Home: Alsou moved with children to Russia

American weekdays should remain in the past. So decided the singer Alsou and moved with children to their homeland, in Russia.

The artist left for the United States two years ago when her third child was born.

In the USA, the elder daughters Mikella and Safina attended school, it was this fact that did not allow Alsou and her family to move back home earlier.

The singer herself for two years refused to tour, fully devoting herself to raising a baby and two older daughters.

Now the whole family moved home with things and settled in a mansion in the suburbs.

The singer herself promised that in the fall back to work again, to creativity and delight their fans with new songs and videos.

However, the question of gastroyals is still open - the mother of a large family, according to producers, is not ready for a nomadic touring lifestyle. More important to her communicate with your children every day.


