It is bad for children to get up early: British scientists have proven the harm of early rising to school

The problem of early childhood recovery puzzled British scientists.

They decided to conduct an experiment that did not require any serious financial investments. Seniors just allowed to come to school two hours later ordinary. Teachers in 100% of cases noted an improvement in academic performance and discipline in children who began to get better sleep.

The experiment was conducted on the basis of Berkshire schools. Instead of 8 am, classes were moved to 10 am.

Impressed by the results of the experience, teachers in Surrey County decided to go even further - they started to conduct the first lesson at 13 o'clock. The results on the basis of these schools were even more positive - the guys did not just become more attentive and focused on the lessons, they became more willing to attend the classes, and even those who were considered chronic truants, began to regularly attend the lessons.

Scientists explained that sleepy child can not reveal all their creative potential.

And if lack of sleep becomes daily, familiar and permanent, then mental abilities decrease, the level of aggression increases, the risk of teenage conflicts increases.


