salted herring and pumpkin seed, from ascaris - a decoction of white mistletoe. Flax seeds and birch buds and leaves help almost all types of parasites.
  5. Teach your child to drink bottled or boiled water. Refuse from the use of spring water and water from the tap. Water transmission is one of the most common in cases of development of helminthiasis.

The best prevention of the disease - hygiene. From early childhood, children should be taught to wash their hands before eating, after returning from a walk, to change their underwear every day, to wash fruits before eating, to have less contact with pets, especially if they go for a walk outside. Teach your child not to swallow water when swimming in pools, and especially in natural waters.

And now the doctor Komarovsky will tell us how dangerous the shelmints are and how to get rid of them.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


