November 20 - World Children's Day: How do adults violate children's rights?

A special holiday is celebrated on November 20 - Universal Children's Day (Universal Children's Day). Warm and spiritual day was established by the UN General Assembly in 1954. It was recommended to all states on the planet to take this day as a basis for holding their own thematic "children's days".

The holiday symbolizes the unification of all countries, peoples in the name of child welfare on the ground.

November 20 was not chosen by chance - on this day in 1959, the UN adopted the Declaration of Children's Rights, and thirty years later, in 1989, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted.

Children - the weakest and most vulnerable members of society in any state. Their interests and legal rights are often violated not only in poor countries, but also in developed ones.

The most frequent violation is unacceptable living conditions. Children do not always have decent and safe housing, the necessary level of sanitary conditions, some do not have shelter at all.

Have children the right to health and the right to play, but in practice, medical aid is not always provided to children in a timely and adequate manner, and sometimes there is no place to play - there is no space, no safe space, there is nothing to play. Also, children's rights to education are often violated.

On the Day of the Child, the UN traditionally presents a report on the state of affairs in the world of children. According to him 11 million babies on the planet die every year, never before reaching the age of five. Several tens of millions of babies get sick physically or mentally, unable to receive treatment or help.

Often, children die from the most simple and easy to cure diseases with which mankind has long learned to cope. Up to 40% of babies are dying from the effects of poverty, from the ignorance of adults, from violence and military action.

On World Children's Day, experts from the United Nations Children's Fund encouraged adults around the world to look around and lend a helping hand to little ones who need support. Such children in countries with any income there, just look closely.


