What to teach a child to be successful in the future?

At the Institute of Education, HSE conducted a serious study, which is aimed at identifying aspects that you need to teach children today so that they can be successful tomorrow. The results of the study have already interested the world community and have become the basis for an international report.

Modern school education, according to the authors of the study, needs major changes. The fact that children are taught in school today, little corresponds to the requirements of reality. We need not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills that will help the child build his own adult life in the future.

The basis of the proposed scheme of education was better developed by the departments of education at research universities in Russia, Great Britain, China, Canada, Korea, USA and Poland.

Recommendations to teachers will soon be issued in teaching aids and sent to all schools in the country.

So far, the situation in the education of children does not look the best: enrollment in higher education in Russia is high, the country is in the top ten on this indicator, but this is not reflected in the country's economic growth.

That is, the country prepares specialists with higher education, but many in the profession do not achieve significant success.

According to experts, from school, literally from the first class, now children need to educate not obedience and diligence, as before, but self-control, willingness to adopt a new experience, ability to plan and follow your own plan.

Also, modern children do not achieve success due to lack of communication skills and interaction. This, too, will take up teachers and parents.

In Finland, teachers believe that in order for a child to succeed, it is imperative that the child be competent in cultural matters. In China, experts orient education towards innovation and practicality. Poles advocate the development of thinking and logic. In Britain, focusing on a healthy lifestyle.

In Russia, teachers for the most part do not set any additional goals, except for giving the child the basics of the subject they teach. Personal development, they consider the task of the family. That is what is to be changed.


