Children Eddie: 57-year-old Eddie Murphy will be the father for the tenth time

Famous Hollywood comedian Eddie Murphy, 57 years old gonna be dad for the tenth time.

His girlfriend and civil wife Paige Butcher stopped hiding and hiding her pretty rounded tummy under her clothes. Eddie and Paige are raising a two-year-old daughter, but for the actor the future child will be tenth successor.

In the films, Eddie plays funny and often absurd characters, but in the life of an artist, things are not so fun - lately he has often become the hero of scandals with numerous former passions and their children than the leading roles in new films.

Five handsome children Eddie gave birth to the legitimate spouse Nicole Murphy.

They have lived together for more than a decade. But during the happy family life, Eddie “on the side” had two more children born out of wedlock, so his wife’s decision to divorce was quite understandable.

After the official dissolution of the marriage, Murphy was not too selective in relations, often changing his girlfriends and did not want to take responsibility.

In 2006, he began dating Melanie Brown - lead singer of the Spice Girls. When she got pregnant too, Eddie refused to recognize himself as father. About six months, the lovers were judged, and in court it was established that Eddie is still a father. Now he pays 11-year-old daughter alimony, but does not communicate with her.

Eddie has been living with her current girlfriend, Paige Butcher, for six years. The tabloids claim that the actor most likely settled down, in any case, he was no longer seen with unfamiliar girls at parties, but they often see him with Paige and their two-year-old daughter during joint vacations and travels.


