What causes chewing hair: in Moscow, had to operate an 8-year-old girl

Moscow children's surgeons ask parents pay attention to the oddities of their children, which can lead to serious consequences. In particular, nail biting and chewing your own hair can be very dangerous. And it's not just the lack of aesthetics in such behavior.

The habit of chewing the ends of your hair almost became fatal for an eight-year-old Muscovite.

The girl was taken to the ambulance in the hospital named after G. Speransky with severe abdominal pain, vomiting. Appendicitis was suspected, but the examination showed that the matter was different - a schoolgirl a couple of years ago acquired a strange habit of chewing on your own hair. The parents did not sound the alarm, because this habit did not affect the child’s well-being, besides, the girl chewed the tips of the braids only when she was worried or thoughtful.

Gradually, the hair, which she accidentally swallowed, accumulated and formed a huge lump - Trichobezoar. He occupied almost the entire cavity of the stomach and half the space of the duodenum. A lump of hair was easily felt by the doctor through the anterior abdominal wall.

Doctors had to undergo surgery to remove a lump of hair from the child’s body. He weighed almost half a kilo.

Now the child feels good. Soon the girl will be discharged home. From the habit of chewing pigtails she now just have to give up. This was promised to help the child psychologists of the Speransky hospital.


