Child psychologists told why children run away from home

Samara psychologists told parents all over the country why children run away from home and how to prevent it. They published their recommendations on the Internet. Later it is planned to publish reminders and distribute them to adults in shopping centers, schools, kindergartens and on the street.

Experts believe that children more than adults have reasons to leave home. Most often, such an act pushes them protracted home conflictin which the teenager or the child can no longer remain. In second place - a feeling universal injustice.

Sometimes children are pushed onto the street by the desire to get what their parents have refused, and then the escape turns into blackmail. Children thus try to influence their parents, forcing them to do something, for example, to buy a phone or tablet.

Less often, according to specialists, children leave because of shame for their parents, because of fears or cruel treatment. In fourth place - the influence of the street and peers. If in the courtyard comrades say that leaving the house is “this is cool,” then the child can try to take such a measure to become “cool.”

It is a mistake to think that children from poor and dysfunctional families often run away. Among the fugitives wanted by the police are A lot of guys from quite prosperous and wealthy families.

Neither money nor expensive gadgets are able to replace parental love, and there is little or no at all; the child will sooner or later decide to escape.

Children are at risk after 7 years of age. From this point onward, they are no longer closely monitored, guided and met, and there are more opportunities for independent movement.

Sometimes parents are afraid to announce the sale of the child, hoping that he will return, fearing that the child’s friends and classmates will find out about it. Psychologists consider this behavior wrong.

Immediately, as soon as the disappearance of the child is discovered, it is necessary to contact the police. A photo for orientation is better to choose not strict (“as on documents”), but from some good and positive event. Passersby and casual viewers on the Internet who see the announcement of the loss will quickly remember this.mental face. And if the child sees the photo, there will be more chances that the memories of the positive past make him come back on his own.

After the child returns home, psychologists do not recommend starting a conversation with the charges, but to pretend that nothing happened is also not entirely true.

With baby need talk, find out what problem he “signaled” with his departure and try to eliminate it.


