In Australia, vegan parents are judged who brought the child to rickets

A husband and wife from Sydney are being tried these days for causing grievous harm to their child. Mother and father are staunch vegans, in the same tradition they raised their newborn daughter. Food deprived of animal protein brought the crumb to severe rickets. The sentence to parents should be announced within two weeks.

The couple pleaded guilty with great reluctance.

The baby came to the clinic in the spring, at that time she was just over a year old. The child was hospitalized with a convulsive fit.

In your year the girl weighed just over 4 kilograms, she was far behind in her development from her peers, did not crawl, did not try to sit down, did not get up on her feet, and didn’t even try to boom and talk. The doctors requested the baby's medical card to understand what happened to her, but it turned out that the card does not exist - the girl was never taken to the doctor, did not do vaccinations, did not draw up her medical insurance.

Doctors called the police. To the guardians of the order, the mother of the baby explained that the whole family adheres to a vegan diet. The girl was fed oatmeal and rice milk, was given bananas, rice and potatoes, but in small portions. If the baby refused to offer the food, they did not force her to eat, just skipped the meal.

Analyzes showed that the child has a severe form of vitamin deficiency, a lack of calcium, phosphorus, and almost the entire list of substances necessary for human life. There was so little vitamin D in the blood that the doctors could not determine the laboratory content at all.

The bones of the child are very fragile, they break at the very least, minimal impact. Radiography revealed multiple fractures in the crumbs, which the parents did not even guess.

The doctors had to convince their parents for quite some time that the vegan diet brought their child to this state. Mom and Dad refused to believe it and continued to demand that the hospital continue to feed the baby in vegan style.

The patience of the doctors burst, and they turned to the authorities. It was decided to take the child out of the family. Together with the exhausted and broken babe, her older brothers were also taken away (boys 4 and 6 years old). All issued in a foster family.

In the six months spent in the foster family, the child gained six kilograms. Baby is actively treated, she learned to crawl and get up. The doctor visits the child every week.

According to Australian law, vegan parents now face a prison term - they can be sent to jail for 4-10 years at the discretion of the judge.

Veganism is a strict form of vegetarianism, excluding any animal products. In addition to the fact that vegans do not eat meat, milk, eggs, fish, they still refuse to use fur, animal fur and everything that is made from them. About 1% of the world's population position themselves as vegans. Most of them in Western countries. In Russia and China, vegans live the least.


