Fir oil for children


Pleasant and fragrant fir oil is widely used in alternative medicine. Adults treat them for colds, flu, runny nose, hold aromatherapy sessions, use as a cosmetic. And about whether you can use fir oil in the treatment of children, we will talk with you in this article.

Useful and healing properties

Fir - legible conifer. It does not grow anywhere, but chooses only an area with a good ecological situation for growth, and therefore oil, which, by the way, is extracted from young branches and cones, is distinguished by high quality and environmental friendliness.

The composition of the oil - a lot of phytoncides and vitamins. This is a real storehouse of vitamin C, carotene, tannins and essential substances, which will take a long time to list. Therefore, we proceed immediately to the properties.

The rich composition provides disinfectant and anti-inflammatory action, pronounced antimicrobial and analgesic effects.

Oil of fir constricts the lumen of blood vessels, which makes it an excellent remedy for rhinitis, coughing, problems with the heart and blood vessels. Phytoncides give the drug a wound-healing property, which has long been used in the treatment of thermal lesions of the skin.

The natural drug finds its use in chronic fatigue, fatigue, gently affects the nervous system, soothes and relieves stress, restores normal sleep and improves mood.

Application Methods

Fir oil for children can be used if the child is already 1 year old. This fragrant medicine is contraindicated for newborns and babies of the first year of life. Its composition is too rich and complex, and the infant is practically unable to adequately perceive it, without manifestations of allergy.

Oil is used externally - for skin diseases, is added to the bath when bathing - to enhance immunity. With a cold with this tool do rubbing. It is dropped in the nose with a cold and tonsils in sore throat and adenoids. With the essential oil of fir make solutions for inhalation when coughing. It is used as a massage oil for pain in the joints, muscle pain syndrome.

Fir oil disinfects the room where the baby lives. To do this, after airing and wet cleaning, some drug is dripped onto the toys or onto a piece of wood and left in the child’s room for the night.

Instructions for use

Runny nose

With a nasal congestion in a child, fir oil can be instilled into each nasal passage along 1-2 drops 3 times a day. If you take essential oil, be sure to dilute it with vegetable (or any base) oil.

It will have a vasoconstrictor effect and nasal breathing will recover by reducing swelling of the mucous. This natural remedy favorably differs from vasoconstrictor nasal drops (“Nazivin”, “Nazol”, etc.) in that it does not cause drug addiction, and it can be used not for 3-5 days as pharmaceutical medicines, but longer.

Young patients from 1 year old should better lubricate the nasal passages with fir oil. To do this, take a cotton swab or twist small turunds from cotton wool, moisten it in oil (or a mixture of fir and vegetable oils in a 1: 3 ratio) and gently process the nose from the inside.

Important: Before applying, the nose must be cleaned of dried mucus by rinsing it with saline solution (a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water), sea water or furatsilina. For purulent nasal discharge, instillation is not recommended.

Throat diseases, adenoids

To obtain the effect of fir oil instilled directly on the tonsils. Dosage - no more than 2 drops at a time. If you take essential oil, dilute it with vegetable in the ratio of 1: 3. The procedure can be done up to 4 times a day, depending on the severity of the inflammation.

Important: the product may cause allergies, so babies up to three years old are better off conducting a preliminary test for an inadequate reaction, putting a little oil on the earlobe and the back of the hand. If redness and itching do not appear, the drug can be used.


To cope with the cough will help inhalation with fir oil. To do this, in the solution on the basis of sage or coltsfoot add 2-3 drops of the drug. You can do dry inhalation, however, they are effective only with a slight cough. To do this, put a few drops on a piece of linen or cotton fabric and give it to the child. The baby must breathe with its mouth and spout alternately through this cloth rag.

With fir oil, you can make a healthy drink that has an expectorant effect. On a glass of your favorite baby juice (not citrus!), You need to take about 4-6 ml of the drug, mix and give the child to drink three times a day half an hour before meals.

Important: if the cough is accompanied by fever, hot inhalation can not be done.

Skin problems

Rash, diathesis, pimples can be easily defeated with this wonderful tool. To do this, use a cotton swab dipped in oil to gently lubricate the affected areas. You can make a special ointment - fir product in combination with baby cream gives an excellent effect for diaper rash and herpes. Also, a few drops, mixed with base oil (for example, sunflower, olive or even coconut) is added to the bath for bathing a child.

Important: If the rash is allergic in nature, you can not use fir oil, it will only increase the manifestations of allergies. If the herpes is extensive, you should not smear it with any oil, since this condition requires the earliest possible treatment with antiherpetic medications under the supervision of a doctor.

Nervous disorders

Restless babies, very mobile and easily excitable, you can put a few drops on bed linen. Inhalation of fir aroma will have a calming effect, sleep will return to normal in just a few applications.

In addition, these children can make therapeutic baths with fir, before going to bed to massage the heels with a couple drops of funds.


There are children who can not use fir oil. This category includes children with systematically recurring convulsions of various etiologies, babies with epilepsy, children with severe lesions of the central nervous system, and children with allergies.


Moms and dads speak positively about fir oil. This tool is inexpensive, but is a universal medicine for many occasions. Treatment with such a drug is considered by many as quite pleasant. Children like the smell, and therefore the procedures do not cause disgust, pain or discomfort.

Parents note that the product is available at any pharmacy, a prescription for it is not required.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate.At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


