Pregnant wives of recruits will pay 26 thousand rubles

Autumn call in Russia is gaining momentum. The military commissioners warned that from this year, social guarantees and payments are provided for close relatives of conscripts. In particular, it is about the wives of young people to be called.

If a girl is pregnant, and provides to the military registration and enlistment office the corresponding certificate from the antenatal clinic, she is entitled to a lump sum.

An important condition is that the pregnancy at the time of issuance of the certificate should last from 180 days, that is, those who have the gestational age will receive benefits. 6 and more months.

The lump sum amount is 26 700 rubles.

Cash payments will be received by those who have children under the age of 3 years. As long as dad serves in the army, his baby will receive 11 thousand rubles a month.

Special conditions will be for those whose gestational age exceeds 180 days. Such spouses of conscripts will be paid two allowances - one-time and monthly after the child is born.

According to statistics, the number of conscripts who have pregnant wives and young children is small today, but they exist, and their families need social assistance for the period of service of the breadwinner. Its scope and accrual rules were developed by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu.

The payment of benefits is handled by the territorial social administrations, the full package of documents is provided there by the applicant.


