It's time to stop: the British decided that she no longer wants to give birth, after the birth of 21 babies

A resident of the UK, 43-year-old Sue Redford told reporters that she no longer wants to have children, because her family is "fully staffed." The other day the woman 21 children were born - a girl who was named Bonnie.

The largest family in the United Kingdom lives in the county of Lancashire in the town of Morecambe.

After the appearance of 21 children, the journalists from The Sun came to visit Sue and her husband Noel. It was they who were the first to find out that the British family, a record for the number of children, is no longer going to acquire sons and daughters.

All children in the family were born from the same father, and he and his wife assure that they had never planned to be so large, initially only three children were included in the plans.

Firstborn Sue gave birth early - at age 14, and then she gave birth every year for the baby. Today, seniors live separately, but most offspring live with their parents in the same house. In order for everyone to have enough space, Noel had to make an extension to the house and organize two dining rooms and ten bedrooms.

Despite the fact that 21 children are a lot of worries, troubles and anxieties, Sue and Noel are sure that they happy and successful parentswhich can easily beat all world records in the number of grandchildren, because their own children will soon soon be born to their older children, and the rest will grow up behind them. Sue and Noel expect at least for 60 grandchildren.


