Egyptian power: Egyptians restricted in childbirth

In Egypt, launched a new program for birth control. Its whole essence is reflected in the title - "Two is enough".

This is a new family planning strategy that will be limited to having only two children.

On the scale of individual states, a demographic "pit" can be observed, but on the whole the planet is still threatened overpopulation and depletion of resources.

About this for a long time say authoritative scientists.

So far, the Egyptians have adopted a new fertility program for two years. If she gives positive results, it will be extended.

Egypt economy not keeping pace with birth rates. That is why the level of life of the Egyptians began to plummet. The main goal of the program is to curb population growth.

Today’s population exceeded 95 million peopleevery year in Egypt is born up to 2 million children.

Over the past three decades, the country's population has grown by 96%. This is an amazing pace thanks to which little Egypt came out 13th in the world by population.

There are other statistics - more than 18 million adult Egyptians are not literate, cannot read and write, the unemployment rate today has reached 37% of the total working population.

They decided to start with propaganda. On television and radio, they will begin to openly talk about the need to plan children, to protect themselves, to count their strength.

The geographical location of the country does not allow it to “swing itself” strongly with children, because the territories suitable for living are getting smaller. 96% of the area is desertthat are not suitable for agriculture or industry. Everybody lives 95 million people for the remaining 4% of the area oases, in cramped and sometimes offended.

Today, in an average Egyptian family there are 4 to 5 children, and in families of poorly educated and low-income families, even more.


