British parents built a special home for their allergic children for 42 million

British parents decide to create for their children with allergies special living spacein which their children will be well and comfortable. The construction of a safe and fully hypoallergenic house cost them in half a million poundsthat in translation into the Russian currency is about 42 million rubles.

Born and Elinor Barikor are tired of constant visits to the doctors and allergy attacks in their three children. All three suffer from birth allergic reactions to a variety of substances and components - plants, animal hair, food, building materials.

The decision came after mom and dad calculated how much they spend annually on drugs and doctors.

They made a detailed list of allergens dangerous for children and set about creating a special space in which their children would not suffer from the effects of negative factors.

To begin with, they built a house, the construction of which did not use materials and consumables containing benzene, ethanol formaldehyde and acetone. It is these substances that most often caused asthma attacks in three sons Barikor.

Finding building materials without these aggressive substances in the composition turned out to be very difficult. As a result, the basis of the hypoallergenic house was made of wood and natural concrete.

The parents completed the interior decoration of the house with the help of natural bamboo. To clean the air in the house, special filters were installed, which are usually used in clinics and operating rooms.

For children who had been asking for a pet a long time ago, a Canadian sphinx was brought in - a cat that belongs to the felinological group of hairless.

The flowering plants on the window sills were replaced with beautiful and unusual cacti, which the couple ordered via the Internet from different parts of the world. The father made a sand filtration system for tap water with his own hands.

After moving to a new home, the children began to get sick less often.

It is noteworthy that parents are not going to limit their sons to communicate with the world. The boys attend regular school, walk with friends, play sports. But the change of residence significantly reduced the time that the children spent in the aggressive allergenic environment of an ordinary apartment. Therefore, the attacks became less.

Parents do not regret the high costs of building a hypoallergenic home. Now they are going to create their own channel on the Internet, on which they will give advice to other moms and dads raising children with different types of allergies. They are ready to share not only the experience of choosing clean building materials, but also the experience of choosing hypoallergenic food (which is very difficult nowadays!), As well as hypoallergenic clothing, shoes and toys.

According to the WHO, up to 75% of children and up to 25% of adults suffer from this or that type of allergy. The largest number of children with allergies is in large cities, with a large number and population density, with developed industry and heavy traffic.


